My Sunshine

Ttalgiya's Meme One Shot Collection

Prepix - Another Day (feat. G.NA & DOK2)

**Minor swearing in here**

Waking up in the morning, I already knew today was going to be a long, hard day.  I accidently set the wrong alarm so I woke up late for my first class of the day that I was almost locked out of class, looking like a mess.  When my second and last class of the day came, I made it to class on time but then I didn’t really pay attention because my stomach was grumbling since I didn’t eat any breakfast; which was pretty stupid of me since my professor was talking about finals just like my first teacher. 

As my classes ended and when lunch came around, I quickly filled myself with food at a fast food restaurant near my apartment.  So after I ate, I quickly went home to make myself presentable for work. 

After a tiring afternoon of work with annoying male co-workers, I entered my empty apartment and headed straight to the bathroom to take a nice relaxing shower before I hit the hay and get a well-deserved rest. 

After my shower, I quickly dried off and dressed in my night clothes, which consisted of an oversized shirt and pajama pants.  I buried myself deep into my blankets, ready to sleep when I heard someone ring my door bell. I made a slight face before I left my cozy bed to answer the door. 

I put my hand on the knob when I decided to check who it was before I opened the door.  I went on my tip toes and peeked through the eye hole, through the small eye hole I saw my boyfriend waiting patiently outside. A small smile stretched across my face and I opened the door, “Jaehyo oppa~”  I poked my head out and looked up at him.

“Hi Eunji,” He waved, “Sorry, to show up all of a sudden, but can I come in?”

I nodded and gladly opened the door wider for him to come in, “Always oppa.” 

Jaehyo came in and I closed the door behind him.  Before continuing into my home, he turned to me and lightly kissed me on my nose.   “How was your day?” He sent me a glowing smile.

“Exhausting…”  I mumbled as he led me to the couch. 

He sat down on the couch before I did, so that I could sit on his lap. When I gently sat on his lap, he then enveloped me in his arms.  “Vent to me,” He offered and I did.  After I told him the story of my day, he smiled again and ruffled my hair.  “Don’t worry everything will pass and you’ll do fine on your finals, I know it,” He assured, “But for your co-workers, I want to beat their asses.”

I giggled, “You should, let them know what happens when they mess with ‘Ahn Jaehyo’s Girl’~” He chuckled and our conversation died before I began to wonder why he stopped by.  “Oppa, why did you stop by?”

One of his eyebrows rose and he cocked his head to the side, “I can’t visit my girlfriend?”

My face reddened and I shook my head, “Not like that, I was just curi―”

He interrupted me with his laughter, “I know I am just joking.  But, really I just wanted to say ‘hi’ because I was around when I was heading back home from hanging out with the guys.”

“Aw, thank you oppa for dropping by,” I brought my nose to his and gave him an Eskimo kiss.

“But…”  He stood up which made me stood up too, and twirled me around like a ballerina.  “I think I should take you out for the night.”

“Hm?  Why?”

“To make your day better,” He explained before gently pushing me into the direction of my room, “Now get ready for a night on the town.”

After heading into my room and dressing myself in a casual grey and white outfit, Jaehyo drove me out to a very alive part of Seoul.  He took me out to dinner before walking down the busy city walks, hand in hand. 

When the night was young, Jaehyo spotted a claw game against one of the buildings.  He brought me over to the machine and placed money into it.  He let me go first but I failed at getting the plushie that I was eyeing. 

I felt his body slightly against mine and his hands on top of mine, which were on the controls.  “Here let me help,” He said before putting a little bit more money in.  When the timer started he quickly moved the claw so that it was aligned with the prize I wanted.  He hit the button and the claw slowly went down before it clamped down on the doll.

My heart stopped as I felt as if the claw was going to drop the plushie on its way to the prize shoot.  I closed my eyes until I heard the plushie fall into the shoot and Jaehyo successfully retrieving it for me. 

“Here you go, Eunji,” He held the plushie up to me up to me. 

A smile quickly stretched across my face as I held the plushie in my arms, “Thank you~”  I then wrapped my arms around him, “You are the best.”

“No problem Eunji, anything for you,” His fingers that were on the controllers crept up my waist as he looked deeply into my eyes.  “Forget everything else.  It’s just me and you tonight.”

I could feel my face turn as red as a tomato as my heart began to beat faster in my chest.  One of the many things I loved about Jaehyo, was the fact that he could brighten my day no matter what.  If I was really worn out, raging mad, or even very depressed; he would be the one to always make me smile and forget about everything. 

I rested my head against his chest, “Thank you Jaehyo, thank you so much.”

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, “For what?”

“For choosing me to be your girlfriend, out of every other girl you could’ve chosen,” I linked my hands behind his neck and smiled while looking him in the eyes.  “I love you, Ahn Jaehyo.” 

His gaze softened from my words before his eyes closed, to press his lips softly against mine; giving me a sweet kiss.  “I love you too, Park Eunji…  Now and forever…” He said against my lips.

I opened my mouth to say something to him but then I noticed people were giving us weird looked from our public display of affection. 

“Mommy, what are they doing?” I heard a toddler who was passing by with their mother, ask.

“Don’t look at them,” The mother warned and kept walking.

I felt my face heat up, not knowing what to do next.  But, Jaehyo knew what to do.  He backed away and held my hand, “Let’s look around some more.”  And with that the night went on as we looked at shops and played other street games that came along the way.

As the night came to an end, Jaehyo wanted to eat something sweet; so we stopped in front of a crepe shop.

“Wow, it looks busy in there,” He said while looking at all the people through the glass windows.  He bit his lip and looked down at me, “Is that okay if you wait out here?  I’ll be right back.”

I nodded my head in approval, “It’s no problem; I’ll wait here in this exact spot.”

“Thank you,” He kissed my cheek before running into the shop. 

I waited and waited until I felt someone tap my shoulder.  “Jaehyo?” I turned around only to see three of my co-workers from earlier.  My face turned sour and I glared them down.

“Eunji, you’re all alone,” One of them said in a very fake voice.

Another one cupped his hands over his eyes, “Are you here with your ‘boyfriend’?”

I turned away from them, “It’s none of your business.”

I felt one of their arms wrap around my shoulders. “Aww, did he ditch you for another girl in the crowd?” Another one of the three taunted.  “Poor, Eunji.  But, now you’ve got you’re other oppas with you now.”  His face came close to mine, so close that I could feel his breath on my skin.

“Back off creep,” I put my hand on his face and pushed him away, “And, Jaehyo oppa would never leave me.”

In the corner of my eye I saw one of my co-workers get their lights knocked out.  I turned around and saw Jaehyo with two crepes in one hand while his other hand was balled into a fist, “Yeah that would be a decision if I did that.”  He handed me the warm crepes before walking over to the other two who were now shaking in fear.  When he was only a couple steps away from them they began to run for it, but then Jaehyo lunged out to them right before they got away and dragged then into an alley way nearby to teach them a lesson. 

A little while later he came back and I gave him his crepe.  “Sorry I left you alone,” He wrapped an arm around me as he took a big bite out of his crepe.

“It’s fine, who would’ve known they were going to show up out of nowhere?”  I took a small bite from mine.

“Haha, true…” He trailed off as he looked at his wrist watch.  “We should start head home now, I don’t want to be the one to blame if you have another bad day tomorrow.”  He sheepishly smiled before taking my hand and turned around so we could head back to the car.

Jaehyo and I walked down the crowded ctiy walk together then afterwards, he crept his fingers up my waist and said, "Forget everything else.  It's just me and you tonight."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Written by: 808_Appler  

Hi everyone, I am 808_Appler, I hope you liked this chapter.  Sorry if the endings a little bland, I am not used to writting one shots that much, but I will improve!  Thank you for reading, more one shots are on their way!  I also hope that you like both Kiwi923's style of writing and mines~

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Chapter 4: Awww the oneshots are adorable <3 and your gif at the bottom <3