Moving On...

Already Gone

"Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry"


The day Sunggyu moved in to his new apartment, Myungsoo was there to help.  They packed both of their cars with all of the older man's belongings.  The easy part was moving everything in.  The hard part was unpacking everything.  It took them the whole weekend to get everything organized.  Myungsoo was surprise with the amount of books Sunggyu owned.  They were from all different subjects, thick, and thin.  So these are the type of things teachers own, he mused.  It was Sunday afternoon when they finally finish unpacking the last bit of Sunggyu's things.  They fell on the couch exsausted.  

S:  Thanks Myung. I don't know how long it would have taken me if you weren't here.

M:  It's no problem.  We're friends after all.

S:  But I took up your whole weekend.  You must feel like it was a total waste of time.

M:  No.  Don't think that way.  I got to spend some time with you so it wasn't a waste of time.

Sunggyu could feel his faced burning.  He knew Myungsoo didn't mean anything more with the comment but it made his heart flutter.  He turned his face away from the younger so he wouldn't seem him blush.  It was too late as Myungsoo had seen his face turn a slight shade of pink.  Myungsoo smirked at the thought of having made the older man blush.  Though they were only friends, Myungsoo had always had an attaction towards Sunggyu.  

S:  Umm... how about I treat you to a meal for helping me.

M:  Offer accepted.

S:  I don't really have any food yet and I feel far too tired to cook.  How about we go out to eat?  We can go to any place you want.

M:  How about the Udon place down the street?

S:  Sounds good.  Let's go then.

Myungsoo and Sunggyu walked down the street to the little restaurant.  Even before they open the door to enter, they already could smell the delicious food.  They took a seat near the window and a young waitress took their order.  The two relaxed as they enjoyed their food.  After all their physical exertion from the move, it was nice to eat something warm.  When they finished, Sunggyu paid for their meal and the two left the restaurant, heading back towards the older man's apartment.  Myungsoo notice an ice cream shop across the street.

M:  How about some ice cream for dessert?

S:  You still want have room for dessert?

M:  I'm not an cheap date, Sunggyu.  You can't just buy me dinner then take me back to your home.

S:  W-What? D-d-date?

Myungsoo walked across the street leaving a dumbstruck Sunggyu behind.  A big grin was plaster on his face.  He was enjoying teasing the older man.  When Sunggyu finally snapped back into reality, he ran after the younger trying to catch up to him.  

It would be another two months of teasing and flirting before the two finally went on their first official date.  Myungsoo had waited till Sunggyu was truly ready to start dating again.  He didn't want to be a rebound and make their relationship awkward.  He prepared for a week to plan a perfect date for Sunggyu.  Myungsoo had never put so much effort for a date before but he wanted to impress the older man.  If he had know the truth, he would have know that he had won the older man the weekend he helped Sunggyu move to his apartment.

From that first date, the two men were inseparable.  Myungsoo stopped bartending and took a job at a food corporation.  He was starting to build a future with Sunggyu and wanted to be a better provider.  His parents weren't upset with his decision to stop bartending, they were actually glad that he was moving on and making use of his college degree.  Myungsoo was now walking down a street in Myeongdong on his way to meet up with his boyfriend for some Christmas shopping.  They had already been dating for nine months and he never felt happier.  



Sunggyu thought he took his break up with Woohyun well but on occasion he found his mind wondering about the other man.  He felt as if something was missing without Woohyun.  He had been with the other man for so long that he wasn't use to living on his own.  If it wasn't for Myungsoo help, Sunggyu would have had a harder time dealing with the transition.  Eventually, the two grew their friendship into something more.  Sunggyu was hesitant to give his heart but Myungsoo was patient with him.  Myungsoo was playful and kept things light until Sunggyu was ready to go out with him.  From their first date he couldn't imagine not being with the younger man.  He had found love again.

Sunggyu was doing some window shopping in Myeongdong while he waited for his boyfriend to get off work and meet him for some shopping.  He stopped in front of a men's clothing store and stared at the window display.  He was contemplating about whether the clothes on the mannequin would suit Myungsoo.  He was going to have to bring Myungsoo here and make the younger try on some clothes.  Sunggyu was about to walk over next door to the coffee shop, when a person sitting by the window inside caught his attention.  It was Woohyun.  It had already been a year since they broke up but this was the first time he had laid eyes on the man.  They had not spoken or seen each other since that night.  Woohyun had a bright smile on his face and was doing aegyo to the man in front of him.  Sunggyu had almost forgot how greasy Woohyun could be.  The other man grabbed Woohyun's hand and kissed it.  From the sight, Sunggyu knew that Woohyun was with his new boyfriend.  He felt a slight pain in his heart.  Woohyun had been his first love and to see him smiling with another man hurt a little.  From time to time he would wonder and worry about the other man.  Seeing Woohyun again put his mind at ease.  He wouldn't have to wonder anymore.  Woohyun was healthy and happy.  He had moved on.

Sunggyu's phone rang in his pocket.

S:  Hello?

M:  Gyu-ah where are you?  I'm done with work already.

S:  I'm in front of a men's clothing store next to a coffee shop.

M:  Oh I see you.  I'm across the street.  Wait for me I'm coming.

Sunggyu turned around and saw his boyfriend running towards him.  As soon as the younger made it across the street he pulled the older man into a hug and planted a kiss on his lips.  Sunggyu couldn't help but laugh when they finally broke from the kiss. 

S:  What was that for?

M:  I'm just glad to see my boyfriend.

Sunggyu couldn't help but blush.  Myungsoo was always so affectionate whether in public or private.  Sunggyu intertwined their fingers together.  He gave Myungsoo a quick peck before dragging the younger into the clothing store.

S:  Com'on there's some clothes I want to show you.



Woohyun and Hoya were sitting in a coffee shop taking shelter from the cold.  The two had just finish shopping and came in to grab something to eat and warm up.  He was happily staring at his boyfriend.  A year ago if someone had told him that he would be dating Hoya, he would have denied it.  He would have never imagined that a year could bring such a dramatic change.  

After Woohyun broke up with Sunggyu, he leaned on Hoya for support.  The younger man was always there for him and helped to mend his broken heart.  Several months after his breakup, Hoya confessed to Woohyun.  He hesitated to respond but eventually  he returned the younger man's feeling.  He had found happiness and comfort he didn't realize he was missing.

The buzzer they had went off, signaling that their food was ready to be picked up.  Woohyun used his best aegyo to convince Hoya to be the one to get their meal.  Hoya concede to his boyfriend.  He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and gave it a soft kiss before getting up to get their food.  Woohyun watched Hoya walk to the counter before he took his attention to the street outside.  It was full of shopper going from store to store.  In all the hurry and bustle there was one person that caught his attention.  Right away he recognized Sunggyu in the crowd.  The other man was on the phone and looking across the street.  Woohyun followed Sunggyu's view and saw a younger man running up to his ex.  The younger man pulled Sunggyu into a big hug and kissing him passionately.    Woohyun's heart stopped for a moment from watching the scene unfolding before him.  Sunggyu was smiling and laughing, something he hadn't seen in a long time.  He had not seen the other man since he walked out on Sunggyu that faithful night over a year ago.  Because they haven't had any contact, Woohyun often was concerned about the other man but never did take the time to find out about Sunggyu's whereabouts.  He couldn't bring himself to see the older man again.  Knowing Sunggyu had move on and happy was a relief.  He had done the right thing by walking away.

Hoya returned with a tray of food.

H:  Woo, are you ok?

W:  Huh?... Yeah I'm fine.  I was just thinking.

H:  Oh? About what?

W:  Nothing much, I'm just glad to be spending sometime with you.



Hoya was standing at the roof top of their office building.  He watched as the sun began to set on the city.  For the last few months he had watch as Woohyun slowly get over Sunggyu.  Recently, it seem that Woohyun was finally in better spirits.  Hoya was going to finally confess.  All these months working with Woohyun, listening to his relationship problems, all the while keeping his own feeling hidden was taking it's toll on the young executive.  No matter how the other man would react, he was going at least let his feelings be known.

Woohyun walked out to the rooftop.  He quickly saw Hoya silhouette against the setting sun.  He walked over to the younger man and stood next to him watching the sunset.

W: I'm here.  What are we doing on the roof top, Hoya?

H:  Woo, I'm glad you came.  I needed to talk to you.

W:  As much as you've been here for me, you can talk to me about anything.

Hoya hesitated before speaking.  He had been waiting for this moment for so long, but his nerves were getting to him.  He turned to Woohyun and looked deep into his eyes.

H:  Woo, you're my best friend here at Seoul.  I can't imagine not having you around, but I want something more than you're friendship.  I'm in love with you Nam Woohyun.  I know you've been through a hard breakup and I can wait if you still need some time.  But I need to know if I have a chance.  I can't guarantee that we'll always get along or that we'll never hurt each other but know I'll always try to be there for you and make you happy.

Woohyun was stunned by the confession.  He never expected it from the younger man.  Whatever feelings Hoya had for him, he never showed it.  He didn't know what to say.  There was a long silence.  Woohyun didn't even realize that Hoya was now holding his hand.

W:  Hoya, this really is a surprise... You've always been there for me.  I'm so thankful to have you in my life... B-but can I have some time to think about this.

Hoya nodded.  At least he wasn't hearing a full rejection.

W:  I'll take my leave first.  I'll see you tomorrow Hoya.

For a week, Hoya didn't get a response from Woohyun.  He was getting worried.  He saw the other man at work but they never spoke about the thing Hoya wanted to know the most.

Hoya sat on his couch flipping thru the channels when he heard the buzzing of his doorbell .  He answered the door to see Woohyun standing in front of him.

W:  Can I come in?

Hoya moved out of the way and allowed the older man to enter.  They sat awkwardly next to each other on the couch.

W:  I thought about your confession and I have my answer.

Hoya looked up at the other man.  The next thing he knew, Woohyun's face was inching towards him and he felt a pair of soft lips on his.  Hoya closed his eyes and returned the kiss.  He couldn't hide his happiness after they broke the kiss.

H:  So can I take that as a "yes"?

A few more months had passed.  Now Hoya was about to celebrate his first Christmas with Woohyun.  They had been going around doing some shopping and had settled for some food at a coffee shop Woohyun had picked out.  His time waiting had paid off.  He was happy and in love.



A/N:  Was this too fluffy?  I didn't want it to be.   I just wanted to give some closure.  I hope it's ok.  I wasn't completely satisfied with it.

Thank you for reading and subscribing my little story.

It's late but Merry Christmas.  I hope everyone had a good holiday.


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remand_a #1
Chapter 4: Myunggyu is so sweet.....
Woogyu broke up but after that they find their happiness

Beautiful story.... Please Keep writing myunggyu *-*)/\
Chapter 4: This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Myungsoo is Sunggyu real soul mate and Hoya is Woohyun real soul mate.
It very sad to see WooGyu break but at least there is MyungGyu and WooYa.
Thanks Hoya and Myungsoo for waiting Woohyun and Sunggyu patiently and not giving up. Hahahha XD
Fighting!!!!! Thanks for this amazing story!!!!!!!!
kiseob_cute #3
Chapter 4: Tears! Infinite tears all over my face! Its beautiful??
Chapter 3: I know I'm late, but salute for you. I love the ending, they deserved a new start ^^
myunggyu + wooya are certainly my things. =)
sammieyong #5
Chapter 4: :) yea, i've already subscribed to that story some time back.
Chapter 3: i like how the story is somehow related and stuff like everything was fate from the start^^... good job author-nim~
Chapter 3: i liked the story and im happy everyone can find the love with others when the relationship don't work anymore

i agree with everyone, woogyu need to become friends, they dated for 6 years so maybe they can be good friend now after all.
Chapter 3: awww
i like how everyone gets a happy ending.
& i hope woohyun & sunggyu can still be friends :>
so fluffy but i like it a lot! ^^
shedding-dream #9
Chapter 3: I'm glad they have their own happy ending ♥

And merry Christmas too~ :D
hanabira #10
Chapter 3: no.. it's good after all.. btw, there is another chapter right? i hope eventhough sunggyu and woohyun already broke up but i want them to not avoiding each other and just be good friend.. what about that? :)