Maybe Next Time

The Last Bullet



“You make a fatal mistake, Zhang Er Qi. I will take your life with my own hand if you keep protecting her.” A middle-aged man pointed his gun to a handsome guy who was hugging a beautiful girl to protect her. The young one seemed to be confused and afraid if he would make a wrong decision. Several minutes later he released that girl and sighed heavily.

“Good guy. If you dare to help her escape again, I won’t forgive you.” The middle-aged man yanked the beautiful girl who held her hand up desperately, she was hoping him to save her. He refused. That guy closed his eyes and walked to the different direction. He had no choice except leaving her. He believed he would be able to rescue her securely. 


Yixing jolted from his strange-yet-vivid dream. *Zhang Er Qi? Daddy? Why I dreamed about him after all. Who’s the woman also? She seems so familiar.* He rubbed his eyes and slanting them to see what time it was. *perfect timing, it’s still 09.00* he yawned and got off from his bed. He opened his suitcase and took his new clothes. He took out his equipments as well and put them on his clothes. He yawned once again and stood up, he went to the bathroom.

Several minutes later he’s already on his clothes. White linen shirt, black leather jacket, and a pair of black trousers framed his body perfectly. His jacket seemed so normal as if nothing inside it, but you were tricked. All of his equipments and armors were saved there. He rolled his trousers and revealed his legs. He put on a band and slipped his knife inside that. He rolled his trousers back and checked his outfit. He smirked in satisfaction because of his perfect appearance.

He pressed the lift button and got in when his lift came. He walked through the lobby and talked to the receptionist. She nodded and gave him a car key. He went out and saw his car was parked near there. *Porsche? Nice one.* he smirked and approached his car. He got into his car, wore the seatbelt, put on his sunglasses and drove his car in high speed.

He stopped for a while to buy something to eat since he hadn’t got his breakfast. He stopped at a random stall and ordered cutlet chickens. All of sudden he narrowed his eyes. He recognized someone familiar in a ddokboki stall quite far from him. *This ultra contact lens really helps me to see clearly from a far, Mr Sooman is a genius for sure.* He stood up and stared at that familiar figure once more. When she turned her back, Yixing gasped. *That big eyes! Couldn’t it be…*

He dashed to his car and followed her. He was relieved that she went by bus, so it was much easier for him to track her. He stopped his car near the bus stop and waited her to get into the bus. He turned up the music player on his car and sang along. It only took 3 songs for the bus to take off. He drifted and followed the bus.

Yixing quickly found somewhere to park when he saw that Jea was going off the bus. It took quite long since today was a day off and everyone seemed to visit Han River as their destination. After several minutes he managed to find a place to park. He sighed and ran quickly, he knew that he lost Jea’s track. But he kept strolled and strolled until he found her sign. He saw that figure again, long brown hair and perfect S-line body. It was really her.


He quickly approached her and in a flash he was standing behind her. Just when about he was going to tap her shoulder, she turned back.

“Well, nice to meet you, Nam Jae Ah.” He grinned.

The pretty girl shocked. Her face became pale as if she was caught doing a crime.


*Crap! How can he recognize me?* she blinked and bit her lower lip.

“I-I-I’m not Nam Jae Ah. You have met the wrong person.” She stuttered.

The dimple-boy raised his eyebrow. She knew she was a bad liar, she never able to lie without stuttering.

“If you’re not Nam Jae Ah then what’s your name, pretty girl?” he grinned.

“I am Kim.”

“Kim what?”

“What’s your business, sir? I don’t even know you.”

“Because you are Nam Jae Ah.”

“I’ve told you that I am not Nam Jae Ah, sir.”

“JEA KIM!!!” a loud girly voice screamed her name.

*Holy mama. Thanks to you, loud Hyeri.* she rolled her eyes and hissed.

“SORRY, HYERI, MAYBE NEXT TIME!” with that she ran as if her life would end if she didn’t sprinted. Well actually it would. Yixing chased after her with his amazing pace. She turned her head to check their distance and cursed, “Crap! How can he run that fast?!”

She inhaled deeply and started to run faster. She didn’t look back anymore to keep her speed stable. She could feel Yixing’s presence was getting near. He is the greatest runner of SM! I never expect someone will be able to run like a cheetah, she thought. She remembered something and tried to recall her memories; her dad had told her a secret aisle if she was in danger. She panted so hard, she could hardly think. But something flashed on her mind. She smiled widely,


She turned left and run towards a small park. Yixing gasped, he was shocked by her sudden turn. Jea tilt her head, and checked how far he was. She exhaled in relief when she knew that their distance was not as close as before. She focused herself over again. She narrowed her eyes, looking for the small twirled sign which was the ‘gate’ to the small aisle. She grinned widely when she noticed something suspicious on the corner of the bushes. She approached it and pulled it. The bushes slowly opened and revealed a small aisle that was hid perfectly.

She blinked her eyes in admiration. Even his dad told her about the aisle but she never saw it with her own eyes. She stepped in and stopped running. The aisle was not too narrow and the wall was covered by many kinds of plants. It was so peaceful. She was absorbed by the shooting feeling that the aisle offered until she didn’t realize that Yixing followed her.

“Enjoy, little girl.”




“ARGH!” Jea fell directly when the bullet was shot right on her left leg. She looked at her leg and cringed. It bled a lot. She tried to stand up and run again but her speed was getting slower and slower. Blood stain scattered as she ran. She kept cringing because of the pain every time she moved her legs and forced them to run.

She was easily caught because of her wobbly legs. She was really pale and lost a lot of blood. She yanked Yixing hand when she felt that a strong hand held her wrist. She thought it would be much better if she died at the moment rather than being caught. But committing suicide was the last thing that she would do, or maybe never.

“You better follow me or I’ll kill you right here.” His peaceful eyes turned into a pair of cold eyes without any mercy.

“Just kill me.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Too bad, killing you isn’t my mission.” Yixing smirked and threw her on his shoulder. Jea tried to release herself but it was useless. Yixing grip was too strong for her to defeat. She closed her eyes and hoped he wouldn’t take her to Sooman.

“Sit.” he ordered coldly when they reached Yixing’s shiny car. Jea couldn’t do anything but obey him.

“Hold on, I know you’re strong. Your wound will be healed later when we arrived.” Jea didn’t reply anything; she was staring blankly outside the window and wondering where the car will be stopped.

“Where are you taking me to?” she asked, almost her voice was really small as if she whispered because of her lacking energy.

“No need to know. You will find it out when we arrive.”








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Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim!
pyudding #2
Chapter 8: "Choose number 5 and if you win you'll be able to kiss me" says yixing loljk wo sarang you authornim~ ;3
Chapter 8: Omg his is getting better and better . Hurry up and update soon saranghae
Kpop4meyoonie #4
Chapter 8: Omg the 2 iest member of the group kris and Kai !!... Well what do I say good luck
Hey unnir~ OuO
We met again lolol.

ookay first thing of all...WHY YOU USE YOUR OC GAAAHHH--- /creys/ Okay leave that aside. But I can't, so we continue. Why on earth you choose yixing? Why no Kris? Why no...Luhan? Anyone, but not Yixing, and precious bby Chen ; - ; heart-breaking moment ouch.

But yeah i admit that this story is neatly written, and easy to understand. Keep the update up, unnir. Readers can't wait forever. Don't be php like EXO who never give their comeback lol.

Fighting unnir ^~^)/
ANIMEfreak0914 #6
Chapter 7: OMG. This is so exciting!!! I can't help but squeal everytime something happens.This story is full of suspense and action in my opinion.Please update soon! ^^~
Chapter 7: i have a feeling that Yiuxing is going to fall in love with her... update soon
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 6: the angel faced yixing becomes like this naws