
The Endless Seasons

A/n: Please listen to Yiruma- Kiss the Rain, just for this chapter. :) enjoy


Dearest Seohyun,

I'm about to take a really long nap. I just want you to know that before I embark on this deep sleep, that I'll always be here, watching over you and Star.

I am happy to have met you so many years ago in that library. At that time, I was reading Braille in order to better my skills so that I could communicate with my mother, so I could feel the things she felt. I guess that wholehearted wish led me to you.

Your quiet determination gave me the steadfast desire to stand beside you, to be your eyes. And I hope I have allowed you to see the world more clearly, to see this beautiful world through the eyes of a man in love.

As my last gift to you, and to Star, I hope to let you see the world. For yourself. I'm giving my eyes up, I mean I won't need them later right? Take them okay?

Take care of Star, read to her since I won't be there. Take alot of pictures, and laugh alot. Admire the winter skies and the color of the autumn leaves. Watch the sunsets and the salty waves that crash upon the golden sand. Do things that we've never done before. And most of all, remember my love, but don't cling onto it. I want you to find someone who is three times as good as me.

My manly instincts are telling me that I'll be jealous seeing you with someone else. But, my heart says you'll need someone in my stead.

Don't be too disheartened. We will meet again, sometime in the future. Until then, take care.

I love you.

Forever yours,

Kris Wu


This must have been the thousandth time that she has read that letter. But her eyes still watered, her hands still shook. His sweet words were almost palpable; she could feel his love through the almost illegible scrawl written hastily on the yellowed back of a medical information sheet. She saw the faint outlines of what must have been spots of time-dried tears.

The golden rays of the dimming sun poured into her bedroom, the huge window casting an orange glow upon every corner of the place that she used to share with Kris, as the snow drifted gently down- clinging like memories to the bare trees outside. 

Her tired eyes wanted to shut, but the slightly open window kept bringing in the calming winter cold. It carried with it the nostalgic scent of cologne, soccer balls, and grass. Seohyun leaned outside, soaking in the last few droplets of sunset as her gray hair was whipped about by the wind, as the white tears colored her sweater. The cold was comforting- numbing. 

If I sing, you'll be able to hear me right?

"My feelings only increase...like the snow, they just quietly keep accumulating. Hold me tight," sang Seohyun as she glided towards the bed, her steps as light as a butterfly's dance.

She let the soft blankets hug her to sleep, a content smile crossing her lips as the orange sun sank beneath the frozen horizon and Kris' lingering scent engulfed her senses. As if he had just been there. I miss you.


The stars peeked through the violet hues of the rapidly purpling sky. Hope.

The biting wind seemed to caress her hair, whispering lullabies to her tired heart. Her dimming eyes kept showing her Kris, as if he were reaching out to her, beckoning her to come, to follow him.

"Is that you?" Her question rung out into the quiet room, hanging in the air.

Silence. It was ever her only answer. 

Then she felt warmth grasp her hands, lifting her soul up, and she knew. It was time.

She had taken care of Star well, the young girl who had to lead her mother around was no more. Star was married, she had a husband and a loving family of her own. Seohyun was just the grandmother in the background of it all.

Nowhere in the world was there someone who needed her anymore.

With a graceful smile upon her lips, she drifted off to sleep, to him.

To home.

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[TheEndlessSeasons] I am marking this story as friends only due to outside issues. Friend me, popgirl345543, if you would like to read this story :) thanks


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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 5: Why am I crying? This was so good, they finally meet again. Wow, what an ending, you write the most heartfelt and heartbreaking stories, did you know that? Thank you author nim for the story!
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 4: I knew it! I knew it was going to be sad! Why did we have to lose Kris? All he wanted was to see his daughter from school.. and now look.. but speaking of looking, at least Seohyun can see now but it’s like she lost her purpose. She still has Star but she lost her soulmate:( one chapter left..
Fire_trek 343 streak #3
Chapter 3: This was so precious! But why do I feel like it’s building up a to something super sad and depressing? I love Star and the dynamic of Seohyun and Kris, they got married and everything! Hopefully this is the beginning of great sentimental moments
Fire_trek 343 streak #4
Chapter 2: This chapter was so good, I loved the dynamic of Seohyun and her mother and how it correlates to her and Kris. Like the story said, he became a necessity to her and that made my heart warm.
Fire_trek 343 streak #5
Chapter 1: Okay, I know your writing style now and I’m preparing the tissues! I know this is going to be a sad one.
kimsfangirl #6
Chapter 5: I can just say that this fic is so beautiful, so good
Its sad but somehow enjoyable..
The feelings of nostalgia are awesome..
And I like how you describe everything. I like the characters... In Short, I like everything in the story..the letter from Kris was giving me sad feeling, but it was a beautiful letter
In the end I just want to say that this fic is so AMAZING
sjhsjh0628_ #7
omg this will forever be one of my fav seokris fanfic.....^^ thank you author-nim for writing such a touching and nice story :') seokris hwaiting! <3
Randomnezz #8
Beautiful, got me crying till no end... You're such a good writer!
theresia #9
Chapter 5: i'm speechless..

so sad..
i don't know what to say anymore...