You are who you are

The Truth, Our Secret



"Who is this!?" Sehun squeaked wide eyes with the other boys wondering the same thing too.

Suho noticed that D.O just stood there in shock and he quickly spoke up.

"Yah Kyungsoo! Snap out of it, he's talking to you!" Suho waved snapping D.O out of it. "Oh! Ah...You're me?" He pointed to himself looking around mostly at the boys like a lost puppy.

Baekhyun slapped his forehead. "He can't see us Kyungsoo, he's talking to you so quickly act normal!" He urged in a panic turning back to the man that's giving D.O the judging eye.


The big man waved his finger around tauntingly. "Do you see anyone else around?"

"Well.." "What are you doing in this school? You don't look like a student. Are you a thug? Are you here to steal the computers?! Wait! Are you the same boy from last time?" The man raised a brow taking a step forward towering D.O a good 6 feet above him. D.O gulped waving his hands in front of him. 

"N-No! I'm not him or-or he's not me! I'm not here to steal!"

Leaning over him, the man seemed like he didn't believe D.O one bit.

The boys came behind him trying to act like a comforting shadow that is not working obviously as D.O stuttered in his words.

"I...I..." "You....what?" The mans deep voice deepened.

Baekhyun thought of a plan in a hurry looking in between D.O and the abnormally tall man nervously. "Tell-Tell him that you're thinking of enrolling but just wanted to take a look around alittle before deciding!"


"No!" D.O hissed. The man pulled back with a raised brow. "No?"

"N-No! I mean...what do I mean?" Kyungsoo asked himself biting his bottom lip. Suho slapped his forehead and walked to D.o's side.

"Ok, stay calm, tell him that you were just about to go to the office for a visitors pass."

"Thinking of enrolling, duh." Kai leaned on a wall beside them shrugging. "It's the only way, what else would you be in this dumb school for."

"Good point." Chanyeol nods his head turning to D.O while tapping his watchless wrist. "It's the only way, come on, we're wasting so much time already."

"I'll go track her down while you guys, get Kyungsoo off this tall giants radar." Kai's nose wrinkled at the man before disappearing.

"Come on hyung, say it to him, I think he's going to kill you or something.." Sehun cowar behind Chanyeol that agreed.

"Hurry D.O."


Kyungsoo awkwardly cleared his throat. Straightening his shoulders, he stood up straight meeting the mans reddened tired eyes. The school was probably weighing him down.

"Sorry anyways, I was trying to find the main office to get a visitors pass to take a little look around because I was thinking of enrolling here but I couldn't seem to find it." D.O smiled his known smiles at the man that calmed slightly at the sight. "You must be the head of discipline in this campus grounds, so you might know where it is I suppose? I was getting lost, lucky that I bumped into you or should I say, you bump into me? This school is bigger than I originally expected." D.O gave off a small laugh making him look adorable.

Even if Kyungsoo lost his title, he still was D.O, adorable and charming with the most cute cresent moon eyes ever.

The boys bit back a laugh when they noticed the man change of attitude towards their comrade.

"He took your bait!" Sehun giggled. "You still got it man!" Baekhyun thumbed up and D.O took all he got to not laugh along with them.

At how Kyungsoo spoke, he approved of the lame reason why D.O was sneaking around here awhile ago.

Clearing his throat, the man stood back up straight fixing his tie.

"Well, this is 'the' Seoul National University, the best. And yes, I am the discipline in this school. The office is this way, follow me." Spinning on his heel, he walked off. D.O sighed in relief and the boys hurriedly nudged D.O to follow him.

"I'm going, i'm going.." Stumbling slightly, Kyungsoo trailed behind the tall man that took a small glance behind him at D.O before shaking it off and continuing his way through the big halls.





Meanwhile, Kai was at the other end of compus in search of you. Casually, he strode past class after class getting bored already. All he knew was that you had a lesson on this level but he didn't know which class you were in. 

At the corner of his eye, he spots a skinny girl with straight long brown hair running towards him in a hurry. In one swift motion, Kai stepped away and the girl ran straight past him cursing to herself some words that made him raise a questioning brow.

"Don't look like the kind to curse such big disgusting words like that missy." Kai clucked his tongue and continue onwards.


As he was passing the class that the skinny girl was running out from, he heard a familiar voice. "Oh?" Kai stepped back peeking inside of the class that was alittle too quiet but what caught his eye

You were sitting prettity at the back swirling your long black hair around your index finger looking really calm while three girls were standing in front of you in a row.

Your friends were standing behind you smirking and looking really proud to have found these three gossiping in one of the schools toilets. What good puppies.


Kai's eyes narrowed before stepping in.

"Found you.." He looked at the girls and the other classmates that sat quietly in their seats not daring to make a single peep. He sneered.

"And in your most horribleness too. I have a feeling that you have a horrible heart somewhere in that weak little baby face of yours back then." He shook his head sitting himself at the edge of a table beside yours observing what was happening now.

"You think I'm a ? Is that what you said behind my back?" You started fixing your lazy gaze at the cowering girl in front of you. "Can't say that in front of me Luna?"

"I...I.." "Shut it. We didn't tell you to speak, Luna." Tiffany raised her hand making Luna flinch back. You sighed and stood up stepping towards her still playing with the ends of your hair. 

Your eyes flickered to the girl beside her. "You laughed I heard, when she called me names didn't you Krystal? Hmm...what a pretty name. Krystal...Jung is it? I heard about your sister, well, who haven't right? She's a straight A student in Yonsei University in music isn't she? Aren't your parents strict with grades?"

Krystal froze much to your delight. "I wonder what they'll think if you lost your own straight A's and you were kicked out of your performing arts classes. That would be really terrible." Pouting cutely, your friends snickered when they saw the dread in Krystals pleading eyes.

"Please Jaerim..don't.." She begged still not daring enough to meet your eyes. Blinking innocently, you sat back down resting your chin on your palm on the table. 

"I didn't do anything and you're accusing me already. You think so low of me don't you Krystal Jung? Luna park? Choi Sulli? Hmm?"

The three shook their heads anxiously. 

"No! Of-Ofcause not! We just...just please, we didn't mean too! They just walked in the wrong timing, we weren't talking about you!" Luna eyed your friends that only stuck their nose up at her.

Kai shook his head at how they're acting right now, he once lived a mortal life and he'd seen people like this but still, it's still despicable.

"Should have stopped Kyungsoo, I should have done better, this girl is so much more worst than I thought. Her heart is rotten, just look at that smug look on her face acting all innocent and pretty." Kai watched as you raised an amused brow at the three girls.


"Really? You weren't?" You sighed leaning back on your chair. "Fine. Then go away." You waved your manicured fingers at them lazily.

All three looked at each other not really sure about it. Even Kai's eyes was wide, maybe he thought wrong of you. Were the Shim Jaerim letting them go so easily like this? Was the rumors he had heard of you wrong?


Glancing up at them, you grumbled inaudibly. Tapping your nail on your desk to gain their whole attention before shooting them a 'what are you doing?' look.

"Go away. Now." And quickly they scurried away. When they disappeared through the door, your friends bombarded you with complaints.


"You're letting them go just like that?!" Taeyeon gapped pointing at the door. Another one nodded with a pout.

"Yeah! I heard them call you a in the washroom! Don't tell me that you don't believe me!? You know that my ears are like a bats! I really heard them!"

"Sooyoung is right Jae, I heard them too and you're really going easy on them that cursed on you behind your back! Are you sick or something? Are you coming down with something?"

"Hush Hyuna, who do you think I am? And no, are you stupid?"

Hyuna pouted slumping down on her seat in a huff. "I was just asking."


You crossed your leg with a sly smirk tugged on the corner of your lips. And with that, Kai knew that you weren't done yet with those three yet.

"My reputation would be ruined wouldn't it." You glanced at them and slowly, they understood with their lips pulling into a devilish smirk.

"Genius, pure genius Jaerim. I'll inform the girls." Tiffany clapped fixing her skirt and walked out passing the lecturer that didn't really paid much attention to your prized contriver which didn't spare a glance towards him either. She had other business to attend too. It's not like her grades were dropping.

"Ok, be seated everyone and take out your books please."
The three of your friends sat down pulling out their book as told along with you.


"Where the hell is that pretty little Hara go? I told her to get me a bottle of water, not make me water." Taeyeon hissed through her teeth. All the other girls just shrugged not really caring of that nobody.


After everyone settled and the lecturer started to write on the board, Hara ran in only to stop when every head shot towards her. Her face burned red and she continuously apologized walking towards Taeyeon placing the bottled water on her desk.

"Took you long enough egg head." Without a thank you, Taeyeon snatched the bottle and threw it in her bag on the floor continuing to listen to lesson ignoring Hara that stood there looking crestfallen.

Slowly, she stepped away and sat on her seat hiding herself behind her book in the verge of crying.


Kai's eyes never left you, he wondered what went wrong with you. He had a feeling that you would grow up to not be a good person but not all bad humans turn out bad with no reason at all.

Seeing you in a good school -no- best school in Seoul. Looking groomed and pretty with your silky long black hair and light make up. Nails manicured, pretty expensive shoes and pretty well off friends too. You had a good life, compared to what you made of it now being all ugly in Kai's eyes.

With enough observation, Kai pushed off the table and walked out of the class to find the others.





It took awhile to find them in this big school and when Kai did, he told everything he found and witnessed with you. It was a little difficult with Kyungsoo being visible and stuff. He had to pay attention to the lecturer that was showing him around the school grounds telling him everything about the school and not forgetting to put 'The Best' in everything she said.

D.O kept nodded but mostly, his attention was to Kai that was story telling the horrible slyness of you back in your class to the guys that was mortified by your attitude and personality.

"Oh my god, she's.... she's..."

"Evil." D.O whispered finishing the maknaes sentence. 

"What? Did you say something Mr Kyungsoo ssi?" The lecturer spun around blinking at him. D.O chuckled shaking his head. "Oh it's nothing, this school is really great. Please continue."

Nodding, she smiled and explained again where the history of this school began making D.O roll his eyes.

"Anyways, what was she going to do anyways? She didn't do anything." Chanyeol scratched his head.

"Yet. Her planner aka plotter walked out when the class was starting to 'inform the girls'. That doesn't sound good for the three." Kai raked his hair back with his fingers watching the lecturer babbling on and on nonstop.

Suho looked around. "Welll, lunch is starting soon, we should hurry and wait outside incase she plans to head out to eat. Jaerim doesn't seem to be the kind to eat in school."

"Yeah, this woman is boring me to death if i'm not already dead. Hurry this up, we'll wait for you in front of the gates." Kai disappeared and the rest walked away towards the exit.

D.O sighed and chuckled at the small joke the lecturer said.

"Oh yes, the history is really interesting. I'm really considering this school as my first choice." he lied through a cute smile.

Delighting the lights out of the lecturer that clasp her hands in excitement as they continued a few more classes before D.O said his goodbye.

Bowing his head, he walked out with a scowl.






D.O ran out with his eyes scanning everywhere to find them talking at the side of the gates. Quickly, he walked towards them and leaned on the wall acting normal.

"Where is she? I haven't seen her at all from that stupid tour I had to be in because of you." Grumbled through his teeth while keeping his smooth smile earning little squeals from the girl students of the school. Giving them a little wave, he shot his comrades a look. "So?"

" we are....waiting for her." Baekhyun nervously chuckled earning slaps from his friends. "Oww.. stop hitting me! Yah!" He ducked away from their abusive hands.

"Maybe, you should head home Kyungsoo, it's not safe for you." Chanyeol noticed the unwanted stares from the male students. "You could be seen, we'll inform you of what we find on her back in the hotel."

"Yeah, it would be faster and than it would be your turn. We can't help you there after anyways." Sehun nodded enthusiastically agreeing with himself. "Then you would get your wings back and we'll be a happy family again!"

All of them rolled their eyes but couldn't agree more with the maknae. He spoke the truth and used his brains before he spoke for once in his life, so they're giving him credit of silent agreement.

"Anyways.." Kai stuffed his hands into his pockets spotting you with your friends by the big doors of the school mildly interested in their conversation. "We got some spying to do and you're not invited bestie."


"But.." D.O eyes widened feeling really left out from his own mistake that he should fix himself. 

Kai softened placing a comforting hand on his best friends shoulder lowering down to his eye level.

"Listen to me D.O, I can't risk you being seen right now when we haven't even started yet. I'll give you the green light and you have to really fix things, fix her, make her see this reality. It's all you in the end so you're not missing a thing I promise."

D.O fell into melancholy at the thought but 'missing it' is not the point of all this.

"This is my doing, shouldn't I be the one to solve this? I know that you guys wants to help me but I'm putting such burden on you and risking you losing your wings and it'll be alll my fault. I can just go up to her and make friends real quick."

Kai's lips turned into a soft smile that not a lot could see, not a lot have seen him smile this softly but only his closest friends.

"What happened huh? You were never this impatient. Remember this and never forget ok?"

D.O nodded slowly as all of his friends surrounded him with tender smiles on their faces.

"You are Do Kyungsoo, you are still you, you are D.O. You are kind, patient and would give the world if the person deserves it in your eyes. You are that kind of person, you understand me? Never change that and don't worry about us, we got is all covered back home." Kai stood back up straight wearing his normal smirks. "We're sticking here with you till the end buddy."

"Me too!!" Sehun raised up his hands up high hopping on the spot before throwing himself on D.O that stumbled back a few steps.

"Yah Oh Sehun.." He held the boy steady with one hand slightly in panic in fear of people watching. "Yah..they can't see you remember..yah.."

"I will keep you as my hyung forever and ever!! If you change I will blow you out of this planet!" Sehun snuggled D.O like a bear as D.O's eyes went wide as sources now while the others laugh it off. He knows too well that when his maknae said something, he would do it.

Sehun don't speak empty promises.


D.O gulped and nodded earning another round of laughter from his friends.




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Chapter 7: Haha!! They got blown away by Sehun's awesomeness
Chapter 6: Lameyoung LOL poor sooyoung and Tiffany is really clingy huh.
Update soon! Fighting fighting!! You can do it!
Chapter 4: To think of it again, D.O did turn away from his responsibility of the other kids. I just realized.
Update soon~!
Chapter 4: Hehe! It's time to party :) Update soon
Chapter 1: i like it :3
Chapter 3: What an evil woman! And I spot fx and that Kara girl! I can't wait to see which idols would appear next!
Update soon!
Chapter 3: WHOA!! Shim Jaerim seems like a bully. Poor D.O! Hopefully he didn't waste his gift on her. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: This is really good!
Umm... I wonder who that tall man is.
Update soon please!!
Chapter 2: So for 10 years they've been waiting and watching? I guess they really treasure D.O to observe that long. Anyways Kai, is he a detective when he was alive or he just hate her so much? haha
Update soon~ ^^ You can do it!