Come In

The Last Bullet


**As usual, the sentences in bold means they said it in their mind ;) 



Several years ago..


Lee’s was the biggest assassin organization in South Korea before a strong-new-comer organization, Double S, successfully tackled down their position. Shik Shin, the head of Double S, earned a big success in his very young age, 23. He seemed to be flawless, but he had a very big weakness, he didn’t have any son to inherit his organization. In order to keep his image, he confessed to public that he only he had a baby son called Nam Jae Dong as the result of his marriage with Song Ji Hyo, a famous actress who risked her acting career to marry him at that time.

Everyone was afraid that Jae Dong would be as success as his father in the future, but it didn’t work for Lee Yong. He only smirked mysteriously when he heard Shik Shin’s confession.




“Soo Man ah.. Let me tell you a big secret.” Lee Yong tried to say something before death brought him away.

Soo Man came closer to his father.

“Shik Shin doesn’t have any son. Everyone is tricked believing he has a son named Nam Jae Dong. If someday Shik Shin is died, search and kill her daughter, Nam Jae Ah. You don’t need to know where I got this information. Please do my last favor before I… I…” Lee Yong collapsed before he managed to finish his sentence.

“APPAAAA!!!!!!!” young Soo Man screamed hopelessly because of his father’s death.




Those scenes never left Lee Soo Man’s head. They kept repeating and repeating again since his father death until now. He closed Lee’s for a while and prepared a tactic to win their position back. He announced to public that Lee’s was officially closed. But no one realized when actually Lee’s was back. Lee’s had been transformed into SM, as an entertainment agency in camouflage. Soo Man debuted several groups for example TVXQ, Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, SHINee, f(x) and also senior soloists like BoA and KangTa. Each groups had their own mission. Girls’ Generation was sent to States to sneak and destroy CIA since Lee Yong and Lee Soo Man had always been spied by them. TVXQ was sent to Japan in order to defeat yakuza while Super Junior stayed in Korea to protect SM. BoA and KangTa were in charge of training the new groups because they had worked for the company since the Lee’s era, as the senior they were trusted to be the trainers. SHINee and f(x) were in the different cases, they were debuted to strengthen public’s trust toward SM as the ‘real agency’ so they didn’t do any dangerous missions like their sunbaes.


Even though SM had successfully weakened a lot of enemies out there, Soo Man still felt it was nothing if his father’s biggest enemy’s daughter was still alive.  He still had tons of grudge because of his father’s lost. He didn’t care even though Shik Shin’s daughter wouldn’t be able to inherit his career, seeing his biggest enemy’s only generation dying was on his top list. He prepared EXO, 12 handsome boys who were perfect to distract all of the girls’ attention with their awesome vocal and rap skill, charismatic dance, and of course their handsome face. EXO were focused to both defend and kill all of their enemies especially in Korea and China. After all of the members got their mission, they left, except Zhang Yixing who got the privilege to kill Nam Jae Ah. He trained harder and longer than the other member since Soo Man thought he got the most difficult mission. He could be trained until midnight and it wonderfully made his body was perfectly shaped and his skills were so unbeatable, once he set his target no one could pass him, which was really the opposite of his calm and sincere face character.


At the very first place he never thought he would get the hardest mission, to catch and kill her while his mates were only torturing her to make her suffered before her death. He used to think that Kris hyung or Tao hyung would get this mission. But his prediction was totally wrong, he was the chosen one. He shook his head trying to get his concentration back since today was the most important training for him, gun lesson. Kang Ta hyung was really the master of gun, his shot were always accurate. He learned a lot of gun thingies from his beloved hyung.


When he was on his full concentration aiming the target, someone tapped his shoulder. He sighed and turned his head back to check who tapped him. *What is he doing here? Mr Byun, Sooman’s right hand.*


“What’s wrong? Does Mr. Sooman need me?” he asked.

“Yes, he does. He asked me to call you. You better meet him now.” Mr. Byun politely delivered his boss’ order.

“Okay then. Thank you for informing me, Mr. Byun.” He thanked him and went to Mr. Sooman’s private room.



“Come in.”




yay the 1st chapter is UP! XD

what do you think guys?



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Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim!
pyudding #2
Chapter 8: "Choose number 5 and if you win you'll be able to kiss me" says yixing loljk wo sarang you authornim~ ;3
Chapter 8: Omg his is getting better and better . Hurry up and update soon saranghae
Kpop4meyoonie #4
Chapter 8: Omg the 2 iest member of the group kris and Kai !!... Well what do I say good luck
Hey unnir~ OuO
We met again lolol.

ookay first thing of all...WHY YOU USE YOUR OC GAAAHHH--- /creys/ Okay leave that aside. But I can't, so we continue. Why on earth you choose yixing? Why no Kris? Why no...Luhan? Anyone, but not Yixing, and precious bby Chen ; - ; heart-breaking moment ouch.

But yeah i admit that this story is neatly written, and easy to understand. Keep the update up, unnir. Readers can't wait forever. Don't be php like EXO who never give their comeback lol.

Fighting unnir ^~^)/
ANIMEfreak0914 #6
Chapter 7: OMG. This is so exciting!!! I can't help but squeal everytime something happens.This story is full of suspense and action in my opinion.Please update soon! ^^~
Chapter 7: i have a feeling that Yiuxing is going to fall in love with her... update soon
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 7: yixing, why? . I bet his vivid dream has something to do to his future decisions. .
Chapter 6: the angel faced yixing becomes like this naws