Sneaking around

The Truth, Our Secret




"You think he's ok?" Chanyeol sat down taking glances at the bathroom door. Baekhyun shrugged leaning in. "Only he would know but by the looks of it, he's not. Did you see the big scar on his back?"
"Quiet you two, before he hears." Suho gave them a look and placed the chopsticks beside the bowls. "Let's not speak of any of this when we're eating alright?"


All of them nodded but Kai that starred out of the window looking crestfallen. His eyebrows were furrowed in thought of D.O, his best friend in such a position right now. He really took it on himself what had happened to him.


Baekhyun sighed and walked up to him squeezing his shoulder gazing out at the night sky.
"Don't worry, we'll make things right and Kyungsoo will head home with us." Baekhyun turned to him with a smile. Kai wasn't sure but right now, all he could do was trust the people around him. "Alright."



The door to the bathroom opened and all heads turned towards it. Kyungsoo walked out with clean clothes and damp hair. He looked so normal, so, so human. There's no glow around him and his usual smile was now forced and pained.
They didn't know what to say to him or what to do. They've never faced this kind of situation before.


Suho gave off a loud cough snapping everyone in action and watched them hurrying around D.O pulling him to the table where delicious food that the boys bought was arranged on the table neatly.
"Sit hyung! Sit sit sit!!" Sehun pulled up a chair and all of them sat quickly picking up their chopsticks. D.O blinked at the dishes. 
"Did-Did you guys buy this? Where did you get the money? And this hotel too, clothes?" D.O looked at them and they sheepishly rubbed the back of their heads.
Chanyeol hurriedly waved it off with a loud laugh.
"Don't worry about anything and eat! I'm hungry!" He nudged D.O's hand, nodding.
D.O didn't know if he should but he was starving and knowing the boys, he trusted them and without another word, D.O stuffed himself with food hungrily.
All of the boys stopped fussing and watched their comrade eat. They felt sorry for him, D.O was the nicest, kindest and would give anything but with this one life choice, he lost everything.
When they heard that he would be banished, they promised themselves that they would help him get his wings back. They will stick with him no mater what. It just wouldn’t be the same without him around. D.O would always take care of them, it would be like a big hole was cut deep in their hearts if he was gone.
D.O stopped eating with a mouth full of rice glancing up at them wide eyes like golfballs.
Realizing, Baekhyun laughed abnormally loud nudging Chanyeol that followed after causing D.O to raise a questioning brow at the sudden outburst of energy.
"Nothing! Nothing! OH MY GOD I'm hungry!! Are you hungry Kai!? Wooah!! Beef!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol stuffed themselves with rice. 
Kai rolled his eyes and bit onto his meat ignoring his two loud brothers. Sehun muffled a laugh and ate while Suho just rolled his eyes chuckling to himself. He reached out picking up a piece of meat from the plate and placing it on D.O's bowl with a warm smile.
"Eat a lot Kyungsoo ah and get some rest, you've had a long day."
D.O softened. "You too and...thank you."
"You don't have to thank me, or us, we're brothers, we are one. We always stick together. Now eat before it gets cold." Suho smiled before scooping himself some rice.


D.O looked at s that tried to lighten the atmosphere with their laughter and random weird jokes. A smile spread on his lips. With them, he could go through anything.


Late in the morning, the EXO-K boys sat themselves around the dining table in a serious discussion as they tried to keep their voices low while D.O was still asleep inside the room.

They've been at it since they were sure Kyungsoo was deep in slumber.
Sehun was a little whiney and tired but he is trying to keep up with the discussion as much as possible since he loves his hyung a lot.

"Where do you think the girl is? Did you find out anything about her?" Suho asked Kai that nodded. "I know where she is and it's not pretty either." He frowned. 

"It can't be that bad....can it?" Baekhyun glanced around before sighing. "It can can it? How bad is it?"
"You mean how bad is she? She seriously have things to clear and the annoying people around her." Kai flicked lint off his pants before leaning forward resting his chin on his knuckles. "It's horrible, the maknae shouldn't meet these kinds of people, it'll scar him for life."
"W-What?" Sehun eyes widened forgetting that he was dozing off a second ago. Suho pats his back giving Kai a look. "Don't scare him Jongin, it can't be that bad."
"Yeah whatever, anyways.." He sat up straight lacing his fingers on the table giving them a bored look.
"It was easy to find her since I remembered her name. Shim Jaerim and she's 20 now, the last time me and Kyungsoo saw her was when she was 10. D.O cured her on that same day too. She was dying on her death bed from an infection in her lung." She should have died. Kai quickly bit his tongue from saying it out loud.
"I see." Suho nodded. He crossed his arms in thought. "How did she end up like how she is now anyways? What happened?"
"I don't know yet, but we'll know that soon won't we?" Kai smirked, he will not let you go now after what you have caused them. He felt bitter and hatred towards you and will find you and make things right with D.O.
Baekhyun nodded. "Let's wait till the sleeping prince awaken, then we'll go ahead with it."

Everyone nodded and went on their duties preparing for D.O when he awakens. Sehun on the other hand had his imagination running wild. 
"What did the hyungs mean by 'She would scar me for life'? What is she? Is she ugly? A monster? Is she...a killer?" A cold shiver ran down his spine. "Oh my god! Stop it! Stop thinking like this!" He lightly slapped himself shacking it off. 
"Yah, Oh Sehun, Are you going to help me with D.O's breakfast or what?" Chanyeol hollered from the kitchen. Sehun shot out of his seat forgetting all about the scary thought. "Coming!"
That morning, all of them hid behind a wall spying on the so called Jaerim aka, you after explaining things to D.O when he was having his breakfast.
Kai revealed to the EXO-K boys that were relieved to know that you were at least still schooling and have good grades too. You looked pretty normal from here though slamming your car door and locking it closed before flipping your hair and entering the big school gates.

"She's very pretty, what do you mean she'll scar the maknae? She looks like any other girl." Suho turned towards the boy that was boredly picking his nail uncaringly. 

"On the outside she looks normal." Kai smirked. D.O squinted his eyes at you that walked through everyone that gave way to you. "Shim Jaerim.." He whispered biting his bottom lip. 
"We'll know soon. Come on, before the gates close." Baekhyun looked around for any threats before tip toeing through the gates with the other boys behind him, well, accept for Kai that disappeared out of sight only to reappear inside the school doors beside Sehun shocking the life out of the poor boy.
"Hyung! Don't do that!" He whined earning a slap on the back of his head by Chanyeol that growled at him. "Shut it before anyone hears your loud mouth."
"Oww.." Sehun pouted rubbing the sore spot.

"Won't they notice a bunch of crouching guys sneaking about in their school halls? We are not tiny little elfs or faeries to not be seen you know. Being on earth for a day made you all forgetful, we can disappear and not sneak around like idiots." Kai said a matter of factly with a roll of his eyes.
Everyone looked at each other and stood up straight totally forgetting that they couldn't be seen if they didn't want anyone to see them.
"How dumb of us." Suho laughed awkwardly and coughed in his fist. "Well, it would be easier then." Glancing around now unwary of unwanted attention.
"You guys must have forgotten." D.O still hid behind a pillar peeking his head out slightly.
"Hmm? Forgotten what?" Sehun looked at him curious. Kyungsoo sighed. "I'm...not one of you anymore remember. I'm totally visible, I can't hide like you anymore."
All of them felt guilt stab them in the stomach as they glanced at each other.
"Well...I guess-" "Excuse me."
All of them gasped loudly and spun around at the voice. A tall man glared down at them with his arms crossed.
"Who is this!?" Sehun squeaked.


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Chapter 7: Haha!! They got blown away by Sehun's awesomeness
Chapter 6: Lameyoung LOL poor sooyoung and Tiffany is really clingy huh.
Update soon! Fighting fighting!! You can do it!
Chapter 4: To think of it again, D.O did turn away from his responsibility of the other kids. I just realized.
Update soon~!
Chapter 4: Hehe! It's time to party :) Update soon
Chapter 1: i like it :3
Chapter 3: What an evil woman! And I spot fx and that Kara girl! I can't wait to see which idols would appear next!
Update soon!
Chapter 3: WHOA!! Shim Jaerim seems like a bully. Poor D.O! Hopefully he didn't waste his gift on her. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: This is really good!
Umm... I wonder who that tall man is.
Update soon please!!
Chapter 2: So for 10 years they've been waiting and watching? I guess they really treasure D.O to observe that long. Anyways Kai, is he a detective when he was alive or he just hate her so much? haha
Update soon~ ^^ You can do it!