Episode 002: Family and moving {oo2}

We Got Married!


“Woohyun-ah what are you doing?”
Woohyun and Dongwoo put their hands away, Eun Hee clapped, “Omo cute!”
Hye Su blinked and smiled, “Whoa, who did this?” she walked to the huge picture, “We did it, umma!” infinite shouted, well more ruckus shouted.

Hye Su smiled, bowing to them, “Kamsahmnida,” Sungjong said, “You need to read the personal messages toward Sunggyu hyung, we are truly worried about you.”
Hye Su laughed, “Aigoo, don’t worry about that, I bet my hubby here,” she sat next to him, “Is the greatest.”

Pecking his cheek, Sunggyu blushed.

*MC2: Aigoo, she is really in love with him.
MC3: They are making us so jealous…*

Sunggyu and the infinite members were so nice they put everything in the kitchen, while Eun Hee and Hye Su were reading, they were giggling and laughing, after that they went to the kitchen, Eun Hee was amazed by the house.

Eun Hee and Hye Su were preparing the lunch meal.

While infinite was putting moving the boxes that were in the living room.
Dongwoo was already whining for his hungry stomach, Sunggyu bossy Sungjong, Hoya had his poker face on and kept moving boxes without whine or nagging.
Woohyun was sneaking in the kitchen as well Sungyeol, they didn’t want to carry heavy things.

*MC2 shook his head: Naughty members, running as men responsibilities, running away…
MC3: How will the girls react?*

Hye Su turned around, seeing Woohyun and Sungyeol tiptoeing, placing her hands on her hips, “What are you doing?” she looked at them.


Eun Hee was busy with cooking, Hye Su grabbed their hands and walked to the living room, seeing the others were busy, “Oppa, give them some things to do and leave Sungjong alone,” Sungjong smiled, “Kamsahmnida umma~”

Hye Su walked back to the kitchen, “Eun-ah…”
Eun Hee turned around, “I texted Ji Sun and Haneul about this address, they are coming quickly after recording,” Hye Su smiled, “But you can help them, I can handle this.”
Eun Hee frowned, “Are sure, there a lot of-“

“Umma can handle this,” Eun Hee nodded and walked with the cute apron to the living room, she grabbed a box, Woohyun who came down, saw Eun Hee was about to carry a heavy thing.
“Eun-ah, give me that one, you can do that,” he pointed the smallest box.

“Aniya, I can-“
Sungjong grabbed the light box, but Woohyun said, “Sungjong-ah you are man, carry a heavy thing,” Sungjong frowned, “But hyung-“

Eun Hee took a heavy box, Sungjong saw that, “Eun-ah, let me take-“

“I am not that-“

Woohyun and Sungjong took both the heavy box, Eun Hee puffed her cheek, “You are a girl and you can’t lift many things, we are worried about you for-“

Sunggyu came also downstairs, “Oh, let me take that, you should wait in the living room.”

*MC3: D’aaawwwh they are so caring for the youngest.
MC2: Is she the youngest?
MC1: She is 1996 line.
MC3: However, they are worried so much about her. She wants to carry the heavy boxes, they took it away.*

Eun Hee nodded and walked to the living room, seeing Hoya and L were done, they were sitting, they were sweating, “Do you want to drink something?”
They nodded, “Bu-“

Eun Hee walked in the kitchen, “Umma, do you bought the drinks?”
“Ani, Why?”
“I will buy it, oppas seem thirsty and tired,”
Hye Su nodded, “I-“

“No need,” Eun Hee smiled, “I will go to buy it, Ji Sun and Haneul come around an hour later or two hours,” Hye Su nodded, “Be careful.”

Eun Hee put her apron off; she walked to the living room, “Where are you going?” Hoya asked, “To the supermarket, buying drinks for you.”
Hoya stood up, “I will walk with you,” L said, “Me too.”
“Oppa you are both tired, I can handle-“

The other members came down, “Oh, where are you going?” Woohyun asked.

*MC3: Aigoo, they are such caring people for the youngest.
MC1: Except for Sungjong.
MC3: But he is a man, he need to the tough things, Eun Hee is now the new little sister icon, because she looks so fresh and innocent.
MC2: Hush both of you.*

“Me, I am going to-“

“Hyung, I will walk with L and Eun Hee to the store,” Hoya said, “Ahh okay, I will go…”
“To your wife,”
s teased.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and walked in the kitchen, in the kitchen, it smelled heavenly, “Whoa, I never thought you could-“
Hye Su turned around, smiling, “Because you never-“
Sunggyu hugged behind her, putting his chin on her shoulder, “Even though, you are perfect wife.”
Hye Su blushed and continued with cooking, “Is Eun Hee walking alone to the store?”
“Nope, L and Hoya are with him,”
Hye Su snickered, “Always caring for my dongsaengs,” Sunggyu smiled, “But they are like our little sisters or daughters in my part.”

Hye Su smiled, “You are lovely appa for them,” Sunggyu smiled.


Eun Hee walked through the supermarket with a basket; she looked at the cameraman and pointed to the cake.
She smiled, “I am going to buy it for umma and appa,” she giggled.
She looked around her, she asked to the seller and pointed to the cake, “Do you want to write something,” she asked.
Eun Hee nodded and wrote something small.

‘Congratulation Hye umma and Gyu appa’

Eun Hee smiled, neatly she paid it and the seller smiled and asked if she could have an autograph for her son.

*MC3: D’awwwh, she is kind to buy some cake for them.
MC1: And doing fanservice as well.
M3: Look at Hoy and L.
MC2: They are really dorks.*

Hoya and L peeked, “Eun-ah~” they sang, she turned around, they saw she was carrying a box, “What’s that?”
“Surprise, let’s buy some drinks and sweets,”
she smiled.


The doorbell rang, “OPEN THE DOOR!”

*MC2: Whoa, who could it be?
MC3: They are quite loud.*

Sungjong walked to the door, when he opened it, Haneul and Ji Sun hugged him, “Sungjong oppa, annyeong,” they jumped and giggled and rushed in the house.
“Umma!” Haneul chirped loudly, Hye Su was done with putting the food, “Yea?”

Ji Sun and Haneul hugged her, “Where is hamster oppa? We got a big gift for him,” they showed their plastic bag.
“I am here,” Sunggyu put the plates good, “We’ll show it later, Kwon-ah, take it, I help appa,” Ji Sun said.
Haneul nodded.


Haneul looked at the huge photo, “Whoa,” she clapped, “Jeongmal huge!”
Soon the doorbell rang, “I will get it!” she raced fast.

*MCs: Those girls are energetic.
Look at the infinite members, half tired and sitting on the couch.*

“Eun Hee!” Haneul hugged her, “Unnie,” she smiled.

“Since everyone is here, then everyone can sit here,” Hye Su said.


Everyone gather and sit together, they even let the couple sitting next to each other.
“Wait,” Eun Hee rushed to the living room and grabbed the box; she walked to the couple, “Congratulation.”
She smiled.

Sunggyu took it, they took it out.
“Whoa,” everyone was impressed, “The youngest is doing well!” Woohyun snorted.
Everyone laughed, “Let’s eat lunch first and eat later the cake,” Hye Su took the cake, everyone nodded.

Everyone was eating.

*MC3: Whoa, Hye Su’s cooking seems nice and tasty to eat.
MC2: True, she is truly a cooking wife.*

“Whoa, umma it’s delicious!” the boys shouted, Hye Su smiled.


Eun Hee and Ji Sun were doing washing the dishes, while Hoya and Sungyeol were cleaning the table and putting the trashes outside.

Hye Su put the cake on a huge plate, Sunggyu was helping her, L and Dongwoo were cleaning the living room to eat there the cake.
Sungjong was helping Eun Hee and Ji Sun with drying the plates.
Woohyun and Haneul helped Dongwoo and L.

*MCs: It really looks like a big family, everyone is helping.*


Everyone sat around, eating cake, “Umma!” Haneul chirped, “Nae?”
“Aren’t you curious about our gift?”
Ji Sun snickered.
“Show me,” the two girls giggled.

Haneul stood up and grabbed the bag, two stood in front of Hye Su and Sunggyu, “Tada,” they showed two teddy bears.
Hye Su clapped her hands, “Cute!” she smiled, Sunggyu looked at it, “Why do we get this?”

“This is a replacement, when we are out Korea or you guys in Japan, so this one is umma and that on is appa.”
Ji Sun smiled, “Whoa, even that bear got huger eyes than hyung does,” Sungyeol shouted.

Sunggyu glared Sungyeol, Hye Su snickered, “Gomawoyo, but no one can replace this man,” she held Sunggyu’s hand.
Sunggyu turned red, “Oh, hyung was first scary now a big softie! I wished he acted like this to us,” Woohyun whined.
Eun Hee snickered, “Appa is really nice to us,” Sungjong said, “With us. He is scary.”

Everyone laughed, “Aaah, stop it.”
Sunggyu groaned annoyed, Infinite swallowed, “Appa~” the three youngest used their aegyo, Sunggyu looked at them with a bit annoyed face, “Mianhaeyo,” they sang.
Sunggyu smiled, “Oh, if we do that, he will smack us!” Dongwoo said.

“Do you think I can hit girls,” Sunggyu snorted.

*MC3: Aigoo, a real family, but girls always get advantage by the father.
MC2: Poor Infinite.*

“We should name them!” Haneul said, “Why?” L said.
“Come on, it’s cute,” Ji Sun said, “I go for the girl teddy bear, Gyuri!” Sungjong chirped.
Hye Su looked at him, “Oh.”
the girls protested, “Why?” Sungjong pouted.
“Gyuri is the same name as Kara’s leader, what if a scandal will create?” Eun Hee said.

*MCs: Aah, the girls are smart!*


‘Are you a jealous wife? What did you find about the name Gyuri?’

Hye Su nodded, “I didn’t mean the name. Even thought, I didn’t like it if it really created a scandal. Oppa is mine.”
She covered about what she said and laughed.

*MCs: Aigoo, every girl is like this.*

Sunggyu received the same question.
He laughed, “Hye Su is the only girl in my eyes. If it really created a scandal with the leader Gyuri of Kara, then I will tell it’s my member’s mistake. I didn’t say that.”


“How about Romeo and Juliet?”
the infinite members nagged, “Why!” Haneul snorted.
Hye Su laughed, “I like that, but I agree, you know the story about Romeo and Juliet’s ending,” Haneul nodded.

“I know,” Hye Su said.
“What?” Sunggyu looked at her, “I call my teddy Grandpa Gyu,” she looked at him with a childish smile, “Why!” Sunggyu pouted.

“Oh my god, this is first time seeing hyung like this,” Hoya mouth dropped.
“Oh Grandpa Gyu! I like it!” Eun Hee clapped, “It sounds so cute,” Haneul giggled together with Ji Sun.

“Why Grandpa Gyu,” Sunggyu asked to Hye Su, “I remembered your nicknames, I like it, because Grandpa Gyu is now always with me,” she played with her teddy bear’s arms to him, looking cute to her hubby.
Sunggyu couldn’t resist it, “Ara,” Hye Su pecked his cheek, “Grandpa Gyu~” she played with her teddy bear.

“Aigoo, umma is now very cute,” Sungjong said.
Hye Su blushed, “I am not cute, I am lead of the-“

“Charisma of the group,” her members helped.
“Now Sunggyu hyung’s bear name,” Dongwoo said.

“How about Rose as name?” Eun Hee spoke in English, everyone looked at her strangely, well Infinite members.
“Rose, I mean umma’s favourite flowers are roses,” Eun Hee said.
“Shiro~” Infinite rejected, Eun Hee puffed her cheeks.
Sunggyu said, “Agree with my members, but really nice try Eun-ah,” he smiled, he stood up and hugged her.

Infinite said, “Yah, why are you so nice to her, hyung!”
“She is my daughter and the youngest,”
Sunggyu snickered and sat next to the girls.

“Why is so hard for a girl’s teddy bear name,” Woohyun whined, “Just call it Woogyu,” L snorted.
“Yah, Woohyun hyung is not gay,” Dongwoo smacked L’s head.

“I know it, Sarang,” Sunggyu smiled.
The girls clapped, “Love? That’s is too greasy as Woohyun with his aegyo,” Hoya nagged.
“But Hye Su is my love, that’s why Sarang,” Hye Su bit her index finger, smiling shyly.
“Appa that’s really sweet,” Haneul hugged behind him, “Sarang, aigoo appa you are very good to make girl’s being fluttered by heart,” Ji Sun complimented.

“But the one who need to hear is,” everyone looked at Hye Su, “I like it, it’s sweet meaning,” she smiled shyly.


Everyone stood ready, Woohyun stood with the camera and placed on the dining table, “The time is counting off!”

He rushed to the group, Hye Su held Grandpa Gyu in her arms, while Sunggyu put his arm around her waist.
She leaned to his shoulder, while he held Sarang good in his arms.

Next to her side stood her members, smiling nice and neatly and freshly as well, while Infinite were a bit spread, Hoya Dongwoo and Sungjong little bit bending their knees, smiling while Sungyeol and L were overreacted posed and Woohyun showed a bit aegyo.

The pictures were showed on the camera screen, hearing the laughs and shouts.

*MC2: Eh? It ended?
MC3: Aish, why is it always ending so fast!
MC2: We are so sorry for not continued.
MC1: Next episode is next week.*

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WGM: Don't Worry Couple things will come ^^


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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 30: this is just sooooo cutee :"""
author-nim, hwaiting!! ^^
Lilkik #2
Chapter 28: Fighting with the school and all,be healthy:D
Chapter 26: awwwww that is so cute! hahaha the 1st, 2nd,3rd and 7th pics i can imagine sunggyu kekeke especially 3rd cz that hair is almost the same
Chapter 25: Soooo cute!!!!! I love this fanfic is probably the best wgm story ever!!!! >.<
clouds930428 #5
Chapter 23: aw author-nim this chapter is so sweettttttttttttttttttttt~
i wanna be Hyesu -3-
Chapter 22: Ahahahahaahahaa i really laughed when he ate like a pig and hye su was like he wanted to be himself XDDD
Chapter 22: curiosity killed kitty!
What's gonna happen?!
Curious curious!
You love making a little kitty waiting huh ? :D
Chapter 21: OMG THAT WAS SO SWEET. Kekeke u uploaded it and i read it on my birthdaaay ^_^
Chapter 20: Wow they can just kiss on an international show XD fans are crying
Chapter 19: Ummm falling u (tara) ??? I dun understand now