Loved You Enough to Let You Go: Sunggyu's Side

Already Gone

'It started with the perfect kiss then
We could feel the poison set in
"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive'

It was a brisk November afternoon.  School was over and Sunggyu was headed to his favorite hangout spot.  It's been the same place he's been going to since his college years.  It was place where he met Woohyun and where Woohyun also asked him on their first date.  Aside from holding some memories, it was just a nice place to be.  There was always a good atmosphere and it had become Sunggyu's sanctuary whenever he needed to get away.  

Sunggyu reached his destination.  It was a small bar with an old school  motife.  He wasn't a big drinker but being there gave him comfort.  He was one of the establishments regulars.  Every Friday after work he would stop by for a drink and conversation before heading home.  Recently he has been coming in more frequently and staying much longer .  Like today, it was the middle of the week but there he was.  Woohyun had been staying late at work and Sunggyun couldn't stand the lonliness in their apartment.  At least here he didn't have to be alone.  Sunggyu took a seat at the bar.  Immediately Myungsoo pulled out a bottle of beer from behind the counter and handed it to the older man.

Sunggyu: You know me too well Myungsoo

Myungsoo gave the man a deadly glare.  Sunggyu realized his mistake and threw his hands up in defense.

S: Sorry. I forgot.  While your working it's "L"

Myungsoo: That's right.  Do you want to order your usual?

S:  Yes please.  You really do know me.

M:  You've only been coming here since the beginning of time.

S: YAH! It hasn't been that long.

Myungsoo has known Sunggyu since he started college.  He came to work at his dad's bar then in order to ear extra money.  Sunggyu had already been coming to the bar and since Sunggyu was a normal regular, Myungsoo had learned the older man's habits.  Sunggyu didn't have to ask anymore, Myungsoo would always know what he needed.   The two had become good friends.  Sunggyu was the only customer that the younger man became close to.  Myungsoo was a good listen and someone Sunggyu could confide in.  Lately,  it seemes Sunggyu  was having problems with his relationship and Myungsoo tried his best to help him.

M:  Not that I mind you coming here, but I've noticed that you're here more than you usual.  Is everything alright?

Sunggyu frowned a little. 

S:  It's Woohyun.  He's always coming home late and I hardly see him anymore.  He says it's work but I don't believe.

M:  Why not?

S:  Because I've been with him six year now and I know when he's lying.

M:  I hate to ask but do you think he's cheating?

S:  I don't think so.  It would be easier if he was cheating.  Then I could be mad at him.  But he just acts like he doesn't want to be around me.

M:  Maybe he's really is working late.

S:  No.  I've called him at different times when he was suppose to be "working" just to check on him but no one in the office answered.

M:  Are you even happy anymore?

S:  I don't know.

M:  If you can't honestly say yes, maybe you need to think about whether this relationship is even worth continuing.

A confused look washed over Sunggyu's face.  No matter how he felt he never once thought about leaving Woohyun.  Woohyun was his first love.  The only love he's ever known.

S:  I love him.

M:  You shouldn't use love  as an excuse.  You should be in a relationship because you trust one another and make each other happy.  Right now it doesn't seem like you feel that way.

Myungsoo may have been younger then Sunggyu but he seemed more mature than his age.  Sunggyu thought what the younger said.  He knew the man was right.  There was more to a relationship then just love.  He wasn't even sure if that even still exsisted in his relationship.  Woohyun has been the only relationship Sunggyu's ever had, how could he let that go?

'You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go'

It was close to 9 PM by the time he came home.  He entered into a quiet apartment.  Though it was already late, he still came home earlier then his boyfriend.  Sunggyu let out a sad sigh.  He change into a some work clothes and decided to catch up on his work.  He sat on the couch with papers around him.  He was in the middle of grading papers when he heard keys rustling at the door.  Woohyun was finally arriving home.  He decided to pretend like he was concentrating on his work.  He didn't want to act like a clingy boyfriend waiting up for him.  He listened as foot steps came towards him then he felt a soft kiss on his forehead.

S:  Oh Woo you're home.  What time is it?

W:  Umm, it's almost ten.

S:  It's so late.

W:  Yeah, work is really piling up since it's the end of the year.

S:  I'm sorry.  I hate that you have to stay late all the time.

W:  It  can't be helped.  What are you doing?

S:  Grading some papers.  I got myself  behind.

Sunggyu put down his papers and hugged Woohyun.  He knew Woohyun was lying to him.  The other man was always a bad liar, but he didn't care at that moment.  He wanted to feel his boyfriends embrace, to feel something familiar again.  Sunggyu felt relieved when the other man hugged him back but the feeling wasn't the same.  Without letting go of Woohyun, Sunggyu looked deep into his eyes.  He was searching for some answers to the questions in his heart.

S:  Maybe when I go on winter break from school that we can take a small vacation.  It's been a while since we've taken a trip somewhere.

Woohyun didn't answer Sunggyu.  He pulled himself off the other man's embrace and walked to the kitchen.  Sunggyu silently followed the other man and leaned on the kitchen counter waiting for a response.

W:  It's not easy for me to take time off work.  I don't have a job that has winter and summer breaks like you.

S:  I know.  I just thought it would be nice to have some time together.

W:  When did you get so needy.  It's almost suffocating.

S:  How am I suffocating?  You're never here for me to act that way towards.

W:  BECAUSE I HAVE TO WORK!  How do you think we pay for this apartment and have food on the table.

S:  YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT!  I just want to spend time with my boyfriend.  Is that really so much to ask?

W:  It is actually.

Sunggyu couldn't believe what he was hearing.  Woohyun never talked to him like that before.  They've never really had any big arguements until now.  He didn't even know why they were arguing in the first place.  

W: I don't think I can do this anymore.  I have so much on my plate right now.  I can't handle work and you at the same time.

S:  W-What are you saying?

W:  Let's break up.  This is tiring.

Sunggyu couldn't speak.  He felt like something was caught in his throat.  Woohyun walked passed him and grabbed his jacket, keys, and wallet.  He walked over to the door.

S: Where are you going?

W:  Can't you tell? I'm leaving.

Sunggyu didn't move.  He didn't say anything.  His heart wanted to run after Woohyun and stop him but his body refused to listen.  Sunggyu collapsed on the floor crying.  Was this really the end?

They say that if you love someone let them go and if they come back, that's how you know it was meant to be.  Sunggyu waited three day for Woohyun to come back, to call.  The man never did.  Sunggyu looked through the old albums they had.  Seeing the pictures brought back happy memories.  Now there wouldn't be any new albums.  They weren't going to create any more memories.  Woohyun had left and Sunggyu needed to let go.  He was hurt and devistated but he wasn't mad at Woohyun.  They were in love once but that was the past.   He didn't regret their time together because in those moments he was happy.    He only felt sad because it was now over.

Sunggyu packed his stuff and cleaned the apartment of any memories of him.  It only took him two days to get everything of his out.  Eventually he knew Woohyun would have to come back.  He left a simple note on the night stand along with his house key.  He wouldn't be needing it anymore.  Sunggyu looked through the apartment one last time.  Then he walked out the door without looking back.


For two whole months Myungsoo didn't see Sunggyu.  They had considered each other friends but they never once spent time together outside the bar or even exchange numbers.  He was mad at himself for not even knowing the older man's number.  He was worried.

Sunggyu was walking towards his favorite hangout.  It's been a couple months since he came.  He had just spent all day looking at apartments and now he wanted to unwind.  He entered the bar and to his surprise was greeted by a back breaking hug.

S:  L let go of me... I ... can't... breath.


S:  There's no need to yell... Can I get a beer first?

Myungsoo walked back behind the bar and grabbed a beer for Sunggyu who was taking a seat in front of him.

M:  So tell me, what happen with you?

Sunggyu took a drink of his beer.  He hesitated to speak.  Though sometime had already passed, it was still hard for him to talk about it.

S:  Woohyun and I broke up.

M:  Really?... When?

S:  The last night I was here, when I came home, we got into a big arguement .  He said he wanted to break up and before I knew it he was already gone...  And I didn't stop him.

M:  Are you ok?

S:  Actually yeah.  I did a lot of crying at first but I kind of feel relieved now.  Don't get me wrong, I loved Woohyun and part of me will always love him, but we weren't meant to be and we needed to let go.  I think the only reason I held on so long was because he was such a big part of my life and I was scared not have him there with me.

M:  I'm sorry but I'm glad you're ok.... Where have you been though?

S: Well I had to move out of the apartment, so I moved in back with my parents.  I've been apartment hunting but I think I've found out that's just right for me.

M:  That's great.  When do you plan to move in.

S:  If all things go as plan, I'll be moving in this weekend.

M:  I had helped out one of the other bartenders before and now I have this weekend off.  If you want I can help you move in.

S:   That would great.  Thanks Myung... I mean L.

Sunggyu stay at the bar for a couple of hours catching up with Myungsoo in between  customers.  This bar truely was like a sanctuary for him.  Being here gave him a sense of comfort that he hadn't had in the past few months.  He looked over at Myungsoo and the younger man gave him a big smile.  Sunggyu felt a little surprise by what he saw.  How come he never noticed how handsome Myungsoo was?


A/N: I gave Sunggyu  a little glimmer of hope.   I'm thinking about adding a final chapter to this.  Something to tie everything up and see how each guy ended up.  Should I or Shouldn't I?





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remand_a #1
Chapter 4: Myunggyu is so sweet.....
Woogyu broke up but after that they find their happiness

Beautiful story.... Please Keep writing myunggyu *-*)/\
Chapter 4: This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Myungsoo is Sunggyu real soul mate and Hoya is Woohyun real soul mate.
It very sad to see WooGyu break but at least there is MyungGyu and WooYa.
Thanks Hoya and Myungsoo for waiting Woohyun and Sunggyu patiently and not giving up. Hahahha XD
Fighting!!!!! Thanks for this amazing story!!!!!!!!
kiseob_cute #3
Chapter 4: Tears! Infinite tears all over my face! Its beautiful??
Chapter 3: I know I'm late, but salute for you. I love the ending, they deserved a new start ^^
myunggyu + wooya are certainly my things. =)
sammieyong #5
Chapter 4: :) yea, i've already subscribed to that story some time back.
Chapter 3: i like how the story is somehow related and stuff like everything was fate from the start^^... good job author-nim~
Chapter 3: i liked the story and im happy everyone can find the love with others when the relationship don't work anymore

i agree with everyone, woogyu need to become friends, they dated for 6 years so maybe they can be good friend now after all.
Chapter 3: awww
i like how everyone gets a happy ending.
& i hope woohyun & sunggyu can still be friends :>
so fluffy but i like it a lot! ^^
shedding-dream #9
Chapter 3: I'm glad they have their own happy ending ♥

And merry Christmas too~ :D
hanabira #10
Chapter 3: no.. it's good after all.. btw, there is another chapter right? i hope eventhough sunggyu and woohyun already broke up but i want them to not avoiding each other and just be good friend.. what about that? :)