Chapter 32

A Life Never to Imagine


"Do you have anything you want to do in particular?", asked Himchan as he held Bom's hand, walking towards the Han River. Bom smiled and shook her head. Bom wanted to go out on a date with Himchan today, seeing as they were together, but haven't had a date yet. Bom's eyes sparkled as she saw the Han River. She released her grip on Himchan's hand and ran up to the banister and spread her arms widely, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, and let the wind blow past her face. 


Himchan smiled as he came behind her, rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist. Bom grinned and placed her hand on his arm. "Baby, can you pass me your phone?", asked Himchan as Bom looked at him weirdly, but passed him her phone. He took her phone and stretched his arm in front of both of them. "Smile baby. This is a photo of our first date," Bom laughed as she turned her head to face the camera and smiled brightly. Himchan pressed the button and the camera flashed. 


He brought the phone back towards him and started pressing different buttons before passing the phone back to Bom. Bom checked her phone and realised that he had set the photo as her wallpaper and lock screen. Himchan took out his phone from his pocket. "I want one for my phone," he told her and she nodded. He raised his arm in front of them again. "Bom," he said and Bom turned to be captured by his lips. She forgot about the camera in front of them and she closed her eyes, kissing him back with her hands on his neck. At the same time, the flash went again which stunned Bom. 


Himchan grinned as he looked at the photo and set it as his wallpaper and lock screen. "You look beautiful," he said as he nibbled on her ear. Bom blushed and pushed him away. "I forgot that we were taking a picture," she scowled as Himchan laughed and slipped his hands in hers and walked down the Han River with her. 


"You hungry?", Himchan asked as he saw a small restaurant across the street. Bom smiled and nodded. Even though she might not be hungry, she always loved eating. They both walked across the street and went inside the shop and found a table at the corner. They both sat down and looked at the menu. "What do you want?", asked Himchan as he looked up from his menu. Bom shrugged, "Uh… dubbokki?", she asked as she remembered her first time she had dubbokki with Zelo. She wanted to eat it again. 


Himchan nodded and called the waitress over. The waitress happily came over and her eyes widen looking at Himchan, and it never left his face when she asked Bom what she wanted. Bom frowned at the waitress as Himchan ordered. "Anything else sir?", asked the waitress as she seductively winked at him, but Himchan didn't seemed to notice. Instead Bom answered for him. "No, so you can go now," Bom bluntly answered as the waitress scowled at her and walked away. 


Himchan was taken aback by her straightforwardness and realised what was going on. He smirked, "Are you jealous?", he asked. Bom scowled, "No. It was just the way she was looking at you," denied Bom as she looked around, avoiding Himchan's eyes. Himchan grinned as he glided his hand under the table and placed them on Bom's knee and started tickling her. "Your jealous," he said as he continued to tickled her. Bom laughed as she kept moving her legs left to right trying to avoid him. 


"Stop," she pleaded and Himchan nodded as he retreated. Bom placed her elbows on the table and let her chin rest on her palm as she cocked her head to the side. Himchan followed her and smiled. "You know," spoke Bom, "I'm wondering. Why did all six of you dyed your hair blonde?" Himchan shrugged, "I don't know. It was just a spur of a moment thing. Why don't you like it?", he asked. 


Bom shook her head, "No. It just feels like I'm living with six aliens," she answer. Himchan pouted, "Meaning your boyfriend is an alien," Bom nodded and grinned. "AISH! Silly girl," laughed Himchan as Bom poked her tongue out at him. 


At the same time, their food arrived and they started eating. Bom stopped talking and started eating as much as she could. Himchan looked at her in shocked as she kept on eating. Bom looked up and noticed Himchan wasn't eating. "What?", she asked. 


"I don't know how you stay skinny, but you eat like there is going to no more food in the world," Himchan replied in amazement. 


Bom smiled. "I love food, don't disturb me," she replied as she kept on eating. Himchan chuckled as he started eating. 


"AHH! That was amazing!", smiled Bom as she patted her tummy, walking out of the shop. Himchan shook his head, "You better like it, because you basically ate everything on the table," 


Bom poked her tongue out as Himchan slipped his hands in hers. 


"Bom?", Bom heard someone calling out her name. She turned around and her face fell. She could believe who was in front of her right now. 

[A/N]: Sorry for not updating sooner, but I'm getting ready to go back to school :( going back to school... *tear* 

I'll try to post up more often. In the meantime, check out my other story. I had already posted the first chapter. Let me know what you think of it, and please let others know about it. 


Falling in Love with a Jerk

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Panda90 #1
Chapter 44: I love it...<3 <3 <3
bommiejjang #2
Chapter 44: Thumbs up for author!!!!
Awesome story^^
Chapter 13: Omo.. I nearly started cryingat his flashback
Pamela71410 #4
Chapter 44: Aww I loved the story!!! Especially the ending! :)
jannasaleh #5
author nim, can u make story about CL and BYG? I JUST LOVE WITH OUR LEADERS hehe.. make y, lovey and funny story hehehe i love you from indonesia
finished reading!
kamsahamnida, author-nim...

fighting! ^ ^
Thank You for this wonderful story!! :D
Chapter 44: I'm so sad that this has ended (TTATT)
This was a wonderful story, thank you for a good job on this! Please make more Bom/B.A.P fanfics ^^
glotterjongup #9