Winters of Wondrous Occurrences

The Endless Seasons

Winter was her favorite time of the year. The beautiful snowflakes that slowly drifted from the sky were like her mother's touches. The searing heat that they sent throughout her body before turning back into clear water reminded her that she wasn't simply numbed by the cold. 

Seohyun was always reminded of how Kris had asked her out on their first date during that blustery time of year. They had gone ice-skating, a very popular pastime for newbie couples. He held onto her hands and they had slowly glided around the rink.

She completely trusted him then, just like in that cave years ago. She had never been skating before, and she hadn't been sure of what to expect. She wasn't prepared for the slippery smoothness of the ground beneath her, nor was she ready for the sensation of almost effortlessly drifting across the ice.

Winter was also beautiful, because Kris had proposed to her in that same snow many winters later. He had knelt down on the frigid ground, with the wind hitting his face as he uttered those words.

"Will you marry me?" Those words etched themselves into her memory- where they have remained for a countless number of worn years.

Seohyun still remembered the way his voice had trembled and his teeth chattered. His lips had probably been blue and his cheeks red from the cold. At the time, she must have cried.

Who would want to marry a blind girl?

When they moved into their own house together, he had picked the room with the largest window.

"So you can feel the most warmth when the sun rises," he had stated.

In the middle of the night, they would get out of bed and end up dancing in the kitchen with the refrigerator door open. He probably couldn't see her very well in the wan light but he didn't mind. "Would you like some ramen?"

Seohyun had laughed. "It's bad to eat late!" 

"It isn't late. It's very early morning," he replied coolly before pulling her to the table and feeding her the warm noodles. "It's good right? I'm the best instant noodle cook around."

At other times, he would mercilessly drag her outside to stargaze.

"You tell me about stars all the time! They'll still be there tomorrow night. Let me go back to sleep," she had whined, blowing on her frozen hands.

He enveloped her hands in his, squeezing warmth back into them. "They are the most beautiful when they are painted across the clear winter sky. They seem to just burst with hope," he had said, sighing into the quiet night. Then she would be happy to just sit silently, listening to the sound of his breathing and feel the warmth of his hands around hers.

She remembered how they enjoyed each others company and there were never moments of awkward silence, because every silence was rather comfortable. Seohyun had learned of Kris' quirks that way, by quietly observing his reactions such as his laziness when it came to washing dishes and how coffee was his best friend in the mornings.

Their relationship had grown into understanding and care, from mere passion and curiosity. 

Kris also became accustomed to her strict personality and uptight ways, realizing that the laundry had to be done every Friday evening and Sunday morning mass was mandatory, even if he was tired. 

A year later, after they had finally settled down, Seohyun had their first daughter during wintertime, a bundle of joy for her and Kris.

"She's the most beautiful baby in the whole world," he had whispered in her ear after hours of labor. She had been tired, exhausted, drained, but content.

"Our love is real." The realization, the affirmation that they were then eternally connected to each other had come to her like a clear pin drop in a silent hallway. Seohyun still recalled smiling up at Kris as he dabbed at her sweat covered forehead before she drifted off to a long slumber.

Kris named their daughter Star, because to him, stars represented the hope for a wonderful future. To Seohyun, stars stood for memories of the past, moments of the present, and wishes of the future.

The ensuing sleepless nights really tested their marriage. Kris would grumble and shuffle his feet everytime Star awoke in the middle of the night, but he had never complained. He would always volunteer to change the diapers and warm the milk for Seohyun.

But there was one thing he always refused to do- bathe their little baby. 

"I-I d-don't really feel comfortable doing that," he had said slowly when she asked him, his voice slightly shaking, probably from embarassment. Seohyun remembered chuckling at his comment and ensuring him that she would bathe Star from then on.

Seohyun had always attempted to do all the household chores despite her impairment. But more often then not, Kris would end up taking over.

This one time, she had attempted to heat up the milk, however, feeling her way about the kitchen was never easy. The warm water was overheating and she had heard the whizzing of the kettle but she didn't know what to do. Seohyun had then proceeded to bump into the table, dropping the milk bottle that was in hand.

The result was a huge mess on the floor and hot water all over the kitchen counter.

Kris had come ambling in at lightning speed, asking her what was wrong. Seohyun had smiled bitterly as she crouched onto the floor, attempting to wipe up the mess she had created. "I'm fine," she managed to mutter, hoping that he wouldn't recognize the pain in her voice. 

"Are you sure?" She remembered the unease in his question.

"I'm alright." But the feelings of being helpless were still there. She could barely care for herself, and now? She was hardly able to care for her family. What kind of mother was she?

The same situations arose everytime Seohyun attempted to do miniscule tasks such as sweeping the floor or doing the laundry. Anything that require movement or the pushing of buttons was difficult. 


Many times, Seohyun's happy demeanor would crumble for merely a second, allowing tears to slip down her cheeks. At those time, she retreated to a corner of the house, hiding from Kris. 

If Kris ever had a fault, it was that he was too caring. If he found out that she had been crying over such things, he would probably take the blame onto himself. 

On one such occassion, as the tears threatened to cascade, she rushed to the pantry, to sit among the ramen boxes until she could blindly face the world again. But before she could hide in the little closet, her hand had been gripped and she was wrapped in a deep hug, "I've been too careless." Kris had his head buried in the crook of her shoulder. "I should have noticed before. Forgive me."

And with that, the tears that had only threatened before came flooding down. Because she really was too lucky. To have someone as caring as Kris to match up to her clumsy ways was a gift that God had given to her in exchange for the vision that he took. 

They would fight as well, over the smallest things, since most married couples tend to disagree at some point in time. Probably because the bags under their eyes had almost reached their chins and the stress was taking a toll on their tolerance levels.

At those times, Seohyun would go sit in the bedroom with Star, softly cooing to the child and muttering to herself. Kris would go outside to stargaze, probably to calm his head with the cold air. 

But their silent treatment would never last long, one would crack and then the other would give up soon after. And after every single fight, they would talk things out, and their love would be stronger than before. Because then, they understood each other better. 

Time had flown with Star. She babbled her first words, "Mommmy," and before the couple new it, Star was already setting off to school. Seohyun had cried, "Our baby is growing up."

"It's alright dear, she's only four. We have plenty of time," Kris had whispered comfortingly. 

But time is a funny thing. It is immeasurable. Then again, Kris was always pretty bad at measuring things, so he was far off. They didn't have plenty of time. In fact, they barely had any.

"Mommy, Mommy," Star would cry excitedly when she brought home a new report card from school. She was already in the first grade.

She would sit next to Seohyun on the soft couch and read all of her grades aloud.

"Do you need help with your shoelaces dear?" Seohyun would always ask such questions before she took Star to school.

"No, I can tie them myself Mommy," would come the reply. Star never really needed much help.

When Seohyun came to pick her up after school, Star would always walk in front, holding her mother's hand and leading her down the street. Even though Seohyun had dogs to do that, Star insisted that she was better. Seohyun now had four pairs of eyes, much more than the average person.

At night, right before they all went to sleep, the whole family would crowd into Star's little bedroom. Kris would be reading a story, and both Star and Seohyun would be listening intently.

"And the bear would go," Kris would then proceed to growl menacingly, always throwing Star into a fit of laughter as Seohyun fought to control her giggles.

The family shared hot chocolates, marshmallows, warm fireside talks, snowball fights, scarves, and hugs. They spent Christmas together, her and Star decorating cookies for Kris and Santa. The Christmas tree was adorned with varied ornaments, to Star's liking.

"Over here! No, that is too awkward Daddy. Over there would be better," said Star as she ruled over the living room for a day. Seohyun remembered hearing Kris' rapid footsteps all day, running back and forth across the room to please their little dictator.

Seohyun smiled. Star had really been a beautiful girl, even when she was young. Her pictures were so adorable, hiding under the blankets, singing in her bubble baths, running around on the grass, getting muddy after the rain. She silently thanked Kris for photographing everything.

You were a great cameraman.

Winter was her joy, because it had brought to her so many people. It had brought her Kris, and it had brought her Star. No other time of year could compare.

Winter was her new beginning.

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[TheEndlessSeasons] I am marking this story as friends only due to outside issues. Friend me, popgirl345543, if you would like to read this story :) thanks


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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 5: Why am I crying? This was so good, they finally meet again. Wow, what an ending, you write the most heartfelt and heartbreaking stories, did you know that? Thank you author nim for the story!
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 4: I knew it! I knew it was going to be sad! Why did we have to lose Kris? All he wanted was to see his daughter from school.. and now look.. but speaking of looking, at least Seohyun can see now but it’s like she lost her purpose. She still has Star but she lost her soulmate:( one chapter left..
Fire_trek 343 streak #3
Chapter 3: This was so precious! But why do I feel like it’s building up a to something super sad and depressing? I love Star and the dynamic of Seohyun and Kris, they got married and everything! Hopefully this is the beginning of great sentimental moments
Fire_trek 343 streak #4
Chapter 2: This chapter was so good, I loved the dynamic of Seohyun and her mother and how it correlates to her and Kris. Like the story said, he became a necessity to her and that made my heart warm.
Fire_trek 343 streak #5
Chapter 1: Okay, I know your writing style now and I’m preparing the tissues! I know this is going to be a sad one.
kimsfangirl #6
Chapter 5: I can just say that this fic is so beautiful, so good
Its sad but somehow enjoyable..
The feelings of nostalgia are awesome..
And I like how you describe everything. I like the characters... In Short, I like everything in the story..the letter from Kris was giving me sad feeling, but it was a beautiful letter
In the end I just want to say that this fic is so AMAZING
sjhsjh0628_ #7
omg this will forever be one of my fav seokris fanfic.....^^ thank you author-nim for writing such a touching and nice story :') seokris hwaiting! <3
Randomnezz #8
Beautiful, got me crying till no end... You're such a good writer!
theresia #9
Chapter 5: i'm speechless..

so sad..
i don't know what to say anymore...