Of Art classes,love,and .


    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ♥::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

And Junsu reaches home, eyes swollen red from the crying, face looking tired.
He could hear the giggles and laugher from inside their (his and Yunho`s ) house 

Well, not exactly what I want to come home to, but better than being rejected, he thought.

He opened the door with his own keys and got welcome by the sight of Yunho and Jaejoong cuddled on the couch together , eating a cake. And of course, the two lovebirds noticed him and technically , noticed his just-went-crying sad  face.He was thirsty so he headed to the kitchen

Junsu wasn`t surprised that Yunho and Jaejoong followed him. 

`Hey, what`s wrong?` Yunho asked. Of course.

"Yeah, what's wrong, you look like you just got rejected." Jaejoong added.
And with that Junsu glared at him.
"Whoa, did I hit a nerve?"

Junsu kept silent.

"Jaebear" Yunho warned.

Just when Jaejoong was about to reprimand at Yunho's little warning, Junsu spoke.
"Nothing's wrong" he lied.
"I just miss mom and dad"
Liar. Jaejoong thougt. But who could the person who rejected him be? 

"Aww, Su. It's okay, I'm here okay?" Yunho hugged him.

"Thanks, hyung. I'm going up to my room and rest now, Good night, hyungs." Junsu kissed his cousin's cheek  and went up to his room. Missing the conversation the couple had when he left.

-- - - - - - - - - -  YunJae conversation interlude.

"Did you know that your cousin is picking on Yoochun?" Jae said and sat on Yunho's lap.

"What?" Yunho's eyes widened at the statement.

"Yeah, I saw him come out of Chunnie's classroom  one time, looking so snarky and flirty," the pretty man replied

"Oh . " Yunho nodded.

"I don't like it , Yunnie" Jae told his lover in a serious tone.

"WHA' why ? what's wrong? I think they'd look good together, and besides Junsu is Chunchun's fave student, right?" Yunho asked in confusion.

"Well, he doesn't know the real Junsu , Yunho"

"What real Junsu? "

"The Junsu who sleeps around, honey" Joongie  said seriously.

"You think , that's just Junsu. Junsu's kind, and nice, and smart -- "

"But the fact that he s around is not good Yunho, especially for Yoochun. I mean , how do we know that Junsu doesn't just want to get into Yoochun's pants like he does to random school guys?"

"And how do you know that he doesn't really like or maybe love Yoochun?" Yunho shot back.

" ... "

"See, Boo? It's too early for us to judge. We don;t know what's really going on in his heart or mind so we can't just jump to conclusion, a'right?"

"I just don't want Yoochun to get hurt" Jaejoong pouted.

"Neither do I, hon. He's my friend too, you know. I'll try to observe Junsu or ask him even about his intentions. there. better? " Yunho kissed his boyfriend's pout.

"Should I tell Yooch-- "

"No Jaejae , you shouldn't if Junsu really likes  Chunnie, he will have the courage to tell the truth by himself"

"You're right" Jae muttered.

"Now where were we?" Yunho said as he planted open-mouthed kisses to his lover's neck and collarbones.

"HMM" Jaejoong moaned.

-- - - - - -END OF CONVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!Junsu lay on his bed, crying again. Trying not to think of the things that just happened all in one day. when his phone beeped, a text message from some guy in school asking if he wants to get laid that night.
And for the very first time in the history of the universe, JUNSU DECLINED.

He turned his phone off and cried and cried and cried.This was the first time he felt like this.

It hurts so much. I didn't think it would turn out like this . I really like him..
Maybe this is karma for ing around.
I'll never have a crush or fall for someone again.
I'll just end up hurt anyway.

He let his tears fall until sleep got into him,

And just like that , Junsu closed his heart.


Yoochun stopped by a coffee shop to have breakfast before going to work.That morning was the morning after the Junsu incident. He sighed.Will he be in class today? ,he wondered. 

He was munching on his favorite pastry in the coffee shop when he overheard the conversation of the students whose table was just behind his,

"I can't believe Junsu declined last night " the student ' said.

Junsu? Kim Junsu?, Yoochun wondered,

As if the other student read his mind.

"Junsu. Kim Junsu? the soccer player from Block D, class. and the one with the nice ??"  the companion asked.

"Yep, that one" the student asked.

Positive. It's Junsu, my student. Yoochun thought..

"How do you mean declined?" the companion questioned.

"He declined my offer to have . One night stand "

And that shocked Yoochun. WHAT THE ? 
He just kept on listening.

"That's like a miracle, didn;t you tell me he sleeps around most often? " the other said.

"Yeah, I think he has ed all the guys in the school. But he has this condition that it shouldn't spill , he probably doesn;t want realtionship issues.  " the  student stated.

"But dude, I wonder how many guys he's had with"

"Probably a hundred" , the student laughed.

Then Yoochun had enough, He stood up and headed out of the cafe then walked his way to school,

And on his way, he thought about stuff. Mostly about Junsu or rather, all about Junsu,

He was beyond angry,

How dare he!
What! Was it all just an act last night?
He was just trying to get into my pants? That's it?
That was probably Jaejoong's warning..
I should've bought it  from the start.
The nerve  of that student.!
Arggh, I'm so pissed, and mad and angry.

Too bad.Yoochun would've reconsidered his decision if he hadn't heard that conversation earlier.
But he did. So there's no going back to changing his mind.


He sighed and entered the room. He was always early in class.
 Just like today ,  and when he stepped in. There  were only a few students in the class , and one of them was Junsu.
Siiting at the back of the room,reading a book,.with a cold look in his eyes.
Damn. He was the only one who didn;t greet Yoochun, he didn;t even look up!

BRAT..Yoochun thought and went to his desk .
Well' he's not the favorite anymore.

-----     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -  to be continued....

PS: updated!!haha.. hope you like it..
It's pretty long, I think?LOL.

lots of love!!


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Sorrow5 #1
Can I translate it into Vietnamese please?
I really love it
Promise that I'll take out with full credit for you
Looking forward to your reply ><
kimbap876 #2
Chapter 4: So Junsu's past is catching up with him---hope he learned his lesson-and I also hope that Yoochun gives him a chance...
Chapter 4: T^T broken Yoo-Su~ update soon...
Chapter 4: now because of yoochun, junsu become the cold hearted person...
you must will regret it,yoochun...

thanks for update
Chapter 5: Why did you update two chapters of chapter 4?
Chapter 5: Aigoo,Chunnie you misunderstood him~Su baby you have to open your your heart to him!!!!Update soon please~
Chapter 3: wae yoochun must refuse junsu if he love him too?*sigh
yoochun will regret it later...

thanks for update
kimbap876 #8
Thank you for this fanfic-I just subsribed and am waiting for the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Omona!!!!Poor Junsu~Chunnie pabo!Thx for the update~