THREE - What Happens Now?

Of Art classes,love,and .

 Oh my god , this totally ruined it . Oh my , oh my ,oh my...
should I confess right now? arrggh, I'm gonna have to do it one way or the other.. 

Junsu bit his lip as he thought it over.
He   shut his eyes tight as he felt Yoochun walk towards him and opened them as he felt the older man's presence in front of him.

"Junsu" Yoochun started. He didn't actually  know how to react at this. He loved  liked the kid too but considering the circumstances(oh you know, him being a teacher, the , plus Jaejoong's cryptic warning )  , he can't  let his feelings take over him.
"Is this yours?" he asked as if he didn't know the answer. Junsu nodded.
"explain please?" Yoochun raised a questioning eyebrow, but still , he was nervous

"Sonsaengmin" Junsu said and Yoochun saw fear and innocence in his eyes. Is that for real?
"I'm really sorry for bothering you, but I like you--no, since my freshman year, I-"

"freshman year?" Yoochun cut him off , shock written all over his face . This Junsu, has known me ,let alone liked me for that long, should I believe this kid?

Yes, Mr. Park, the first time I saw you , you were with Jae- - Mr Kim  eating in the school cafeteria. Since then I liked  you.".Junsu stuttered. This wasn't the way he expected it at all.

"Junsu , maybe you're just infatuated" Yoochun stated , he didn;t wanna say that, but he had to confirm.

"No, if it was just a little crush, I wouldn't have tried to seduce you , I really like you Mr . Pa--;"

"Seduce me?What is this some kind of way to get into my pants? Yoochun cut him off angrily, now he was getting really pissed. How dare  he? 

"NO!"  the smaller man stood up and looked up at his teacher . Yoochun stepped back a little.
"I really like you , Mr. Park. "

"Stop calling me , Mr. Park. Hyung , just hyung, I mean when we're not in class" Yoochun said, Junsu calling him Mr. Park made him feel more guilty about his feelings.

"I really like you , hyung" Junsu smiled. the smile Yoochun liked the most, the smile that made his day.

"Kim Junsu, this can't be like this" he told Junsu.

"Why not?" Junsu frowned , with pain in his voice and his eyes.

""It's wrong"

"No. it's not ,you like me too , right?" the student questioned , uncertain.

"Junsu I --mmph" Yoochun was cut off when Junsu suddenly kissed him on the lips, and before he even knew it he was wrapping his arms around the ylatter's y waist and responding to the kiss . His student wound his arms around his neck then it dawned him. ---- MY STUDENT. 
He abruptly pulled away and stepped back.
"Junsu, damn , stop it" He yelled. (glad that no one was around the area to hear him), when Junsu tried to pull him back.

His student looked at him , this time, the pain really showing in his eyes. The pain of rejection.

Junsu felt his heart break, and his eyes started to water. I guess it's not meant to be. I guess I was wrong to think that he liked me. He looked down and turn his back on the older man and started to pack his things up. 

And as he was about to pick up his back he saw the "paper" on the floor.  JunChun, ChunJun, SuChun, YooSu.  He fought back his tears as he picked it up and crumpled it. Then threw it straight to the trash can.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Park, I guess I was just being stupid.and selfish I apologize for the trouble. I won't bother you anymore "
he said, voice barely audible. He then  ran out of the room. Junsu had  never felt this kind of pain before. ever. It was your fault.  His mind said to him. A tear finally made its way out of his eyes followed . by another and another and another
:: : : : 
And Yoochun stood there .

"Junsu" he whispered, though the younger man wasn't there anymore.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Park, I guess I was just being stupid  and selfish. I apologize for the trouble. I won't bother you anymore"

The words hurt him. Why does it hurt ?  Oh well, you like the kid too, Yoochun.

Yoochun sighed. It's better this way  . IS IT?

Will Junsu still show up in his class tomorrow.? He thought as he turned the  classroom's lights off and  headed straight home.

What happens now? 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to♥.be♥.continued ♥- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

PS : I know its short,and I'm so sorry >., <, but I hoped you liked it, It's 12:30 am and I need to sleep now. hehe ^______^ 
I need chocolate chip cookies..!!!!!!




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Sorrow5 #1
Can I translate it into Vietnamese please?
I really love it
Promise that I'll take out with full credit for you
Looking forward to your reply ><
kimbap876 #2
Chapter 4: So Junsu's past is catching up with him---hope he learned his lesson-and I also hope that Yoochun gives him a chance...
Chapter 4: T^T broken Yoo-Su~ update soon...
Chapter 4: now because of yoochun, junsu become the cold hearted person...
you must will regret it,yoochun...

thanks for update
Chapter 5: Why did you update two chapters of chapter 4?
Chapter 5: Aigoo,Chunnie you misunderstood him~Su baby you have to open your your heart to him!!!!Update soon please~
Chapter 3: wae yoochun must refuse junsu if he love him too?*sigh
yoochun will regret it later...

thanks for update
kimbap876 #8
Thank you for this fanfic-I just subsribed and am waiting for the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Omona!!!!Poor Junsu~Chunnie pabo!Thx for the update~