
If Only... [HIATUS]

Chunji smiled unconciously and made his way to the table. As soon as he sat down Minhee got up.

Chunji's eyes followed her every move, "Where are you going?"

"Shower," Minhee explained, "I just came back from running. And we need to go to school, don't you forget."

Chunji pouted, "But I wanted to eat with you!"

"Aish. You're such a big baby," Minhee incredulously said, poking Chunji's forehead.

Chunji continued to pout and Minhee giggled, but went upstairs to shower and change. Chunji shook his head and poked the pancake. He cut a piece and placed it into his mouth. His eyes widened at the burst of flavour and wolfed down the food.

"Mm..." Chunji smiled in satisfaction, "That was delicious!"

"Wasn't it?"

Chunji jumped. "Sh*t. You scared me."

Minhee took her seat from across him and smiled. "I do that a lot."

"I realised." Chunji grinned as Minhee towelled her wet hair.

"Ha," Minhee rolled her eyes, "Are you going to shower too?"

Chunji titled his head, "I have nothing to change into."

"Right, we need to get your uniform..." Minhee furrowed her eyes in concetration, "Well... I could buy you another one..."

"Minhee?" Chunji called.


"Why are you so comfortable with me living in your house?" Chunji asked, "I mean, you didn't even question me about it! I could be trying to take advantage of you, for all you know."

"Well are you?" Minhee countered.

He faltered. "No, but... That doesn't explain anything!"

"No, I suppose it doesn't. My parents are social workers. I often have some hobo living here," said Minhee.

"What?!" Chunji yelled, "What if they do anything?!"

Minhee rolled her eyes, "Look. They are far too grateful to my parents to do anything to me. I mean, we give them a new life and everything."

Chunji calmed down. "Alright, but wait a sec... I though you were an orphan."

For a second, Minhee's eyes flickered with emotions; the deep, dark ones which she usually kept hidden. "Where did you hear that from?"

"There was a rumor going on..." Chunji uncertainly answered.

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "That's right. Minsoo spread that, didn't he?"

Chunji felt a bit guilty. Minsoo, also known as C.A.P., was his friend and leader. "Y-yes."

"Well, it's true."

Chunji looked up at Minhee, but she was staring at the floor as if trying to remember something that was far, far away.

"I was an orphan," she continued, "and my whole life was horrible. All I had known about my biological parents was that they abandoned me. When I was six, I met Mr and Mrs Song, my parents now. They had a daughter, three years older, named Reena."

"Do you know anything about your real parents?"

Minhee nodded. "I do. My mother was sixteen when she was pregnant with me. It was an accident. Her boyfriend at that time panicked and broke up with my mum. She didn't have the heart to raise me, nor abort and kill me, so she gave birth and dropped me off at the orphanage."

"Wow," Chunji breathed. "How do you about that?"

Minhee smiled. "My biological mother left a note for the orphanage to give me when I was old enough to read. So when I was about to leave with my now-parents, they gave me the note. I showed Mr. Song and he searched for my mother. It took him one year. Turns out she was in college, engaged, and she wanted me back. However, in that one year, I had grown attached to the Song's and so I stayed with them."

"Do you regret it? Not going with your real mother, I mean."

"No." Minhee shook her head. "I'm happy here, and my mum's happy there. You know, I have a little half-sister called Eunmi? I met her before."

Chunji titled his head. "So you still visit them?"

"Every once in a while," Minhee answered smiling.

Chunji smiled back, until a loud beeping noise echoed in the house.

"What's that?" Chunji asked.

"Ah. That's just... My alarm!" Minhee got up, ran to the room, turned off the alarm, pulled Chunji out of his chair, grabbed her bag, put on her shoes, waited for him to put on his, dragged him to school and bought him a new set of uniform.

"Phew!" Minhee wiped imaginary sweat.

"I... I don't think I've ever ran that fast...!" Chunji panted.

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Sorry not alot of updates! We are busy!!!


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kpopspotlight10 #1
Chapter 4: when you hav the time can you please update this story. I really do love your writing, I love all of your stories but for some reason I find this one very interesting. please update soon. sorry if im being pushy about it.... I can stop if you really do plan on giving up this story.
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 4: I love your ideas beautiful!!! U haven't updated for awhile though please do
Update soon ok? It's great so far!!!
Chapter 2: This sounds cool! Update soon! ^^ Why is it YeoJaGaSu's writing so awesome? Can,t get enough of your stories. Also, your writing is good too, author-nim!