I Don't Want To Hurt You: Woohyun's Side

Already Gone

"Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye..."

It's been over six years since Woohyun started dating Sunggyu.  They started out friends and built a relationship during their college years.  They never had any big arguments and knew when to compromise.  In everyone's eyes they were a perfect couple.    The only thing missing in their relationship was love.  Woohyun did have love for Sunggyu but eventually he realized that he was no longer in love with the man.   It was there in the beginning, but it seemed to have faded away.  He didn't know when he stopped being in love with his boyfriend.   Woohyun even questioned whether Sunggyu was even still in love with him as well.  They have been together so long everything had become routine between them. They did things because they knew it was what they were suppose to do but their heart wasn't there.

Hoya:  Hey Woo what are you thinking about?

Woohyun:  Nothing really.  Just life.

Hoya knew it was more then nothing.  He could see Woohyun's sadness through his smile.

H: All our work is done why don't we grab something to eat.  You can tell me what's bothering over dinner.  Maybe talking it out will help.

W: Yeah, that sounds great actually.

Ever since Hoya transferred to Woohyun's office the two had been good friends.  When Woohyun needed someone to talk to, Hoya lent an ear.  The younger man always listened to Woohyun whenever he had some problem to deal with.  The majority of which was about the older man's relationship.

The two men went to a near by BBQ restaurant.  It was their favorite place to go after work or whenever they just wanted to relax.  Hoya ordered their usual, beef and soju.  They sat in silence for sometime cooking and eating and occasionally taking shots of soju.

W:  It's missing.

H:  What's missing?

W: The passion in my relationship.  We're just not the same people we were when we first started dating.

H:  Do you think it's both of you or just yourself that feels this way?

W:  Sunggyu doesn't say it but I think he feels the same way as well.

H:  If you feel this way, why do you still stay in the relationship?

W: I do love the guy.  I don't want to hurt him.

H:  You'll still end up hurting him by pretending that everything is fine when its really not.

Hoya always had feelings for Woohyun, but he knew the older man was in a relationship and respected that boundary.  Wherever they talked, he always gave his honest advice.  There were times where he could have sabotage the other man's relationship but he didn't want to manipulated Woohyun's feelings.  Hoya wanted to win Woohyun fairly and not trick the other into liking him.  He wanted the older man to end his relationship and come to him on his own.  It killed him to watch Woohyun feel so tortured, but right now all he could do was be his friend.

Woohyun knew that Hoya was right.  No matter what he did Sunggyu would get hurt.  He couldn't continue to living a lie.  The longer he hesitated the harder it would be.  It wouldn't be fair to himself or to Sunggyu.  But how do end something that's been part of you for so long?  How do you tell someone you don't love them any more?

"I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop"

It was already pass 10 PM by the time Woohyun got home to his shared apartment with Sunggyu.  He had hoped that Sunggyu would have gone to bed already, but the living room light was on and he knew that he was still up.   As he walked to the living room, he saw Sunggyu sitting on the couch with a bunch of papers around him.  The other man hadn't notice Woohyun enter their home.  Woohyun walked over to Sunggyu and gave him a kiss on the forehead.  

Sunggyu:  Oh Woo you're home.  What time is it?

Woohyun:  Ummm, it's almost ten.

S:    It's so late.

W:  Yeah, work is really piling up since it's the end of the year.

S:  I'm sorry.  I hate that you have to stay late all the time.

W:  It can't be helped. What are you doing?

S:  Grading some papers.  I got myself a little behind.

Sunggyu put down his papers and got up to hug Woohyun.  It surprised the younger man but Woohyun embraced his boyfriend.  Even their hugs felt different now.  He felt guilty for having lied to Sunggyu but he couldn't tell the truth either.  It wasn't like he was cheating on him but he didn't want Sunggyu to know that he was avoiding him.  Sunggyu still had his arms around Woohyun's waist when he looked into the man's eyes.

S:  Maybe when I go on winter break from school that we can take a small vacation.  It's been a while since we've taken a trip somewhere.

Woohyun didn't answer Sunggyu.  He pulled himself off the other man's embrace and walked to the kitchen.  He grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator  and took a big drink.  Sunggyu had followed him and was leaning against the counter.  

W:  It's not easy for me to take time off work.  I don't have a job that has winter and summer breaks like you.

S:  I know.  I just thought it would be nice to have some time together.

W:  When did you get so needy.  It's almost suffocating.

S:  How am I suffocating?  You're never here for me to act that way towards.

W:  BECAUSE I HAVE TO WORK!  How do you think we pay for this apartment and have food on the table.

S:  YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT!  I just want to spend time with my boyfriend.  Is that really so much to ask?

W:  It is actually.

Sunggyu had a shocked look on his face.  Woohyun had been harsh with his words.  He hadn't meant for things to be this way but he couldn't change it now.

W: I don't think I can do this anymore.  I have so much on my plate right now.  I can't handle work and you at the same time.

S:  W-What are you saying?

W:  Let's break up.  This is tiring.

Without waiting for a reply he walked passed Sunggyu and grabbed his jacket, wallet and keys.  He headed for the door.

S: Where are you going?

W:  Can't you tell? I'm leaving.

Woohyun left a stunned Sunggyu without looking back.  Tears were streaming down his face as he walked off.  He had been a coward.  He used Sunggyu love and turned it against him.  It wasn't right, it wasn't fair, but it was enough to end things.  It hurt him to act so cruel to the other man but it was time to say goodbye.  He had made himself the bad guy and he hoped that it  would be enough to allow Sunggyu move on.

Woohyun drove to the only place he knew to go.  He knocked on the door and was greeted by a surprised Hoya.

H:  Woohyun, what are you doing here this late?

W:  I didn't know where else to go.  Can I stay her tonight?

H:   Yes, of course.

Hoya let  Woohyun into his apartment.  He listened to the older man as he told his story.  Woohyun had finally ended his broken relationship.  Even though part of him was happy at the new, he felt some pity for his friend.  It was hard for Woohyun to let go.  He stayed by his friends side, patting his back, as Woohyun cried himself to sleep.  

It would be a week later before Woohyun finally returned to his apartment.  He had been staying with Hoya and bought or borrowed any clothes he needed.  He was apprehensive about  entering the apartment but he still went in.  The apartment was cold and quiet.  Everything was perfectly in place as if frozen in time.  He walked into the bedroom.  There was note on the night stand.  He opened the folded paper.

Goodbye Woohyun, Love Sunggyu

Woohyun looked in the closet.  He open some drawers.  He went into the bathroom.  Sunggyu had taken all his belonging.  Sunggyu was already gone.



A/N:  I believe there is a difference betweening loving someone and being in love with someone.  It's sad but love isn't always enough to make a relationship last... This actually made me sad writing this.

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remand_a #1
Chapter 4: Myunggyu is so sweet.....
Woogyu broke up but after that they find their happiness

Beautiful story.... Please Keep writing myunggyu *-*)/\
Chapter 4: This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Myungsoo is Sunggyu real soul mate and Hoya is Woohyun real soul mate.
It very sad to see WooGyu break but at least there is MyungGyu and WooYa.
Thanks Hoya and Myungsoo for waiting Woohyun and Sunggyu patiently and not giving up. Hahahha XD
Fighting!!!!! Thanks for this amazing story!!!!!!!!
kiseob_cute #3
Chapter 4: Tears! Infinite tears all over my face! Its beautiful??
Chapter 3: I know I'm late, but salute for you. I love the ending, they deserved a new start ^^
myunggyu + wooya are certainly my things. =)
sammieyong #5
Chapter 4: :) yea, i've already subscribed to that story some time back.
Chapter 3: i like how the story is somehow related and stuff like everything was fate from the start^^... good job author-nim~
Chapter 3: i liked the story and im happy everyone can find the love with others when the relationship don't work anymore

i agree with everyone, woogyu need to become friends, they dated for 6 years so maybe they can be good friend now after all.
Chapter 3: awww
i like how everyone gets a happy ending.
& i hope woohyun & sunggyu can still be friends :>
so fluffy but i like it a lot! ^^
shedding-dream #9
Chapter 3: I'm glad they have their own happy ending ♥

And merry Christmas too~ :D
hanabira #10
Chapter 3: no.. it's good after all.. btw, there is another chapter right? i hope eventhough sunggyu and woohyun already broke up but i want them to not avoiding each other and just be good friend.. what about that? :)