
Long Time Lover


Doojoon POV

“Junhyung-ah, let’s play soccer? I mean, play station’s soccer,” I asked Junhyung.

“What will you do if I say I don’t want? It’s already late, I want to sleep,” Junhyung whine.

“Please, just one game. We’ll not be schooling tomorrow, why do you bother to sleep early?” I said.

“Hmm… okay. Just one game. Gikwang-ah, can you please give a can of coke,” Junhyung said.

“Aish. Why don’t you get your up and take it on your own? Hey, did you guys notice that our neighbor seems to have some kind of popularity in both boys’ and girls’ school?” Gikwang asked while giving Junhyung a coke.

“I did notice that. I’ve heard that one of them had done something to one of the student in our school last month. He was a new student at that time,” I said.

We enjoy playing it until we realize that it’s already 2 o’clock in the morning. We agreed that we are a bit noisy. We didn’t expect that our neighbor will come and sound us.

Junhyung open the door when we hear someone knocks on it.

“Yes?” Junhyung said.

“Ya! Can’t you guys slow down your voice? It’s already 2 o’clock in the morning. If you don’t know how to live in an apartment, don’t live here! Remember that you have neighbor that are really close. Don’t you know how to respect people?” The girl from next door scolds Junhyung. It’s the girl that almost swears last few mornings.

“I think you should learn how to respect people too. Come to our apartment and shouting. We know that we are a bit noisy, but you don’t have to come here and shouting at me like this. Don’t you know your ethics with people?” Junhyung said.

“What?! A BIT you said? I think you choose a wrong word for that. It’s SO NOISY!” she said while emphasizing some of those words.

I thought Junhyung will just close the door and walk away. But he keeps on arguing with that girl.

“If you think we are SO NOISY, just pluck you ear with cotton wool and go to sleep. Other neighbor doesn’t say a word so why do you bother so much?!” Junhyung said to her.

“Junhyung, stop it. I’m sorry that we’ve make such noises until it disturb you. Hope you’ll forgive us. And, I want to apologize on behalf of my friend, because of his rude attitude,” I said to her. At last, they stop arguing and the girl when back home after she accepted my apologies.

“The way Junhyung and that girl argue reminds me how Junhyung will fight with Chaeril over a small and nonsense thing when we are kids,” Gikwang said.

“Yes, you’re right Gikwang. Haven’t seen Junhyung have a fight like that for a long time,” I said.

“It’s not the same. I fight with Chaeril because I love fight with her. Not like this girl, I fight with her because I just don’t like her,” Junhyung said.

The next morning

Yoorim POV

“Girls, let’s go out? I heard that there’s a new shop open in the mall. It sells so many accessories and clothes,” I asked them.

“Really? Let’s go! But, I don’t have money…” Chaeril said.

“You don’t have money? Are you trying to kidding us? You told me last week that your dad had bank-in about 4000000 won for this month,” Haeyo said.

“Aish, I wish I didn’t tell you that. I have to save some of the money,” Chaeril said.

“Since when do you know how to save money? No excuse! We’ll go there today! But, why does my dad only give me 3000000 won?” I said.

“Don’t you remember what your dad said? Since you’ve spent your money for unnecessary thing last month, he’ll reduce your pocket money from this month onwards,” Chaeril and Haeyo chuckled.

“Don’t worry Yoorim, we’ll have the same amount of pocket money starting from this month,” Haeyo chuckle while patting my shoulder.

“Since Chaeril is the rich girl here, how about you treat us lunch for today?” I said while smiling wickedly at Chaeril.

At the mall

Haeyo POV

“Haeyo, Chaeril, Yoorim! Hi there!! Didn’t expect that we’ll meet here,” Jihyun said.

Jihyun is our classmate. She’s like the princess in our class because she’s the most beautiful and rich girl. For us, she’s only the spoiled brat. She loves ordering people to do everything. The weird thing is, she still gain every single attention from our class mates; maybe because she’s a rich girl. Jihyun has a best friend named Hyemin which is our class mates too. The truth is, we don’t get along with each other.

“Oh, hi!” we all said.

Then, suddenly our neighbors are there too.

“Aww! Hyemin-ah, look at them! Aren’t they so good looking?” Jihyun said.

“So, both of you like them too?” I asked.

“Yes! That’s right! Hmm… they are your neighbors right? So, how about we go to your house to stalk them over?” Jihyun asked.

“If you want to stalk them, just go to their house and peek from the door. Our house wasn’t the place for you to make love,” I said arrogantly.

“By the way, I want to warn you especially Chaeril, don’t you ever dare to hurt any of the three of them,” Jihyun said.

“I’ll reconsider that. It depends on their attitude,” Chaeril smirked.

“How about we go to another store?” Yoorim asked. Then we walk to the other store which sells shoes. Unfortunately, those three boys were there too.

Chaeril POV

“Wah, Gikwang must be very cool if he wears this. Aish. How should I know, it’s been 9 years I didn’t meet him,” I whisper to myself while looking at the shoes. When I’m about to take it, someone grab it quickly.

“What a nice shoes! Ya! Yoondoo! I’ll buy this, then you can take the shoes that I’ve bought yesterday,” he shouted enough to be heard for the entire customer inside that store.

 “Oh! Hi! You’re the girl who lived next door, right?” he suddenly asked.

“Huh?! Did you talk to me?” I was shocked. “Yes, I’m talking to you. By the way, I think you were in the wrong place. Woman’s shoes are over there,” he chuckles while pointing at the woman’s part.

“Whatever!” I walk towards my friends.

“Huh! I’m not that stupid until I don’t know where I should go!” I whinned.

“Why? You seem angry,” Yoorim asked.

“Look there, you know who he is right? I was looking at the shoes that he’s holding to, when I was about to take it, he grab it first. Then he said to me that I’m in the wrong place and bla bla bla…” I said to Yoorim.

“Never mind, they’ll know who they are dealing with later,” Haeyo said.

“Yeah, you’re right. Just let them enjoy their life while they can,” I said.

We end up buying nothing because bought everything that we want to buy. At last, we decided to buy food instead of clothes.

Few weeks later

Haeyo POV

“Yoorim-ah, can you asked your uncle about all the boys’ activity for this week? I want to check which day is the best for us to attack them with our perfect plan,” I asked Yoorim.

“Okay, I’ll get it by tonight. Where’s Chaeril?” Yoorim asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe she with her ‘little brother’ having their recess at the boys’ canteen,” I said while eating my food.

“You mean Dongho?” Yoorim asked then I nodded. “Oh. That’s the reason why she wake up early and made two bento this morning,” Yoorim said.

When the bells ring, Chaeril comes to us.

“Hey, guess what?” she said.

“What? Dongho confess his love to you?” Yoorim asked.

“Aish. That’s not it. I’ve found few peoples to help us giving the pamphlet,” Chaeril said.

“Oh. I thought you were with Dongho?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m with him but that doesn’t mean that I can’t find people to help us,” she smiled.

“Daebak! You’re good if it comes to bad thing!” I patted Chaeril’s shoulder. Then Chaeril smirked and push my hand away.

The same day – night

“Here! My uncle e-mailed it just now. So, let’s see when is the right time to distributes the pamphlet,” Yoorim hand over the printed schedules of the boys’ school.

“Okay! We’ll be distributing the pamphlet of our DEAREST neighbor this Thursday at 2 o’clock!” I said to them.

“Okay, I’ll text our helpers. Everything will be really fun this Thursday!” Chaeril said happily.

Thursday morning

Doojoon POV

At last, we can have a talk with Hyunseung. We really want to know what the girls have done to him. It’s good that he’s willing to tell us everything.

“So, you’re the new students here?” Hyunseung asked. The three of us nodded.

“So, you want to hear about what had happened to me right? I’ll tell you. At first, every girls from the girls’ school were talking about me and I’ve even receive a lot of love letter. I was a great player at that time, so I accept all of them and I’ve started to date my entire admirer. Then, one day while we’re all having recess, the television in our canteen stops awhile. Few seconds later, it started to airs all my photo with every single person that I’m dating with. Not enough with photos, there’s also videos of it. I thought that it was only aired in our school but immediately when our school ended, all the girls come and attacked me. It was aired in both of the school. Then, the three girls come to me and laugh loudly at my face,” Hyunseung tells us the story.

“They did all that? How did they have the permit to change programs for the television? Didn’t they get scolded for what they’ve done?” Junhyung asked.

“You guys still don’t know who they really are right? Let me tell you about them. As you all know that both girls’ and boys’ school is under the same principal and have the same organization. Our vice principal is Yoo’s uncle. Almost all of our schools’ financial are support by Chae’s aunty. Hae had a brother who is the former student president and her father was the second biggest share holder in this school. So, no one can say anything or even scold them because almost all the thing in our school are from their family,” Hyunseung said.

“We didn’t expect that they are so big in this school,” Gikwang said.

“So, you guys need to be careful. Never go over them and never make them angry. One more thing, Chae has a spy in this school,” Hyunseung added. “I need to go now,” Hyunseung leave us.

2 o’clock

“Guys, look there! What pamphlet are they distributing? Hey, I can see that three girls over there,” Gikwang pointed at them.

We walk towards them. The weird thing is, people are looking at us with a weird expression and laughing at us.

“Guys! Here, have a look on this pamphlet!” one of the girls shouted at us. We don’t really know which one is Hae,Yoo and Chae. Junhyung take the pamphlet and opens it. We can our pictures inside with our home clothes.

“Ya! What are trying to do?” I shouted. “We are trying to distribute pamphlets, can’t you actually see?” one of them said.  Junhyung was so angry and starts a fight with her.

“Girls! We’ve distribute all the pamphlet! Let’s go home,” one of them said and they start to walk leaving us behind.

We can’t do anything but looking at them as they walk away from us.


it's a long chapter..sorry if it's too boring.. :/

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hehe..i'm trying..sorry for being hiatus for so loooonnnggg. :/
i'll try my best to update it asap.. ^_^
can u update asap??this story making me want to read it again and again
sorry for a late update..i'm very busy these days.. :/<br />'s a bit odd..but, that's what my friend asked me to write..<br />
since i don't have any idea at that time.. :)<br />
jihyun is one of the richest.. :P<br />
<br />
-sometimes it's a bit hard to make some sentences because my vocab can easily vanish from my brain..kekeke..:P
#4 girls took photos of the guys in pj's and showed the whole school(s)??? <br />
thts....odd ><<br />
<br />
and i thought jihyun was the richest girl in the whole school....><<br />
<br />
nice update tho and it wasn't a bit boring~~~<br />
<br />
@previous reply: hahaha i was just wondering ^^ it seemed like some of ur sentences weren't tht fluent but comparing u to other non-english speakers, ur MUCH betterr ^^ xx
Yup, english is not my first language..:)<br />
sorry if my english is bad..keke.. ^^
thts so cuteeee~~~~<br />
<br />
and i dont think english is ur first language yes??? ^^
update..kekeke.. ;))<br />
thanks for reading and comment.. ^^<br />
lovelyjho #8
thts hella cuteee~~~<br />
and both parties sure are bold ^^