Meeting you again

Dreams and memories

Sulli's pov It was raining really hard and i had no where else to go.i was in a place i didn't know,it was like a village or some place like a very peaceful neighbourhood.i ran to a house and knocked on the door.the door's colour was blue.i vaguely remember seeing a boy in his twenties outside on a ladder doing repairs to his house. The door opened and i rushed in.

i looked up to see the boy i saw just now.he was familiar as if i have seen him somewhere.he was looking at me and i saw concern in his eyes.i was probably a sight,dripping wet. He spoke to me:"i am not the same guy i was a year ago.i will not do the same thing to you again.please trust me." I was confused when suddenly memories flashed back into my,no,no,no..please don't let this happen again.i recognized him.

I wanted to go away from this place but i was really really tired and had no energy to move. He suddenly reliase that i was drenched from head to toe and shivering with cold.He quickly took a towel and put it around my shoulders.Then he took another towel and started to dry my head. I sprung away from him when he touched me.I just couldn't let him touch me..not now..not after what he did to me.


I felt tears sprung to my eyes when i heard him say my name. I haven't heard him say my name for a year..His voice was still so gentle..

"I'm sorry...jong..kai."

"Ssul,don't call me that.You know you are special.You are the only person who knows the real me.Don't call me Kai like everyone else in the world,call me Jongin."

"Am i???Am i really special to you?!If i really were special to you,you wouldn't have lied to me,you wouldn't have left without any notice, wouldn't have broken my heart..." I just can't stand it tears fell to the ground like broken strings of pearls.


"And don't call me that anymore. I am not the same naive girl i was a year have changed and so have i."

Kai was silent.Millions of thoughts ran through his head.There was so many things he wanted to tell Sulli;so many questions to ask..Yet he knew now is not the time to ask.

"Dry yourself before you catch a cold.My bathroom is down the hall to the left.Go take a hot shower.I'll find some of my clothes for you to change into." With that he walked away.

Sulli was standing right where she was just now.She looked outside the window and sighed.The rain was still pouring there was no way she could get home now. "Guess i have no choice but to stay here and do what he says."Sulli said to herself.

End of chapter one.whaddaya think guys??give me some comments:)

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azuraes #1
Chapter 5: omf~ write more of Kailli more hehe
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 5: I love Kailli as well. :p
eyqasong #3
Chapter 5: great pairing! I love kaili.
Chapter 5: how sweet!! waah!! -le dies- i really love the ending.. :D
Chapter 5: Awesome ending. ;u;
Jensul #6
Chapter 5: awesome ending!! I really love it...too sweet to <3 please write more!
jannet #7
Chapter 5: Guys!!!I really need your comments so please comment!I am not gonna bite:-) I am thinking of starting a Sultan fic.whaddaya guys think?:-)
Jensul #8
Chapter 3: I want Kaili !!! Kaili's super cute! <3<3< can start another fic featuring Sulhan!.lol.:D i like them too.. I ship Sulli (my ultimate bias) with the exo boys a lot! :D
jannet #9
Hey guys!i wanna ask you guys something.since sulli chose luhan as her fav exo member do you thinki should change it to sulhan?or if you guys want kailli i am ok with that too:) i wanna hear what you guys say.don't be shy and gv me some comments!!:)