The Crime Scene

Eleven Days


Reporters crowded about the front gate of the high school. A few police officers were also present, directing them back to the other side of the road. Taemin ignored them and made his way to the gates, only to find them locked. A security guard stonily eyed at him from the other side.

“We are here to investigate the murder. We were sent by The Firm,” Taemin told the guard. The guard stayed silent and nodded his head towards the police officers: Taemin should be dealing with them first before he will open the gate to anyone. Taemin gave a scornful look at the police and walked away. Bekka followed him as he made his way down the fence to a side gate. She watched him point his finger at the gate lock and heard the small mechanical switches click and turn. At the last, Taemin gave a victorious grin and opened the now-unlocked gate.

He made his way through the school grounds, humming as if he had no care in the world. He stopped by the offices and asked one of the reception ladies about the crime scene. She battered her eyelashes and gave detailed instructions with a hand drawn map. Taemin thanked her with a smile and wink and left for the sporting fields.

Bekka kept stride for stride and wondered if this was how The Firm truly got things done or Taemin was just a special case. She wasn’t too sure if the Director had meant Taemin to show her how to ignore the local authorities and trespass into private property. She asked him why he hadn’t talked to the police officers earlier; surely they would’ve let them inside? But Taemin ignored her and they made their way to the crime scene.

Class was in session and so there was no one near the taped-off square to the side of a building. The body was gone too, taken to the morgue for examination. Glass fragments were scattered amongst the blood-stained grass.

Bekka suddenly felt cold and watched. She swivelled about and looked out at the sports fields and saw no-one. She looked up at the building and saw the broken window from the top floor.

“Hey!” she yelled up at the classroom window.

“What?” Taemin reacted and followed her gaze. He then frowned and told her to stop wasting his time; there was nothing interesting up there. Bekka mumbled an apology. She had thought she saw someone peer down onto them but now she was not too sure. She relaxed her mind and sent out a general probe to the classroom; maybe someone was hiding up there. But there was no one and she came back down to the ground.

“Make yourself useful,” Taemin broke her thoughts. He told her that as a telepath she would be able to sense the last events of a place. It was why The Firm was almost full of telepaths and Taemin had to admit that it was a useful skill.

Bekka took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and stilled the chatter in her mind. When she reopened her eyes, Taemin noticed that they had turned white. He watched them track across the field and to the building’s entrance around the corner. She frowned and tipped her head back to look up at the broken window. Her frown deepened and dropped her gaze back to the ground. She shook her head and her eyes returned to their golden colour.

“She fell from the window,” she said, “she was dancing over there on the field and then ran into the building and up to the class room, maybe. I think she was pushed out, she flew out quite far from the window?”

“Was she with someone?” Taemin asked her but Bekka shook her head.

“I am not sure; there were too many shadows to see properly,” she answered. He nodded an acknowledgement to her findings and said they should have a look at the classroom. Bekka followed, a little deflated from the lack of praise from her mentor. She knew from hearing about other telepaths that her ability to capture the last actions of a place was a higher-level ability. Tiffany, the associate director, could do it and she was one of the most powerful Talent in The Firm. But Taemin made no effort to congratulate her on a job well done.

Taemin waved a hand in front of the door as they approached, opened it, and stepped through without breaking his stride.

“Wait,” Bekka stopped as Taemin’s powers dawned on her, “You’re a telekinetic.” People usually possessed only one power if they were Talented; and Taemin manipulated objects. “I thought The Firm didn’t need telekinesis to solve their cases. How did you get employed?” she accused him.

Taemin looked back at her and reminded her that it was his ability that got them onto the crime scene, so obviously they needed telekinesis. Bekka snorted with disbelief. Taemin sighed and stepped forward to stare intently into her face, causing her to blush and pull back from his sudden closeness. “Then it is because I am smart and pretty,” he said. Bekka’s blush deepened, afraid that he had heard her thoughts about his looks. Taemin raised an eyebrow and the corner of his lips pulled up into a smirk.

He straightened back up and returned to inspect the room he had stopped in front of. Judging from the back fingerprint powder across the surfaces of the door and room, the police and forensics had already investigated the crime scene. Rows of wooden desks faced the blackboard and filled the floor space. None were out of line, all perfectly straight. His eyes then strayed to the window; its jagged and broken glass glinted in the sun. It was surreal and unnerving. If the victim was thrown out, then there would have been a cleared area in front of the broken window in order to launch a young adult into the air. Taemin also doubted that the girl would have not put up a fight. But, if the victim did it herself, then the broken window made no sense – she could have opened it and climbed out of the ledge. Even the room did not make sense as most suicides occurred from the rooftop.

Taemin turned back to instruct Bekka further, only to find her eyes already white and seeing the room with her talent. He nodded once with approval – she was a quick learner. He moved to stand next to her and waited. He unconsciously frowned too when she scrunched her nose in frustration.

“I can’t see anything clearly,” she cursed under her breath and shook her head, her eyes returning to their original colour. “There is some kind of interference.”

“We’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way then,” Taemin shrugged and returned to the hallway. He told her to wonder about the school and ask around the students about their victim. “Find out who were friends, if she had any enemies; get a character profile for me,” Taemin instructed her. “And do not invade anyone’s minds!” he harshly reminded her. It was ok for her to catch loose thoughts that floated loudly from people’s minds.

She nodded, and he watched her stumble away before turning back to return to the administration office. He needed to find the student teacher that discovered the body. Taemin turned around and knocked into somebody.

“Ah!” Taemin exclaimed, “I am sorry.” He leant forward with an outstretched hand to lift the person up. Looking a bit surprised by his sudden fall was a young man in black jeans and casual jacket rolled up to his elbows. He looked about Taemin’s age. Black hair was swept across his brow, shading brown eyes that fixed themselves onto Taemin’s face.

“It’s ok, no damage done,” the man said in a soft voice. He gave Taemin a sincere smile that quickly turned down into a frown. “You are not one of the teacher staff?” he asked although he already suspected the answer. Taemin shook his head with an uncharacteristic shyness. “Then why are you here?”

“I am here to investigate the death of Miss Seo Seohyun.” Taemin offered out his hand for handshake, “I was sent by The Firm. I am Detective Lee Taemin.” The man’s jaw dropped open at the mention of The Firm and eyed at Taemin’s hand warily. Taemin sighed at the old prejudices by the non-Talented. “It is ok, I won’t read your mind,” he said and dropped his hand back to his side.

“I can’t anyways,” Taemin surprised himself with his admission to this quiet man. He tipped his head to the side and slightly narrowed his eyes. He only half-heard the apology, there was something familiar in the other’s collected gaze. There was an electric energy which arrested his full attention. It began to irk Taemin and he wanted to punch someone in the face for it.

“...I wish I could help you more but I haven’t been at this school for long. I only started as a student teacher last month.”

Taemin shook out of his feelings and vaguely wondered if this person was an empath, a Talent who could manipulate people’s emotions. “Student teacher?”

The other nodded his head and introduced himself. He was Mr Kim Jongin and one of the science teachers of the high school.




A/N: I am sorry. I am not too sure what I am doing... so far there has not been much action and a lot of explaining of this world ;a;

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Went back to take a look at Eris and couldn't resist clicking on this link since I loved the use of powers and the genre of mystery XD don't often read that so I am intrigued :)
Chapter 3: Hmm.. interesting! one thing i like about these few chapters is that you took the time to explain the characteristics. i understand how these powers connects together now. also, you used descriptive words or phrases. i enjoyed reading the chapters because of that, it makes it a whole lot interesting. Hope you can update soon! i' ll be waiting very patiently. ^^
Hey! new subbie here. :) your plot just got me off guard, i like it. i think i've seen a movie like this before, and i'd like to read one too! so yep. i'm done with the rant of how good your plot is. lol. ;) i hope you won't mind me posting long comments all the time..
Chapter 3: These two connected worlds.


I haven't left anything here.

But it's okay, okay. Just really gradual.
Good Luck with the competition :")
Good Luck with the competition :")
I have to wait till April 2013 before I get to read this story? Nooooooo (T_T)
I wish you luck in the contest! I'm sure you will be able to win something! Just the foreword alone has already roused my interest (and oh, Taemin's finger pose too :P)! If you ever get this done, I will be super envy because I always wanted to write a mystery as well...but my brain ain't that advanced to think up of plots and stuffs. LOL
NeriaSurana #8
Oh sounds interesting!! Will look forward to it and good luck with the comp^^