Excuses, excuses

If Only... [HIATUS]

Hello! I hope you enjoy the story. Remember; Read. Comment. Subscribe. Upvote! Thank you! -YeoJaGaSu

"Miss Song! Don't think you can just walk in here late without saying anything! Why are you late? Minhee?" demanded Ms Dae, Minhee's homeroom teacher. The whole class' attention turned to Minhee but she was daydreaming about none other than Chunji.

"Minhee!" shouted Ms Dae. She slammed her hands on Minhee's desk. Minhee woke up from daydreaming and fell off her chair. The class broke out in laughter. It wasn't that often that the tough Minhee made a fool of herself.

"Quiet class! Thank you!"

Minhee scrambled up, "Uh, sumimasen sensei." She bowed and the whole class erupted in laughter.

"Wha-? We are not in Japan, Minhee! Please speak in Korean."

"Sorry Ms Dae."

"Thank you. Now why were you late?"

"Uh..." Minhee quickly glanced to Chunji at the front of the classroom, then turned her attention back to the teacher.

"My...Uh...LOCKER! Yes! My locker didn't open. But when it did the bell rang. So...yeah."

"Hmmm. This is not like you. Make sure you aren't late again! Now class, turn to page 42 in your exercise books..."

'Phew! That was a close one! No more thinking about Chunji now,' Minhee thought, her mind set on trying to study.

Unfortunately, her plan failed. Whenever she heard a girl squeal out his name, Minhee's head jolted in that direction. She was looking for him all the time. She kept staring at him in class, not that she need to pay attention. She aced or passed all her tests except for english and this was maths, her best subject.

'Would he want to go out with me?' Minhee thought, her mind still in a daze, 'No... there are so many girls prettier than me. Well, why would he help me? I think I sho-"

"Hey Minhee! Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since the locker incident." Sunhi's voice interupted Minhee's thinking.

Minhee gave her bestfriend a blank look, "In case you haven't noticed, Sunhi, I'm always weird."

"No, I meant a different weird!"

Minhee obviously understood what Sunhi was trying to say and sighed, "Yes I'm... fine. Just fine."

"Awesome! Cause I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping aftersch-"

"Sorry Sunhi, but I'm busy tonight."

"Oh okay. That's fine. Next time maybe?" Sunhi turned her attention back to the front.

"Mm. Next time. Sorry!" Minhee resumed to doodling in her book. Soon school was over and, luckily, without seeing Chunji again.


"Oh my gosh!" Minhee yelled out, after remembering Sunhi's crestfallen face, "Did I seriously just ditch my friend just to think about some guy? He is ruining. My. Life!"

Minhee kicked a nearby garbage can. She angrily stomped back to her house.

No one was home except for her. Her parents were long gone on their business trips and her sister was living with her own family now, not giving a care about her sister's wellbeing. Minhee was all alone, not that she minded.

She walked up to her bedroom and took a nice long shower. She then popped on her aqua bathrobe and went to the kitchen.

"Hmm... Maybe I'll have some ice cream to get my mind of Chunji." She sat on the couch and ate her salted caramel ice cream.

"MMmm! Who knew ice cream could soothe the soul?!" she cried. Just as she was washing her hands the doorbell rang.

"Huh? Who could it be? Ah! Sunhi! She usually comes around this time," Minhee said, forgetting that she ditched her friend earlier.

She opened the door to find the person she least expected.

"Eh? Chunji? What are you doing here?" 'And how do you know where I live?'

He laughed sheepishly, "I need to talk to you."

"Um. Okay then..." Minhee said confused, "Come on in."


Minhee closed the door behind her and realised Chunji kept staring at her.

"Uh... What are you looking at?"

For once, the charismatic playboy was at lost for words and also bulshing.

"Ah-You-uh- bathrobe." He pointed to Minhee's clothing.

"Eeek!" Minhee shrieked. She ran upstairs to change out of her 'revealing' bathrobe.

"Sorry about that, Chunji. You must have been really uncomfortable. I never realised," she said and gave a sheepish laugh.

"It's okay," said Chunji getting out of his seat. He slowly walked closer to Minhee, " I kinda liked it anywaysss..." His voice was seductive.

Minhee blinked and smirked evilly, surprising Chunji as this was not the reaction he expected.

She whispered back, "Don't make me kill you now Mr Chunji..." Minhee stretched out her syllables in a mocking manner and with that she instantly pulled a knife from the sole of her shoe (Now when was she wearing shoes?) and held it against Chunji's throat.

"You don't know what I can do," Minhee said, her voice dark. Seeing the fear flicker in Chunji's eyes, Minhee smirked again and she put the knife back.

Chunji was still in shock when Minhee asked, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh right. Well, I was think if you wanna, uh, wanted to-uh..."

"Spit it out," Minhee said, impatiently.

"If you wanna-Oh dammit- do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he blurted out.

Minhee was in shock. She stood up.

"No! I can't trust you! You break up with girls every couple months or so!" She yelled, partly annoyed because her heart told her 'yes', but her mind screamed, 'no'. It was easy to tell what was winning.

"You can trust me! You're different to all the other girls!" Chunji countered desperately.

"Different huh? So you think you can take advantage of me! Huh?!" Minhee's eyes narrowed dangerously and she bent down to her shoes.

"It's not like that! Please sit and listen!"

"No no no no no! The way you treat girls is disgusting! Get out of my house now!" Minhee yelled, pointing to the door.

"I'm going to treat you much better! Please listen!" he pleaded.

"Get out now!" she screamed.

"Don't make me force you to listen Minhee."

"Don't make me force you to leave, Chunji," she mimicked Chunji.

"I'm sorry babe. You left me with no choice." Chunji started edging closer to Minhee. She started to panic.

"Ch-ch-ch-chunji? What are you doing?" her voice quivered even though she knew she could easily defeat him, "Chunji? Chunji?!"

It was too late. Chunji had pinned her to the wall. Minhee struggled against him and was tempted to flip him over.

"Now please listen to me Minhee! Please!" he begged.

Minhee saw his tears glistening in the light. She shook her head, 'Am I really that important? Or does he do that to all girls?'

She gave in and her shoulders slumped.

She sighed. "All right. I'm listening."

Chunji released her. They both sat down and Minhee rubbed her wrists.

"Minhee... I've been watching you for a long time. When I first heard you laughing with your friend, I knew you were the one for me. I have been trying to grab your attention. I even reset your locker combination," he admitted.

Minhee was secretly impressed.

"Trying to get my attention? How? By making out with other girls? By changing my locker code?" she questioned with a blank expression on her face.

"Yes, but only because I love you! Minhee, I love you!"

"Right. You love me? Not the girl you were kissing this morning?" Minhee snapped back harshly.

Chunji smirked, "Jealous?"

Minhee rolled her eyes, "You're a troublemaker and a playboy. How do I know if I can trust you?" Her voice couldn't help but sound bitter.

"I'll stay by your side day and night! Please give me a chance!"

Minhee scoffed and surpressed the urge to laugh, "I'll think about it."


"No buts Chunji. I'll get back to you tomorrow. And just how do you plan to keep your promise?"

He paused, "Can I sleep in your house?"

Minhee gaped, "What?"

All she got was a cute puppy stare from him. Minhee sighed and rubbed her temples, "Fine. You can sleep in my house since you said you would always be with me day and night. You sleep in my sister's old bedroom. Got it?"

He nodded eagerly, "Got it."


"Okay okay," he put his hands in the air.

"Good. Now goodnight."

"Goodnight babe. Do I get a goodnight kiss?"

Minhee was flattered to be called babe by her first love, but her expression was stoic. She gave him a playful smirk.

"Oh?" Chunji leaned in.

Minhee could feel Chunji's hot breath on her skin. She scoffed and gave Chunji a daring kiss on the lips.

"Now goodnight Chunji."

Chunji's eyes widened and smiled, "Night!"

They both walked up the stairs and went their separate ways to their rooms.

Minhee flopped onto her bed. She was estatic that her dream guy was in the same house as her, but it was also kind of awkward. She longed to sleep in the same bed with him but thought that it might just lead to trouble.

She sighed once more. "My life has just gotten interesting..." She chuckled and with that she dozed off to sleep.

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Sorry not alot of updates! We are busy!!!


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kpopspotlight10 #1
Chapter 4: when you hav the time can you please update this story. I really do love your writing, I love all of your stories but for some reason I find this one very interesting. please update soon. sorry if im being pushy about it.... I can stop if you really do plan on giving up this story.
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 4: I love your ideas beautiful!!! U haven't updated for awhile though please do
Update soon ok? It's great so far!!!
Chapter 2: This sounds cool! Update soon! ^^ Why is it YeoJaGaSu's writing so awesome? Can,t get enough of your stories. Also, your writing is good too, author-nim!