ChApTeR 5 HeArTaChE

First Love

                                             ChApTeR 5 HeArTaChE

TiFfAnY's PoV


I woke up and my head really hurt and feeling sick. I get up from bed and prepare to go to school. I didn't want to go to school but i have to practice for the upcoming contest.


" Are you okay?"  taeyeon unnie asks worriedly


"If you're not feeling well just rest here. I can excuse you to your professors" she said


" unnie, it's okay. I'm just taking medicine " i said while placing my hand to my head because it really hurt.


" okay, let's go together to school so I can take care of you " she said


Taeyeon unnie and I go to school together.............








DoNgHaE's PoV



Everyone is busy preparing and practicing for the contest. And then Tiffany entered classroom , i think she feeling sick cause she's not that cheerful and lively that she greet everybody.


" Fany, are you okay? " i aks her worriedly


" Yes, i'm just having a headache but later on i'm okay" she said and sit


I observe her while we are having classes she is just staring at the window and the girls also asked her if she is okay, if not they can go with her in the clinic. The time really pass quickly and it's break time...


At ThE cAfEtErIa


Everyone is enjoying their delicious lunch. They didn't even notice that Tiffany was not there.


" Wait, guys where is Tiffany? " they are busy eating once they heard me talking about Tiffany they turn around they're head finding Tiffany.


" She said she will follow cause she's busy fixing her things. " jessica said fany's bestfriend


At ThE mUsIc RoOm


TiFfAnY's PoV


I was about to go the cafeteria when i saw the piano in the music room. It was really beautiful. I tried to

played it by pressing the keys and while playing i sang the song " Ring " . And then suddenly someone came that interrupted me from what i'm doing. It was....


" why are you here? " i asks


" I wanted to talk to you privately so i asked your classmates where you are " yoona said the new girlfriend of Henry.


" so, what do you want? " i said


Some of the student saw us talking so, they think that were fighting... Some of them running to the cafeteria to tell everyone that were fighting


"GUYS , I HAVE A NEWS HWANG TIFFANY AND IM YOONA ARE TALKING IN THE MUSIC ROOM " a boy student shout in the cafeteria while catching his breath


Donghae and the others heard that so that they rush to the music room.


When the news came out most of the students are outside the music room watching what will happen. The music room is made out of glass so the people can see us. Suddenly, the girls came...


" that girl she is really getting on my nerves " jessica said in anger


" yah, tiffany you can do it you can't lose to that boyfriend stealer " yuri and hyohyeon said


" girls, just chill " eunhyuk said that also watching


Yoona and i are on the middle of our conversation when i felt that my surroundings are became blur and i'm fainted


HeNrY's PoV


I was watching Yoona and Tiffany talking. Suddenly, tiffany fainted i was suprised.


I was about to help Tiffany but Donghae stopped me and he carry Tiffany out from the music room to the clinic...


" Let's go yoona " i said to her by pulling her from the music room and the students are staring at us




DoNgHaE's PoV


" Tiffany, please wake up " sunny said while worrying about her


" unnie, wake up " seohyun said in teary eyes


After a few minutes, Taeyeon came, older sister of Tiffany


" Nurse, Is my sister okay? " she asks worriedly


" yes she is okay but she have to rest for a while " nurse told


We are relieved after hearing that especially me because i worried too much about her.


" After she wake up, she can go home. I advice also her to rest because she has too stress and worries " the school doctor said


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EnD oF ChApTeR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



******************************************MuSiC vIdEo CoRnEr***********************************

                                      SnSd Run Devil Run Jap. ver. MV


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madesunre #1
I love it!
Mikaelah #2
Chapter 2: Poor tiffany
Mikaelah #3
But but I like Henry and tiffany together :(
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
AshraffAziz #5
Chapter 27: I love it~!!
Thanks for making a happy ending for donghae and tiffany ^_^
shedism #6
Chapter 27: Like your story much .. more haefany please :))
shedism #7
Chapter 8: like this too :))
shedism #8
Chapter 7: like this chapter :))
Write more HaeFany please!!