Still the same?

Dreams and memories

Nobody's pov

After a hot shower,Sulli felt much better.She peered out from the bathroom and saw a stack of clothes outside.She quickly grabbed them and closed the door.As she put them on,she caught a scent that is much too familiar.Jongin...Tears sprang into her eyes.She looked into the mirror.The long-sleeved shirt which was a bit too big for her had a picture of a cartoon smiley face in front.

Aish...still so childish.

Even though her heart still hurts she giggled to herself.After combing her short curly hair and wiping away her tears,she stepped out of the bathroom.

Sulli could hear Kai preparing something in the kitchen.Chicken soup most probably, judging by the smell.She wondered whether she should go to the kitchen to help or just leave quietly now to prevent any awkwardness.Suddenly a bright flash of lightning reminded her of the heavy rain that is still pouring down.

Aish..even the weather is not helping me.T.T

Braving herself,Sulli went to the kitchen.There she saw Kai busy stirring some soup in a saucepan.Despite what her mind is telling her to do,her heart can't help but think Kai is certainly,without a doubt a very handsome boy.His tall,lean figure and jet-black hair,his smile could send a girl's heart leaping.She smiled a little smile to herself thinking about how she too fell for that smile.And look where it got you,a little voice in her head told her,waking her up from her day-dreaming.She was about to turn away when..Crash!!

Sulli turned back and saw the pan of soup on the floor,with Kai frantically wiping the floor with a cloth.Sulli ran over and knelt down to help him.As she was about to pick up the pan,she saw that Kai's hand was red,probably burnt by the hot soup.Without hesistation,she took his hand and helped him up,ignoring his surprised look.She took him to the sink and put his hand under the tap,running cold water over his burnt hand.

"Sulli ah.."

She ignored him and took him to the living room and sat him on the sofa.Then she turned to go and look for the first aid kit.Even though she has not been in his house for a year,she still remember where he kept his medical supplies.She went back to the living room and started bandaging Kai's hand.Sulli could feel Kai watching her but she continued focusing on the task at hand.

"Sulli...I'm fine.Don't worry."

It is then that Sulli realised that her hands were trembling.She did not realised that she had been so afraid.She did not answer him or even look at him for she was sure that if she had even looked into his dark eyes,she will never be able to tear herself away from his eyes.She finished bandaging his hand and was about to get up,when Kai pulled her wrist and turned her around to look at him.She dared not raise her head and continued looking at the floor.

"Sulli..Look at me."

She continued admiring the carpet on the floor ignoring his words.

"Ssul..please just look at me."

Kai lifted her chin up and Sulli immediately stared into his dark,soulful eyes.Tears started forming in her eyes,threatening to spill.She quickly shook her head and struggled herself out of his grip,leaving Kai alone in the living room,staring at her retreating figure.

Ssul..One day i am gonna let you believe in me again.No matter how long it takes i will not give up until you love again.Kai told himself.

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azuraes #1
Chapter 5: omf~ write more of Kailli more hehe
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 5: I love Kailli as well. :p
eyqasong #3
Chapter 5: great pairing! I love kaili.
Chapter 5: how sweet!! waah!! -le dies- i really love the ending.. :D
Chapter 5: Awesome ending. ;u;
Jensul #6
Chapter 5: awesome ending!! I really love it...too sweet to <3 please write more!
jannet #7
Chapter 5: Guys!!!I really need your comments so please comment!I am not gonna bite:-) I am thinking of starting a Sultan fic.whaddaya guys think?:-)
Jensul #8
Chapter 3: I want Kaili !!! Kaili's super cute! <3<3< can start another fic featuring Sulhan!.lol.:D i like them too.. I ship Sulli (my ultimate bias) with the exo boys a lot! :D
jannet #9
Hey guys!i wanna ask you guys something.since sulli chose luhan as her fav exo member do you thinki should change it to sulhan?or if you guys want kailli i am ok with that too:) i wanna hear what you guys say.don't be shy and gv me some comments!!:)