Chapter three

Dreams and memories

ughhh!the rain is never gonna end!!Sulli silently screamed to herself.

She needs to get out of here.if she stays any longer she doesn`t know whether she can still handle the pain in her heart...not to mention the tears that are threatening to fall.She quickly took her still wet clothes and bag and ran out of the door.She remembered how she felt just now when she looked into his eyes,she just...almost believed him again.She almost believed that he was the same guy he was a year ago.

you are so stupid Choi Sulli!!no wonder he played you ,you are so naive!!!Sulli laughed at herself.So wrapped up in her thoughts that she did not hear a car coming towards her.Suddemly her whole world went black.


Kai who was still in the living room heard the front door slammed.He went out to the hall and could not find a trace of Sulli.He immediately raced out of the door,into the pouring rain.

Kai saw her walking absent-mindedly,laughing to herself.Suddenly he saw a car coming towards her.She was unaware of her surroundings.Without another thought,he ran towards her and pushed her aside.He felt a remendous pain shot through his leg and then he went unconscious.



where am i?Sulli asked herself.She was in a white room,the place smelling of medicine and saw a tube inserted into her right arm.


She suddenly knew where she was-the hospital.Suddenly she remembered crossing the road and a car coming towards her.Had someone saved her?she asked herself.She asked a passing nurse how she got here and was silent and shocked at her answer. could not think of anything else at the moment nut Jongin.She frantically piulled away the tube in her arm and started racing around the hospital looking for jongin.Finally she found him.



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azuraes #1
Chapter 5: omf~ write more of Kailli more hehe
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 5: I love Kailli as well. :p
eyqasong #3
Chapter 5: great pairing! I love kaili.
Chapter 5: how sweet!! waah!! -le dies- i really love the ending.. :D
Chapter 5: Awesome ending. ;u;
Jensul #6
Chapter 5: awesome ending!! I really love it...too sweet to <3 please write more!
jannet #7
Chapter 5: Guys!!!I really need your comments so please comment!I am not gonna bite:-) I am thinking of starting a Sultan fic.whaddaya guys think?:-)
Jensul #8
Chapter 3: I want Kaili !!! Kaili's super cute! <3<3< can start another fic featuring Sulhan!.lol.:D i like them too.. I ship Sulli (my ultimate bias) with the exo boys a lot! :D
jannet #9
Hey guys!i wanna ask you guys something.since sulli chose luhan as her fav exo member do you thinki should change it to sulhan?or if you guys want kailli i am ok with that too:) i wanna hear what you guys say.don't be shy and gv me some comments!!:)