Clumsy Flower Meets the Devil Himself

Fly Trap

harumi's outfit/hairstyle:


Harumi's POV:

*alarm goes off* I look down to see my 7:30am alarm go off and i quickly turn it off. I looked up a little bit to see if i was walking the right way to my math class. I noticed I had walked passed the door. i quickly walked back to the door and opened it quitely. i walked through the room and sat in the middle of the classroom. i took out my homework and notebook. At 8 my teacher came in to the classroom and she start off with collecting our homework. then she started the lesson.around 8:50 i left the classroom, we usually go till about 9:20 but my teacher had to leave early. i took out my phone and walked out the door.i started to text Riko.

Harumi: "Hiya Riko \(^.^)/ did u leave ur class yet"

Riko: "Hey Haru :) no still in class ill see u l8tr"

Harumi: "kk bai bai (^.^)|/"

after i said bai to Riko, i relized something very important. i had a hour left of doing nothing. i found an empty bench next to the art classroom and sat there day-dreaming of adorable things like hamsters with gaint cheeks and bunnies hopping on the ground. After about 15 mins of day dreaming i felt a presense next to me. i kept my head down and turn a little bit to see if someone was there. there was someone there i stood up and walked a little bit away from them while staring at my phone. another 15 minutes went by and Riko showed up. she hugged me slightly. i was really happy that she was here now. we walked into the classroom and sat down.

----1 hour 55 mins later-------

"Hey Haru I am starving, can this class be any longer?", Riko groaned in hunger as she held her empty stomach, I giggled poked Riko's stomach. 

"Oh Come on Riko, we have like 5 more minutes you can hold it, I mean really you can, the next you eat , you will eat for two days worth and then your set." Riko poked me.i didnt mean to say she eats a lot but not even i can eat that much without exploding.

The art class was really fun and Riko and me just goofed around in class. then our teacher dismissed us, and me and Riko had lunch this period. i was really hungry just not to the point of eating 2 days worth of food. Me and Ri happily entered the cafeteria where i smelled my favorite foods making my mouth water. 

We quickly stood in the line for lunch, I got miso soup, rice and string beans beef. Riko got her lunch while i got mine and paid for it , we both walked together, laughing when I bumped into someone and fell. i looked up in fear, scared about what was going to happen. i mean none of my food landed on me just the other person. i noticed it was a guy. He was pretty and reminded me of a bunny, till i saw his face. he was really pissed off.

"I.....I'! III..... I'll....I..C...can...cle...clean" i stuttered out the words im sorry as i looked down, but he just seem to get even more pissed.

"Are you kidding me? Stupid girl, get up! Can you just watch where you are going, like there are other people around you, the world doesn't revolve around you. And You just had to get the messy lunch didn't you, and why the are you not answering me? Are you mute or something?!", He screamed at me. it just made me even more scared then i was before. Tears started to form. i was really past scared i sat there in fear.

i turn to look towards Riko when i heard footsteps. Riko went up to him really mad, "Listen idiot, she simply bumped into by accident. Can you stop being such a drama queen and just accept her apology. The world doesn't revolve around you either idiot. She can get you cleaned up, but you have no right to speak to Haru that way, now I don't feel so bad that she bumped into your jackass. You deserved it." she threw her uneaten lunch as she grabbed my hand and left the guy dumbfounded. i had tears welling up in my eyes, Riko just hugged me. the tears started to roll down my face.

"Riko I said sorry and all. *hick* Was that not *hick* enough? *hick* Did I do something that wrong? *hick* I even said I'd clean *hick* it for him." Riko pulled me into a hug and my hair.

"He was just an idiot who had nothing better to do, hence making drama to get more spotlight concieted jackass. Don't listen to him, he didn't deserve your apology anyways." 

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Julie-137 #1
yuukifujimoto #3
Chapter 2: I love the story so far