Can this day get worse or..better?

Fly Trap

Rikos POV

I cannot believe one day at the amusement park ends up with me and Haru getting seperated and me, who is stuck with a blissful idiot named Baekhyun. He seems so out of it and hyper, a total opposite of who I seem to be. It boggles my mind, but I just can't seem to fathom that me and him are stuck together. I have no choice but to follow him around, I stay stunned as he gives me a grin while I simply stare at him in disbelief, 

"So Riko, we should stick together and enjoy our selves-", He says shrugging carelessly at me while I decide to cut him off short. Hell to the no,

"Uhm, how about we go and find Haru and Luhan, no way in Hell will I let your rude friend stay alone with my Haru, shes way too nice for his ." I shake my head while pointing my fingers at him, almost jabbing his chest. 

He simply looks down at my finger and stares at it, until he cracks his smile. God I hate to admit it, but Baekhyun wouldn't be himself without smiling all the time. "I'm sure we could find them eventually, Luhan is not that bad, I'm sure eventually we will bump into them, so chill Riko." He smiles gently at me and pats my shoulder softly. 

I cross my hands in a annoyed manner, I can't believe it, He is being so careless while making me look like a overreacting , I simply do not want to get out of hand, and I also don't want to be alone with this guy, he is way too hyper for me and my calm self. Haru was fine, but Baekhyun is so hyper active I usually judge people like him, simply make fun of them, avoid them. 

This is breaking all my personal morals, 

We both walked around the park, I refused to have fun with him, yet he kept enticing me with random attractions around us, until we both saw cotton candy, to be honest I really was craving that for days, yet I realized the kind I like usually is expensive so I just never get it, the fact that I came to an amusemant park is even surprising me. 

I think baekhyun was observing me because he walked over to the cotton candy stand and smiled at me nodding his head. I walked over there not really thinking about anything in particular. 

I watched as he ordered it, so fluffy and beautiful. Not him...umm.. the cotton candy, shh people.

"Can I have two regular cotton candy Sir?.. Alright, here you go the total payment. Thank you!" the converstion kept short as I sat down and looked up at the cotton candy, my eyes sparkling at it. He offered it in my hand, I took it but stared at him with a sceptical look. 

"Whats the catch Byun Baekhyun?" 

He laughed as he stared at me and shook his head in disbelief, " Nothing Riko, I simply felt like buying it, do you see me so evil to the point I can't be nice?" 

I socffed at him and shook my head but took a bite of it before responding to him. " Whatever, I can't trust you..." 

I stopped talking as the flavor melted in my mouth, cotton candy tasting just like heaven and he took a bite as well, I noticed he kept his eyes on me, observing me as usual. I never know what hes thinking, I can read most people, but not him, I did notice one thing, he had a rectangular smile, whenever he laughed genuinely, his mouth would be a rectangule. It was a small feature that I hate to admit, was actually nice to look at it. 

I'm not going to lie people, Byun Baekhyun is very attractive, but thats why I must protect myself more. I just got out of a long term rocky relationship, I can't trust people so easily just because they are abit charming. 

We finished up and got up ,he offered his hand to me. I looked at it but decided if I didn't end up taking it he would be making a fuss about it in public, hence my hand went into his. Again, another personal moral has been broken.

He smiled genuinely and walked with me , he didn't talk but we walked in peace until he noticed something on the side pulling me to the water gun area. He let go of my hand to grab a water gun, and he sprayed at me. THAT BASTARD!

"Hey! Byun Baekhyun! You will ing Pay!" I grabbed one immediately and started hitting at me, he started laughing while wihtout noticing I laughed too, eventually I noticed Haru behind him, I sprayed right at her, Luhan stared in disbelief, Haru grabbed one too, spraying at me. Baekhyun sprayed at luhan. Luhan looked at him and smiled a rare smile before grabbing one and hitting at baekhyun.

We played like that for an hour before pulling apart and resting at a bench, us four totally soaked. It seemed we had fun, I can't believe it, I actually had fun with this idiot. 

Haru smiled and looked at Luhan, it seemed they had bonded already because they looked happy, I guess Luhan isn't as bad, don't get me wrong, still a douchebag, 

"Riko, don't worry, me and Luhan actually had fun. He took care of me well and didn't harm me."

I stared at her suspiciously before nodding at her, I believe her. 

"Alright no problem, Just don't get seperated ever again, while I'm glad you handled Luhan well, Byun Baekhyun is a cringey idiot." He gaps in fake shock while looking at me and gives a pout.

"WOOOOW, who gave you cotton candy woman?!" I hit his back and he gives me a small smile. Luhan is quiet but is smiling at us, he had fun. We all walk in silence until we reach to the train station. 

We all part ways as Haru waves at luhan, he gives a small wave back at her and I scoff at Baekhyun who is blowing a kiss at me. 

"What do you think? Haru did you have fun?" I look at her, shes been wanting to go to an amusemant park in forever. She nodds happily and does a small skip. 

"Riko-Chan it was super fun! Luhan isn't so bad! At least now I can tolerate him at class. But what about you?" I chuckle and nod.

I shake my head giving a small eye roll in annoyance. " Haru, hes a pain in the , but I had fun...surprisingly." She smiles at me teasingly before we reach home. Yea I guess he wasn't so bad. 


Of course....


I'll never admit that.

As if.



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Julie-137 #1
yuukifujimoto #3
Chapter 2: I love the story so far