Springs of Silent Regrets

The Endless Seasons


Seohyun shuffled down the cherry blossom path. It was still cool and the gentle breeze slightly caressed her hair.

Seohyun remembered that it was during the springtime that she regained her eyesight.

On a beautifully warm day, Seohyun was being lead home by Star once again. It was the last day of school but Star seemed a bit down, "What's wrong honey? You're so quiet today."

"I just miss Daddy. He never comes to pick me up. Even on the last day of school," she had murmured.


Seohyun had knelt down besides her, "It's okay darling. Daddy said he would come. He's probably just stuck in traffic."


What happened next must have been due to Star's carelessness or her own inattentiveness. The dogs had been barking but Seohyun was so concerned with her daughter. The little girl probably was still thinking of her father, paying no heed to the crossing sign.


The next thing Seohyun heard was the horrid sound of crunching metal, shattering glass, and Star's whimper.



Seohyun then felt a drop in the pit of her stomach as Star dragged her, running faster than she ever had before. She smelled the acrid scent of gas and she heard people screaming.


"Daddy! Daddy!"


Star's cries pierced her ears as she lost her hold on the little girl. Seohyun dropped to her knees, searching the ground, feeling the pavement. I'm crawling around in the middle of the street. Her dogs were barking crazily ahead. Seohyun slowly made her way to them.


She searched desperately, for Star, for her own voice. She was afraid to call out that one name. In case she got a reply. Her hands touched something warm and wet. Blood.

She felt a familiar warmth envelope her hands. Kris.


"My carelessness got the best of me again," he croaked. Don't speak now. Don't talk. Seohyun prayed that some kind passerby would call the ambulance. Help. They needed help.

"I just wanted to pick Star up for the first time. I couldn't wait to see the joy on her face. So I was speeding and when I finally saw the two of you on the street, all I could do was turn the steering wheel and step on the brakes. I'm sorry." Stop it. Don't apologize. Help is coming. You'll be okay.

Kris' hoarse voice forced out a small laugh, "unluckily for me, there was a tree right there."


"You'll still read to her right? I've been trying to teach her braille. To surprise you." Don't talk like you're not going to be there. You can read to her, don't be lazy now.


Seohyun felt his hands losing warmth. They were becoming cold. She furiously grabbed onto his hands and rubbed them with all her might, willing her heat to bring him back. He pulled away and placed his hands over hers, stopping her.

"Don't pain yourself so much. For this one moment, I'm glad you're blind. You can't see the condition I'm in. Where's Star?" Star.

The little girl could be heard weeping. Seohyun placed Kris' hands back down and felt her way towards the sound of her choked sobs. My darling. She hugged the little girl, in the process accidentally smearing her clean uniform with streaks of Kris' life.

"Go over to Miss Park's for Mommy okay? Wait for Mommy by her house near the park- ask her for some cookies. You remember where it is right? We sometimes stop there on our way home. Don't worry, Mommy will come."

Seohyun couldn't have let Star witness this scene, even though she probably already had. That was the last thing Seohyun could have done to at least keep her sanity: protect what was left of her daughter's happiness.

She made her way back to Kris, her dress becoming soiled, torn at the knees. She held him in her arms.

He writhed, his body shuddering in agony. "No! Stop...just...just go. Go on now. I can manage here. I promise." Seohyun had found that lost voice.

She heard him wheeze, struggling to speak, "I can't. The people who are left behind suffer the most. I don't want you to suffer. I'm fine Seohyun, I'm fine."

"I'll be perfectly okay here. I can be. Stop it. You're just hurting yourself Kris! Just go!" She cried out, her voice cracking and on fire. She was suffocating from the pain.

"You know. Before a person dies, his whole life flashes before his eyes. But its crazy. I can't see anything. It's all a dark and blurry. All I can see...is you. I love you dear."

Seohyun lost her voice again. I love you too.

She heard the wailing of sirens and shouts of men as she was picked up off her knees. She heard Kris grunt as they lifted him onto a stretcher. She was seated in the ambulance, with her two dogs, as it pulled away at lightning speed.

She heard Kris refuse the oxygen mask. "I don't need it." After much arguing, she heard him say, "Seohyun, look at me."

Her head turned towards his voice.

"I'll always be here. I will never leave you."

"I know," she replied. She could hear the strain in his voice. "Just sleep dear."

"I don't want to. I'm afraid...I won't wake up again."

"Don't be silly," she tried to laugh, but tears were already making their way down her cheeks. "I'll definitely wake you up. Both Star and I will wake you up."

She heard a chuckle, and he must have smirked. Then she heard the rustling of paper and hasty scribbling on a clipboard.

"You promise to wake me up?"

"I would never lie to you."

"Just five minutes then." And she listened to his breathing. His breaths were labored and ragged. Then calm and slow, like the waves upon that beach so long ago.

Then it was silent. One one-thousand. Two one-thousand.

She counted the seconds.

"It's been five minutes."


"Dead on arrival," she heard someone say.

"Mrs. Wu? Your records say that you're in need of a cornea transplant. It seems as if today is your lucky day. Would you like to have the surgery today? It's a very quick procedure." Seohyun remembered nodding numbly, and barely recalled signing the paperwork.

Once she awoke, Seohyun did not bother to move from her bed, allowing her new sense to take everything in.

The world seemed gray. Her eyes still weren't fully recovered but the world seemed nothing like what Kris had told her. Her eyes watered and she silently cried; there was no need for sobs, no one would be there to hear them anyways. Seohyun tried to smile up at the blinding hospital lights, and she began to talk- muttering things about the weather and their pair of goldfish at home.

"They'll be hungry- yes definitely, I'll feed them when we get home okay? You'll get the groceries and we can have pasta for dinner." 

Only the world's and reality's reply ever came. The dreaded silence.

Seohyun smiled wistfully as she gazed outside of her window, the memories dancing away on the gentle spring breeze.

Spring was when she lost Kris, when the world lost its color, when it became dead to her.

Spring was death.


A/n: Thank you for reading and I've reached 40 subscribers in like two weeks! ^^ Thank you for your support :D


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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 5: Why am I crying? This was so good, they finally meet again. Wow, what an ending, you write the most heartfelt and heartbreaking stories, did you know that? Thank you author nim for the story!
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 4: I knew it! I knew it was going to be sad! Why did we have to lose Kris? All he wanted was to see his daughter from school.. and now look.. but speaking of looking, at least Seohyun can see now but it’s like she lost her purpose. She still has Star but she lost her soulmate:( one chapter left..
Fire_trek 343 streak #3
Chapter 3: This was so precious! But why do I feel like it’s building up a to something super sad and depressing? I love Star and the dynamic of Seohyun and Kris, they got married and everything! Hopefully this is the beginning of great sentimental moments
Fire_trek 343 streak #4
Chapter 2: This chapter was so good, I loved the dynamic of Seohyun and her mother and how it correlates to her and Kris. Like the story said, he became a necessity to her and that made my heart warm.
Fire_trek 343 streak #5
Chapter 1: Okay, I know your writing style now and I’m preparing the tissues! I know this is going to be a sad one.
kimsfangirl #6
Chapter 5: I can just say that this fic is so beautiful, so good
Its sad but somehow enjoyable..
The feelings of nostalgia are awesome..
And I like how you describe everything. I like the characters... In Short, I like everything in the story..the letter from Kris was giving me sad feeling, but it was a beautiful letter
In the end I just want to say that this fic is so AMAZING
sjhsjh0628_ #7
omg this will forever be one of my fav seokris fanfic.....^^ thank you author-nim for writing such a touching and nice story :') seokris hwaiting! <3
Randomnezz #8
Beautiful, got me crying till no end... You're such a good writer!
theresia #9
Chapter 5: i'm speechless..

so sad..
i don't know what to say anymore...