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The Last Bullet


Jea woke up with her aching back. She never slept on an unproper bed before so no wonders she couldn’t stand sleeping on that darned table. *Maybe I should just sleep on the floor. It will give me more room though.* She stretched her body and yawned. *This place is really like a jail – especially the jail-like door – and I’m the prisoner.*

The door opened slightly. Jea walked towards the door and checked who that was. It was Yixing, he put a tray of her food.

“You’re lucky enough to be feed.” He closed the door and locked it again.

*Rice and kimchi. He’s right, I’m pretty lucky that I still get food.* she brought the tray and placed at the small table. She dug in soundly since she didn’t eat anything in the previous day.

One hour later Yixing came in and took the tray out. She thought that Yixing wouldn’t come again until the meal time, but she was wrong. He came back with a medium card board.

“What’s that?” Jea cocked her head.

“Bored?” Yixing asked back, he didn’t answer her question properly. Jea nodded in reply.

“Let’s play a game. You see 1-6 on this board, right?” Jea nodded again and stared at the card curiously.

“Choose a number. I’ll bring this board from time to time. So, what number?”

“I’ll go with 5.” Her heart beat faster. She had no idea about this card board thingy. Yixing peeled the number and read what it said. “Chen, Baekhyun, D.O. Wow, triple jackpot. They will visit you soon.”






The door unlocked. A thin guy with a pair of small slanted eyes came in. He stared at her from top to toe. He scratched his back of head randomly and finally spoke up.

“So, you must be Nam Jae Ah?” that guy awkwardly asked. Jea nodded and stared back. *who’s this guy? Is he one of the name that Yixing mentioned before.*

“I’m Baekhyun and I supposed to you. Follow me.”

He lead their way to the corner of the endless aisle. He turned his head to the back sometimes, to check if she was still following him or not. They stopped in front of the elevator.




The elevator opened and Baekhyun stepped in first. He pressed several numbers for the code and in a second, the elevator started to go up. It stopped at the 50th floor.

“Here we come, 501.”

Right when he opened the door, the two other male started to bicker. One got a pair of big round eyes and the other one got small eyes but bigger than Baekhyun’s.

“What took you so long? Just grab her here and done. I have other things to do.” The big eyes guy started to whine.

“Don’t tell me you flirt her.” The other guy whined as well.

“Whatever. Let’s just complete the order.” Baekhyun paused and turned to Jea. “So, welcome to our so-called-palace.”

“Yixing told you that it was a game, didn’t he? He’s right. We have a game for you. You will get a prize if you win, but if you lose, you will be punished.”

“Kyungsoo, you stole my line!” the small-eyed-guy-other-than-Baekhyun started to whine again, but that Kyungsoo guy shh him.

“Shut up, Jongdae. Make it fast.” Baekhyun demanded.

“You can read our game by yourself here.” Jongdae handed her a paper.


Beat us in singing, especially high notes. If you can go more than three octaves above us, you win. But if you only able to do two octaves or less, you will face the consequence.


Her eyes bulged when she read the instruction card. *Singing? Even flowers will die directly after they hear me singing! I have no luck today.*

The ‘game’ went as she predicted. She couldn’t even reach their high notes, especially Jongdae’s. Unlike her, he could reach three octaves easily. Bitterly, she prepared her mental to be punished.

“Since it’s the first time you play the game, we will go easy on you. Now you can go back to your uhm room.” Kyungsoo stated.

“So I won’t get any punishment?” Jea asked, but they laughed right away and shook their heads at the same time. “You will find it out tomorrow.”




She woke up in the morning and still couldn’t find what her punishment would be. She tried to guess the whole night, but still, she had no idea. She stretched and waited for her breakfast.

*I won’t get my breakfast or what? It’s been an hour I waited for that.*




The door unlocked right when she just got up to ask Yixing. She expected him to bring her breakfast, but she was disappointed that Yixing brought that board again, not a tray of food.

She cleared and tried to clarify. “Where’s my breakfast?”

Yixing raised his eyebrow and snapped. “You haven’t realized it? No food today. That’s your punishment.” Jea was about to speak but Yixing cut it. “Choose a number, don’t waste my time.”

Jea sighed heavily. Her stomach growled several times, craving for food, but she ignored it. She had to win this time, no matter what.

“I choose 2.”

He pealed the number again and two names appeared, Kris and Kai.

*Uh-oh. This ain’t good.*


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Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim!
pyudding #2
Chapter 8: "Choose number 5 and if you win you'll be able to kiss me" says yixing loljk wo sarang you authornim~ ;3
Chapter 8: Omg his is getting better and better . Hurry up and update soon saranghae
Kpop4meyoonie #4
Chapter 8: Omg the 2 iest member of the group kris and Kai !!... Well what do I say good luck
Hey unnir~ OuO
We met again lolol.

ookay first thing of all...WHY YOU USE YOUR OC GAAAHHH--- /creys/ Okay leave that aside. But I can't, so we continue. Why on earth you choose yixing? Why no Kris? Why no...Luhan? Anyone, but not Yixing, and precious bby Chen ; - ; heart-breaking moment ouch.

But yeah i admit that this story is neatly written, and easy to understand. Keep the update up, unnir. Readers can't wait forever. Don't be php like EXO who never give their comeback lol.

Fighting unnir ^~^)/
ANIMEfreak0914 #6
Chapter 7: OMG. This is so exciting!!! I can't help but squeal everytime something happens.This story is full of suspense and action in my opinion.Please update soon! ^^~
Chapter 7: i have a feeling that Yiuxing is going to fall in love with her... update soon
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 6: the angel faced yixing becomes like this naws