
Dreams and memories

Kai is there lying on the white hospital bed.Sulli went closer to him and sighed in relief when she noticed his even breathing.She sat down on a nearby chair and without allowing her thoughts to prevent her from doing so,she took his hand.She held his hand to her cheek.Her tears started falling.


How could you have been so stupid to save me?you still have a bright future ahead of you.don`t you know that there are thousands of girls who are waiting for more of exo`s Kai?I am not even worthy of you saving me...Sulli silently said to herself.

Suddenly Kai`s hand which was still in her hand moved to wipe away her tears.Sulli looked into Kai`s eyes and the two`s gazes were fixated on each other.

Whether you are worthy or not of me saving you is for me to decide not willing to sacrifice anything for you Ssul..Kai said while looking into her eyes.

But...a year me.You told me you wanted to be a star and that me being with you was gonna hold you back from being that..You broke my heart.i waited for you to come back and for us to be together again but you never did..Sulli said,tears falling down her face as she recalled that fateful day,one year ago.

Ssull..i was stupid back then..i don`t even know what came over me to say those would never be holding me back from doing what i loved..instead you are the reason why i am who i am were the one who always encouraged me and was always there for me.I am truly sorry Ssul..i wish that i had never said those words..Can you forgive me?

Sulli was silent.Should i forgive him?but i am so scared that i will be hurt again.what if he lies to me again?can i really forgive him?Sulli asked herself in her heart.

Suddenly Sulli smiled.Actually..From the moment i saw Jongin,i have already forgiven him haven`t i?how worried i was when i thought that he was gone forever...


Can you forgive me?Can we start over?Kai asked Sulli again seeing as she wasn`t giving him an answer.

Sulli smiled at him instead and put out a hand.

Hi..My name is Choi Sulli.Sulli said,smiling.

Hi..My name is Kim Jongin.Everyone calls me Kai,but you are the only exception.Kai said,grasping her hand tightly.

Oh?and why is that?Sulli asked her eyes never leaving his.

Because..Choi Sulli..I love you.Kai said,smiling.

Really?prove it to me that you love someone you met for the first time.Sulli challenged him,her eyes twinkling.

With that,Kai sat up and pressed his lips against hers.Their kiss sweet but both of them know how much they love each other.

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azuraes #1
Chapter 5: omf~ write more of Kailli more hehe
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 5: I love Kailli as well. :p
eyqasong #3
Chapter 5: great pairing! I love kaili.
Chapter 5: how sweet!! waah!! -le dies- i really love the ending.. :D
Chapter 5: Awesome ending. ;u;
Jensul #6
Chapter 5: awesome ending!! I really love it...too sweet to <3 please write more!
jannet #7
Chapter 5: Guys!!!I really need your comments so please comment!I am not gonna bite:-) I am thinking of starting a Sultan fic.whaddaya guys think?:-)
Jensul #8
Chapter 3: I want Kaili !!! Kaili's super cute! <3<3< can start another fic featuring Sulhan!.lol.:D i like them too.. I ship Sulli (my ultimate bias) with the exo boys a lot! :D
jannet #9
Hey guys!i wanna ask you guys something.since sulli chose luhan as her fav exo member do you thinki should change it to sulhan?or if you guys want kailli i am ok with that too:) i wanna hear what you guys say.don't be shy and gv me some comments!!:)