Trip to the mall

Trying something different

The rest of the week was strangely uneventful for Cheondung and he was more than happy when Saturday came. He was going to see a movie with his hyung and maybe hang around the mall later.

Like every other weekend, Cheondung got up at about ten and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth after fixing the bed. Once having that done, he lazily dragged his feet towards the kitchen all the while scratching his tummy as he yawned.

A sight escaped his lips while he was scanning the fridge for something at least somewhat edible but was greeted with no such luck, seeing he hadn't went grocery shopping yet. Groaning in annoyance he grabbed a box of orange juice and slammed the fridge door shut just as he heard the front door slip open and the sound of rustling paper fill the corridor.

"Morning." he greeted while poring some juice into two glasses. "What's that?"

"Breakfast." Seungho answered just as he set the paper bag on the table and reached for one of the glasses.

Throughout this week Seungho had spent a lot of time at the younger's place so he was now completely comfortable with everything around the house.

"Go get dressed while I make us something to eat, ok?"

"Sure thing, hyung." Cheondung got up from the chair he had previously plopped into and made his way to the bedroom.

Throwing on some jeans and a simple tee, Cheondung was greeted by the powerful smell of eggs just as he exited his room.

"Here you go." Seungho mumbled as he laid a plate full of eggs, toast and some bacon in front of Cheondung and one for himself.

"Thanks, hyung." the younger answered, mouth already full of food. Smiling quickly, Seungho started eating as well.

The meal went with little conversations but none of the two minded, both were too busy enjoying the food.

Once having their stomachs full, the duo quickly cleaned the table and washed the dishes and were on their happy way to the mall.

Deciding for the movie was the hard thing, Cheondung wanted to watch some comedy while the older had set his eyes out fore some sort of action movie. In the end they settled for The Mortal Instruments and Seungho got in line while the other went to get popcorn and drinks.

Five minutes later they were both happily seated together somewhere in the middle rows of the theater, Cheondung excitedly bouncing in his seat while his hyung tried to calm him down as the movie was starting.

Half an hour later Seungho could feel his eyes drop, the movie was so boring it almost killed him inside. The younger however seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot, his whole body shaking with tension.

When the movie finally ended, Seungho was more than happy to exit the theater alongside an overly exited Cheondung.

"That was such an awesome movie!" he exclaimed "Ahh, it was so interesting, so much tension. I nearly died!"

Seungho laughed but couldn't help but ask:

"You haven't read the books, have you?"

"Books?" the younger asked.

"You know that square looking thing with pages and little black letters inside. Oh, and there are even pictures sometimes! Colorful ones!"

"Jerk!" Cheondung fumed, hitting his hyung's shoulder.

After joking around a bit more the duo decided they were hungry and Seungho took them to a nearby restaurant.

"It's your treat." Cheondung said pouting as he ordered a hamburger, some fries and a large strawberry milkshake.

"Fine but don't blame me when you get fat. " Cheondung sent a glare at the older's direction which in his opinion was too cute.

During lunch they kept  a light conversation about things like school, music, movies, etc. Finally having their tummies filled the duo decided to head to the arcade to play some games.

One inside, Seungho dragged the younger to some game where you had to shoot zombies and handed him a gun.

"I'm not really good at games like this." Cheondung stated, playing with the weapon in his hands

"No worries." the elder answered, patting his back. "We are doing it just for fun."

Just for fun my . Cheondung thought some games later when his friend started cursing at the machine when he lost yet again.

"Hyung, maybe we should go to another game..." the younger stated pulling the gun out of Seungho's hands and placing it back in it's place.

"No! I like this one!"

"Yeah, but obviously it doesn't like you." He stated and pulled the elder's sleeve. "Move."

There were a lot of games to choose from and Cheondung didn't know what he wanted so they ended up playing almost every single one until there was no more change left in their pockets.

"It's getting late."Seungho stated, looking at his watch "Let's go get some drinks and I'll drop you off, ok?"


As the duo made their way our of the arcade and around the corner, Cheondung was surprised to see a familiar face in the crowd.

"Mireu!" he shouted, getting the boy's attention.

 Mir was wearing back skinnies and a white wife beater along with his trademark spiked collar around his neck. His lips curved into a smile as he turned around but they pretty much turned down when his eyes landed on Cheondung's companion which made it seem somewhat awkward.

During the week Mir had also kept Cheondung company when Seungho wasn't around and occasionally when he was and Cheondung could feel the tension between the two but he just couldn't explain it.

It couldn't be because of the incident in gym since he had already convinced the elder Mir hadn't done it on purpose. He had even told him how he had come to keep him company during detention but that somewhat made the tension grow even more if that was possible.

"Hi Dungie." he greeted trying to ignore Seungho as much as possible which made things a whole lot more awkward. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing much." Cheondung answered shrugging "Hyung and I just came to catch a movie and hang out a bit."

"I see."

He was going to ask the same when Mir cut him off.

"Well, I've got a friend waiting for me, so.."

"Byunghee?" Seungho spoke for the first time since the puppy-eyed male had joined them. Turning his attention to the elder Mir replied a challenging "Yes." as his eyes bore into the others. They stared at each other for a good thirty seconds before Cheondung spoke nervously:

"Y-yeah, you shouldn't keep him waiting."

Mir broke away from Seungho's glare and smiled at his Dungie.

"Guess you are right. See you later, Dungie." he said in his usual cheerful voice, ruffling the boy's hair before walking off.

"S-see you."




the contest is over so it was time to get this show on the road

im really sorry for making you wait so long and i just cant tell you how happy i am that you still stuck around and waited for me to update

if there is any way i could compensate for making you wait just name it

thank you for reading and supporting this story

i love you guys, i really do ^_^

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Hezzza #1
Chapter 10: cliffhanger Omg please update as soon as you can ^_^
Chapter 10: oh my.. what the matter with mireu..??? I hope he was fine...
and thanks for your back....
Chapter 8: Aww seungho looks so possessive to doongie I like how mir glare back to seungho kkk welcome back authornim!! Fighting!!
InkWarrior4 #4
Chapter 1: Nice:) !!!!!!
Chapter 7: hmmmmmm... I will waiting for you...
I hope you comeback soon... fighting to your activity.. ^___^
Chapter 6: glad Mir oppa keep company doongie oppa so sweet kkk
Chapter 6: kekekekekek cute.. mir is so kind... love it...
doongie-ah... dont worry... Mir always be with you.. hohohohoh
authornim.. fighting neh... update again soon... >.<
illuminousink #9
Chapter 5: ack... I've only recently got curious if there's MirDoong fics. and I'm happy to have read your fic. It's really interesting how you write it. The story flow is good. it's a detailed even without over exagerated words and simply understandable. all - in - all a really great story. ^_^ thank you for updating and you just earned a new subscriber!
Chapter 5: woaaaaa.... mirdoong??? heheheehee good story... and seungdoong too.. hahahaha I love it...update soon... neh...^^