Show Time

The Last Bullet


[A/N] Hi! Sorry for not updating >< here's a quite long chapter for you 




The ride was quite long. Jea quickly ripped her clothes and tightly wrapped the gunshot wound. She didn’t want to die at the moment because a lot of things were needed to figure out. Her perfect belly was shown because she ripped it at that area, but she didn’t care. As long as her wound stopped to bleed, then it’s okay. It’s going to be a prize for Yixing, if he was byuntae. She chuckled a little because of her sudden thought. Is he a byuntae? Wait, is he even interested at girls? I don’t think so. She observed Yixing’s focus side profile in details. Sharp jawlines, milky skin, no spots, and dimple. Shoot. She loved that dimple at the moment she noticed it.

“Are you done observing me?” Yixing coldly stated. Jea pouted and slid onto her seat again. But she got up right away and asked him. “What’s your name? You never told me about that.”


“Nice one. How old are you, Yixing?” He furrowed his eyebrows, this girl was way younger than me but she just called me Yixing, without any honorifics?

“No need to know, but I’m older than you.” As if he knew what she was going to say, he cut her words. “Don’t call me Oppa.”

“Sorry, Yixing ge.” She pouted again and looked at the road.

“Hey, aren’t you going to tie me or maybe close my mouth using a black-tape?” Jea turned herself again towards Yixing’s direction.

“Do you want me to do that?” Yixing suddenly braked and stopped the car. Jea startled because of Yixing’s sudden brake.

“Yaa! Don’t do it! I’m just curious because in movies kidnappers usually tie their victims.”

Yixing hissed and started to drive the car again. “I really need to shut your mouth using a black-tape.”

“No no no! I’ll shut it by myself.” Jea mimicked a zipping gesture. Yixing glanced at her and very very very slightly smiled. *no, I can’t be distracted.*

Jea watched the road that they went through carefully. Mostly there were trees, not so many building as if they were in a remote area. A sudden idea flashed in her mind when she saw a gas station. “Ge, I want to pee so badly. Can you stop somewhere, please?”

He exhaled heavily and nodded. “Alright, there’s a restaurant near here.” *I hope she won’t escape*

Yixing parked in front of the restaurant and opened the side passenger door right away. He asked Jea if she could walk by herself or not. She tried but she limbed, Yixing quickly caught her.

“I’ll walk you to the toilet, okay? Be quick, I don’t want to waste my time.” Yixing wrapped his arms around her and helped her to walk. When they were passing the cashier a middle aged woman approached them.

“Aigoo young man, what’s wrong with her?” he looked at Jea in a shock expression.

“She stumbled and crashed by a big rock. Can you show me where the toilet is located?” Yixing made up a lame excuse and distract the woman’s attention by asking the toilet.

“I’ll walk her, you can sit there. I’m sure you’ve worked hard taking care of her.” That woman pointed a vacant seat and took over Jea. Yixing decided to let her walk Jea to the toilet. He sat and looked at the interior. The restaurant was quite old, the blue paint was starting to fade and there were some cracks spotted on the wall. He checked his watch, *it’s been 5 minutes, where is she?* A waiter asked him if he wanted to order something, but he shook his head and slightly smiled. He checked his watch again. *10 minutes already. Jea, I’ll kill you if you escape.*


“Here’s the toilet. Be careful, miss.” The ahjumma released her grips. Jea bowed and thanked her politely. She walked carefully and locked the toilet. She observed the whole toilet and grinned widely. *A medium-sized window.* It was covered by a thick dark film so that people couldn’t see anything from the outside. She checked whether the window was locked or not.


A small cracking sound was heard when she opened the window. *Yay! It’s unlocked. I hope I’ll fit here.*

Jea hoped to the toilet and climbed the window with all of her strength. Her slim body was a big advantage for her, she could easily go through the window. She hopped and smiled in satisfaction. Good bye, Yixing. She thought and quickly ran away before he caught her.

She spotted a small forest or a park, she wasn’t sure. She approached it since there was no place to hide except the mini forest. It was quiet, and some squirrels quickly hid when she entered the forest. It was too small to call as a forest, but she had no idea what was that. She kept walking through the path, hoping she would find a house like in Peter Pan or The Three Bears. I should stop watching too many movies, she thought.


Yixing walked to the toilet and bangs the door several times.

“Nam Jae Ah, open the door!” No answer.

“Jae Ah, quickly!” he bangs again, but no one answered.

“Nam Jae Ah!” he furiously kicked the door. It opened, lucky the door wasn’t that broken.

“! SHE ESCAPED!” he ran outside and got in to the car. He drove as fast as he could, he tried to track where she escaped but he can’t. Her phone was with him, there’s no way he could track it. He stopped and examined the road and paths, but she left no trace. *That girl tricked me that she couldn’t walk properly*

His sharp eyes noticed something similar like a forest, but smaller. Somehow he felt attracted and drove to the forest. Yixing walked and followed the path that Jea strolled as well. He could feel he wasn’t alone there. Maybe it’s Jae Ah, he guessed. He kept walking and walking. The forest was so peaceful, no sign of hungry tigers. He only saw some butterflies were fluttering around the forest.


*A cave?* she noticed a small cave up on the hill. It wasn’t too high, she could climb some trees beside it and done. She blew her hands as if they would be stronger because of her blowing and started to climb.


She managed to hop onto the first branch of the tree. She looked up and found a way to the second branch. She put her feet onto a small hole and reached the branch. She lifted her left leg to the branch.

“Ouucchhh!” she whined. The wound started to bleed again. She ignored it and swung her body to the second branch. The last branch was quite high, she wasn’t sure if she could reach it since the wound was starting to open again. She inhaled and exhaled several times before she grabbed the branch. She found a hole, maybe a squirrel lived there and used it to put her feet again.

*1, 2, 3*

“Arghhh!” she managed to climb the last branch but her wound started to drip. She winched in pain. Quickly she ripped her clothes again and wrapped it tighter. Her belly was revealed even more. She crawled inside the cave and safely hid herself inside there.


Yixing kept strolling and following the path. Hoping he could find a clue about Jea. He noticed something strange 200 meters ahead, it was like a cave. To make sure he kept walking and approached it. He slanted his eyes when he noticed something was dripping on the tree. He the liquid and smell it. *Blood? Jea must be here just now, the blood hasn’t dried.*

He easily climbed the tree and reached the cave. He smelled a strong scent of blood. He was sure that it was Jea. He started to crawl and smirked. A girl squealed in shock.


“It’s show time, Nam Jae Ah.”


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Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim!
pyudding #2
Chapter 8: "Choose number 5 and if you win you'll be able to kiss me" says yixing loljk wo sarang you authornim~ ;3
Chapter 8: Omg his is getting better and better . Hurry up and update soon saranghae
Kpop4meyoonie #4
Chapter 8: Omg the 2 iest member of the group kris and Kai !!... Well what do I say good luck
Hey unnir~ OuO
We met again lolol.

ookay first thing of all...WHY YOU USE YOUR OC GAAAHHH--- /creys/ Okay leave that aside. But I can't, so we continue. Why on earth you choose yixing? Why no Kris? Why no...Luhan? Anyone, but not Yixing, and precious bby Chen ; - ; heart-breaking moment ouch.

But yeah i admit that this story is neatly written, and easy to understand. Keep the update up, unnir. Readers can't wait forever. Don't be php like EXO who never give their comeback lol.

Fighting unnir ^~^)/
ANIMEfreak0914 #6
Chapter 7: OMG. This is so exciting!!! I can't help but squeal everytime something happens.This story is full of suspense and action in my opinion.Please update soon! ^^~
Chapter 7: i have a feeling that Yiuxing is going to fall in love with her... update soon
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 6: the angel faced yixing becomes like this naws