Days go on.

Fly Trap

I came home right after class and prepared for a bath. Me and Harumi were to open the store pretty soon. After all today was the official busy day since there was a discount going on with the gift bundles of pastries. People as you know love discounts and would do anything for them, after all all deals are good deals. 
I stripped down and jumped into the bath I prepared, I let the water slide down my back, and I washed my body clean. I got out of the bath quickly and grabbed a towel around me, instead of blow drying my hair I decided to let it dry naturally. 

Harumi was pretty late, and I got worried since it was raining, I hope she had an umbrella. It was not stopping, the rain that is, it was falling so hard that it was violently hitting the window. 

I decided to call her just in case, she was a bit clumsy anyways. "Hello? Harumi? Where the hell are you? Hurry and get out of the rain, are you alright? Should I come?"

Harumi sounded really distant and hurt so I decided to go to her, something bad must of happened. I grabbed my jacket and rushed outside, grabbing only my cellphone and rushed to the school. When i reached there she was fainted on the ground. 

"Harumi, Harumi ? oh god what happened?," I shaked her lightly and took her in my arms, I checked her pulse and she was alright, just with a slight fever. I decided to just carry her home, she was small and tiny so it would be fine. 

I laid her down on the bed and watched her fall asleep as she moved alittle, i put a hot towel on her forehead and prepared soup. 

For some reason her umbrella was put down nicely to the side of her when she fainted as if someone folded it nicely and left. It seemed that they left before she fainted so they didn't notice. Whoever it is, they seem nice. Harumi is forgetful she probably thought she forgot her umbrella and they found it and left it for her. 

I went downstairs to the shop and opened it, she is probably just  going to sleep so I might as well make the money I can, not that many people will come since it was pouring hard outside, but something is better than nothing. 

I did my assignments while waiting for customers and then i was disturbed by a 'ding' from my phone. It was a message from an unknown person,

"Hi, it was nice to meet you today, we might as well get along since we will be seeing each other alot." 

What? Who could it be? Maybe they got the wrong number. 

"I'm sorry, but who are you? I think you got the wrong number. " I texted back. I then went back to my homework, this statistics teacher was rude as hell, he barely knew how to teach and than bugged me if i ever even asked for a bit of help. Like I know its University but your a teacher, do your job dip. I shaked my head while having those thoughts. 

Just alittle later another message popped up, I couldn't believe who it was. This . 

"Its me Baekhyun, I know i got the right number Riko, don't think you can get out of this." Who does he think is? He thinks hes so cute, reality: Your not Baekhyun or should i say Bacon. 

"Baekhyun really? How did you get my number, thats super creepy. " I texted back, its like he knows everything i do from now, feels weird. 

"How did i get your number? Oh Simple I have connections, I can't tell you sweetheart. ;)", Ew he sent me a wink, I knew he wasn't going to tell me, creepy rich kids. 

"Okay well still, don't text me, I did not give you permission to do so, " I texted back and went back to my work. God he distracted me and this homework is due tomorrow. 

"Aww should I call you instead?", God hes super annoying, ugh. How does girls dig this guy? He is super annoying like I want to choke him. RIGHT NOW. 

"NO STFU IM BUSY. " I texted back, hopefully he gets the message now and if he doesn't I'll just ignore this dip. 

A customer came in finally with a raincoat, a lady and she got some macarons and some chocolate crossaints and paid me, she even left a $20 tip. Well we got lucky a little today. 

My Phone was not stopping, the messages were going on and on and then someone called me. I angrily picked up my phone- 

"I swear to god baek-- Oh Harumi? Your awake? I am sorry, you know what? I'll tell you later, let me warm up the soup and close the store. We only got like two customers." 

I hung up and went up the kitchen and warmed up her soup. "How are you feeling? You fainted and I carried you home. " 

"I guess im fine, my head hurts like hell though and I couldn't find my umbrella so I was stuck, sorry You know i get super clumsy when it rains riri." Harumi said while giving me a pout face jokingly while smiling.

I just laughed and nodded, "I Know Haru, your born for sunshine not rain. By the way I think someone found your umbrella because they left it nicely for you." 

Haru looked at me weirdly but just shrugged. "I wish I could thank that person because I swear to god I thought I lost it. Oh well, I guess we will never know, thanks unknown person."

I fed her some soup and I the T.V Our favirote Drama was on so even if she sat up excitedly whilst being sick. It was "Goong" it was replaying at the moment since it is a bit old but at the same time a classic. It was a huge hit and we had  Korean channels as well. 

I was into the movie when Haru glanced over to my ringing phone. "Hey Riri your phone has been ringing nonstop shouldn't you respond to it?" 

I groaned and gave her a face. "Its someone whom I do not want to talk to but I guess he won't shut up unless I do, seriously he needs a life." 

She laughed, "Who is it? Is it some guy who likes you?" she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Its that guy whos freinds with that jerk-face Luhan, he has been non-stop texting me and I don't even know how he got my number. Creepy. "

Haru laughed and nodded agreeing with me,"That is super creepy well what did he say? Maybe he likes our riri here, after all you are pretty, your the girl whos pretty but untouchable. We all know how your ex were, Baekhyun is like so not your type." I agree, i used to date older guys until just recently Im single, I have been for almost a year, my ex wants me back. Well shouldn't have cheated on me selfish bastard we would still be together. 

"I know well hes totally being playful and childish but I guess ill just text back just so he can shut up." I sighed annoyingly. I decided to call instead it might be more effective. The phone rang and in the second ring I heard a guys voice, not gonna lie he had an attractive voice. 

"Hello? RIko? God I thought you would just ignore me but I guess annoying you worked because look whos calling me." I could literally feel the smirk on his lips. Dip thinks I want him. Not gonna happen.

"Hey Baekhyun Can you like shut up for once?I called just to say that so stop. Its super annoying. " 

He chuckles through the phone, damn hes a hardass hes not even insulted. "Oh Sweetheart I won't stop calling text all night unless you save my number cause Im sure you didnt yet, or else prepare for an all-nighter." 

I groaned and he laughed alittle bit more, his laugh was attractive as well but still I could not give in to this idiot. "Ugh fine, I'll save your number now shut up." 

"Okay Good bye sweetheart I want prove by screenshot. I don't trust you." Goddammit, he is way too smart for me. 

I saved his name as "Dip" and got a screenshot, i sent it. "There I saved it now shut up." 

"What the hell Riko, could  you not be mean for once to me? Your hurting my feelings, " I could hear his fake sobs. I actually cracked a smile and once i noticed i did i stopped, No Riko do not smile, do not give in. 

"Maybe I'll change it , Good night Baekhyun. End of discussion." 

"Ugh Fine, Good night Riko, sweet dreams sweetheart. You kept your word by saving it." He whined and hung up.

God hes annoying, I noticed Haru staring at me. "What?" 

"You haven't smiled like since Jaejoong and you had your anniversary last year, its nice to see it. " I looked away embarrased, she is right, Jaejoong did cheat on me but at first our relationship was everything I wished for. When i was having hard time he helped me alot, I liked that he never rushed me and just listened to me and comforted me. Well now his name just makes me angry. 

"Please don't bring that douche up, Hes also the reason I cried for months after. I gave him everything and he threw that away." Haru sighed and gave me a mini apology, I don't blame her it just slipped. I hugged her and we watched the drama marathon until we both asleep together in the blankets. 



Heres Rikos Ex Jaejoong: 

Anyways hope you enjoy double updates from both Yuuki and me. Thanks for the new subscriber as well. ^^ It means alot to us. 




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yuukifujimoto #3
Chapter 2: I love the story so far