594 miles

956 kilometers, 594 miles, 516 nautical miles

Two weeks. That’s all Sehun had to spend with Luhan before he went back. It wasn’t enough time for Sehun but it would have to make do. Seoul was a big place. Maybe the two of them had the chance to get lost but maybe not.

The first day of being in Seoul, Sehun made sure that his boyfriend got all the rest that he needed. The poor boy seemed like he was very much tired from the plane ride. While Luhan rested, Sehun stared at his laptop trying to figure out places to go. What would Luhan like to do? He thought to himself. He thought about asking his friends but knowing them, the internet couple would have people following them.

Within five minutes, though, Sehun thought that he could take Luhan to his favourite bubble tea shoppe and maybe just around his home. After all, Sehun just knew this place the best. Slumping down on his laptop, Sehun closed his eyes almost falling asleep. He was very close when he heard a tiny giggle and felt his body being picked up. He squirmed and tried to get free of whoever held him. Before he knew it, Sehun stopped squirming around and face planted on the floor and groaned in pain while a voice laughed really hard.

Sehun sat up and rubbed his nose, pouting at the laughing Chinese boy. Luhan reached for Sehun pulling the younger boy up and held the boy in his lap, brushing away the dirt and poking the younger’s nose. Sehun felt his face flush causing Luhan to laugh a little more and cooed at the younger’s cheeks, teasing him that his cheeks were now very much pink.

Covering his face, Sehun stood up and tried to untangle his body from Luhan’s before he yet again face planted on the ground, groaning in pain and rubbing his nose again. Luhan just laughed and again helped the boy up.

“You fall a lot.” Luhan laughed.

“I do not. I’m just… erm…”

“You fall a lot.” the deer boy repeated and Sehun hung his head in defeat. “It’s cute.”

The Korean boy shook his head and flailed his arms above his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He squeaked.

“Says the squeaking Korean boy.”

“Hey!” Sehun whined. “I didn’t mean to squeak. It just happened.”

Luhan nodded his head in understanding and laughed. “If you say so.”

“I say so.”

Laughing, the Chinese boy nodded. “Fine, fine. What are we doing today Sehunnie?” he asked wrapping his arms around the boy, pulling him down with him.

“Relaxing because I can’t think of anything.”

Luhan nodded and held the boy close. “That sounds like a plan. I get to finally see what this place looks like in person. It’s pretty here.”

Sehun smiled. “I’m glad that you like it here. Maybe you can stay for good.” He blabbered without thinking causing the elder boy to laugh.

“Maybe.” He said kissing the younger’s neck.

Sehun shuddered at the feeling of Luhan’s lips against his neck before he felt his face flush brightly. The Chinese boy laughed when Sehun covered his face and brought the boy closer to his body. Standing up quickly, Sehun smacked Luhan’s face and almost face planted to the ground again. Panicking, he ran over to the now cringing Luhan and frowned.

“I’m so sorry Luhan hyung.” Sehun panicked.

Luhan shook his head and removed his hands from his face. Sehun frowned even more when he saw his hand print on the other’s face. The younger groaned and ran to get ice for the red mark now showing up on his lover’s face.

“Put this on it.” Sehun said after a few minutes of going through the freezer to find a bag of corn.

“Corn?” Luhan questioned looking at the bag of frozen corn.

“Corn.” Sehun said with a nod.

Not questioning it further, Luhan placed the bag of corn on his face and winced at the coolness. “Thanks, it really did hurt.”

The younger pouted. “I know and I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” The boy with the corn to his face said, pulling Sehun back on the bed, “I forgave you when you brought the corn.”

Sehun couldn’t help but to laugh. The two laid there until the bag of corn was no longer cold. The younger of the two got an idea and marched over to his computer typing in something before grabbing Luhan and yanking him up. The Chinese boy stared at his lover confused.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“You’ll see.” The younger boy said pressing a button as music started to play. “Would you like to dance?” he asked causing Luhan to laugh.

“I would love to.” The Chinese boy said grabbing Sehun’s hand and started to dance.

With a smile on his face, Sehun spun and twirled the little deer before placing his hand on his waist. Luhan just laughed and brought his body closer to his lover’s placing his head on Sehun’s chest. They slowed danced before being silly, dancing like five year olds would.

“Take my hand
I'll teach you to dance
I'll spin you around
Won't let you fall down”


 “I think I like this song.” Luhan said slow dancing.

Sehun smiled. “I love this song. It’s our song now.” He said humming as he spun Luhan around and kissed the elder’s lips.

“Would you let me lead
You can step on my feet
Give it a try
It'll be all right”


It had been about three days since Luhan had gotten to Seoul. All they did was walk around the surrounding area and look around. Now they were in Hongdae doing the same thing. Sehun has only been there for a few times, but he really liked it and too Luhan different places before dragging him into a bubble tea shoppe. Luhan’s eyes grew wide with delight at the sight.

“This is amazing.” He said with a giant smile littering his face. “I mean like really, really amazing.”

The shoppe looked cute. No matter how Luhan looked at it, the shoppe was cute. With the colour scheme of pink, white and red, the shoppe looked like it was ready for Valentine’s Day instead of the summer season that was slowly coming.

Sehun just smiled and walked to the counter wanting to try a new flavor. “Luhannie hyung, what are you going to get?” he asked not paying attention to the girl that was looking at Sehun with flirty eyes.

Luhan looked over the menu and glared at the girl who only smirked. He also wanted to try something new. “I think that I’m going to get Honeydew.”

Sehun nodded and ordered that while getting a rose one for him. The girl smiled widely and punched in their order before writing her number down on the back of the receipt. She handed it to Sehun who looked at the girl confused. Luhan sighed and walked off to find a seat with Sehun following behind really confused.  

“Do you like it here?” Sehun asked, his finger tapping the table.

Luhan nodded and smiled widely forgetting about the girl at the counter. “I like it so far. You’re doing a good job of showing me around Sehunnie. Thank you.”

The Korean boy blushed a bit and slid his face to the table trying to cool off his cheeks. “I’m glad that you like it here. I was scared that you wouldn’t like it.”

“Oh but I love it. It’s nice and I can be with you.”

Sehun nodded and smiled taking his head off the counter and looking at Luhan who was looking out the window.

“Do you want to go there later?” he asked following Luhan’s gaze.

Luhan nodded and looked at Sehun just as their drinks came with the same girl at the counter. The Chinese boy made a face and played with his straw.

“Here are your drinks.” She said way too happily. “Come back soon alright? We would love to see you here.”

 The deer looked at the drink for a second before placing his lips around the straw and smiling happily in delight. Sehun couldn’t help but to laugh at the reaction Luhan was giving.

“You like?” he laughed.

“I love.”

Nodding, Sehun took a sip of his own drink and smiled also. Luhan laughed.

“You look like you love yours too.”

“I like.”

Luhan nodded and looked back to the girl at the counter who couldn’t take her eyes off Sehun. He pouted a bit and grabbed Sehun by the neck and pressed his lips against his. Sehun was shocked for a moment before kissing his boyfriend back. Luhan finally let go of Sehun’s lips causing the younger boy to blush hard. Luhan smiled and looked to the girl who was shocked and looked away. Smiling to himself, Luhan looked back at Sehun whose cheeks were still red.

“You’re cute Sehunnie.” Luhan cooed as he stood up, grabbing Sehun’s wrist and dragging the younger boy to the other shoppe he saw.

Sehun saw all sorts of funky hats and crazy sunglasses outside the store. It looked like a couple shoppe with cute little trinkets. Sehun let his eyes wander all over the little objects before stopping on one. He looked it over and over before he shook his head and kept looking.

Someone just then tapped his shoulder causing Sehun to let out a very manly yelp. Luhan laughed behind him and showed Sehun the big pink and blue sunglasses he had one. Sehun laughed.

“You look like a clown Luhannie.” He laughed causing Luhan to make a funny face. Sehun laughed harder.

He started to look around for a hat that would match Luhan’s new look. Finding one, he called the older boy who bounced over and did a wacky pose. Sehun laughed again before putting the hat on the elder’s head. Backing up, Sehun looked at his work and burst out laughing. Blinking, Luhan wanted to know what the younger was laughing really hard at, so he slowly moved to a mirror before cracking up at this look. He smirked when an idea came to him and disappeared into the store once again.

Sehun finally stopped laughing when he noticed that Luhan had disappeared somewhere. Slightly panicking, the young Korean boy started to hunt down his missing boyfriend only to find him holding another pair of silly glasses, a mustache and a giant cowboy hat. Luhan smirked at his prey and forced the hat on Sehun’s head. The younger boy was mentally cringing when his vision suddenly became hot pink due to his new glasses. He felt something touch his face as he almost sneezed. Wiggling his nose, Sehun heard something click. Looking at Luhan he saw much to a nineteen year old boy’s horror, a phone that was open like it was taking a picture.

“You took a picture?” Sehun almost yelled as Luhan cracked up.

“I did. You look lovely.” He giggled.

Sehun smiled and grabbed his own phone taking a picture of Luhan and his silly get up as well. Luhan bounced over the shoppe owner and asked the little old lady to take a picture of them. She agreed and told the internet couple to smile widely for the camera which they did. Luhan bought both silly outfits and made Sehun wear them for the rest of the day. All the younger boy could do was smile and laugh really hard.

As they walked by a shoppe, Sehun heard a familiar tune before he grabbed Luhan’s wrist causing the older boy to almost lose his hat.

“Listen Luhannie.” He said with a smile.

“The rooms hush, hush
And now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all, and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right”

Luhan laughed when he heard the song. “I hear it.”

“Shall we dance?” Sehun asked.

Luhan looked at the younger boy funny. “Right now?”

The Korean boy nodded. “Right now. We already look silly, so why not?” he said as he grabbed Luhan’s hand and spun him around and started dancing with him. Luhan giggled as a crowd started to cover them. He pressed a kiss to the younger’s lips and kept dancing along with the music.

“Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shine, it’s all about us
its all, all, all about uh, uh, us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
but it’s all about us”


It was four days after their date in Hongdae when Minseok decided that he wanted to have Luhan and Sehun over for dinner. He told the internet and idiotic couple that they needed to dress nice which of course threw Luhan in a mass frenzy about what to wear and what not to wear. He wanted to make a good impression on Sehun’s friends because the practically raised the nineteen year old, well Minseok and Jongdae did. Woohyun was like the massive grease monster who was Sehun’s brother and Sunggyu was the boyfriend that Woohyun brought one day.  

It was two hours before they were supposed to leave and Luhan was sitting on Sehun’s bed staring at his suitcase like it had grown a pair of eyes and legs.  The owner of the room was recording everything from the doorway, giggling when Luhan would flinch.

“Babe, just put on whatever.” Sehun said causing Luhan to shake his head.

“I need to look nice. Minseok told us that I need to look nice.”

“Yes he did but that doesn’t mean that you have to wear a tux.”

“But Sehunnie…” Luhan looked up and looked completely panicked.

Sehun smiled at the sight, set the camera down and walked to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the panicking boy. “It’s going to be alright, Luhannie hyung. I promise. You’re going to look fine, you’re going to be fine and they’re going to love you. I promise.”

Luhan sighed. “I’m just really nervous. Like really nervous. I mean Minseok and Jongdae raised you.”

Sehun laughed. “Minseok hyung and Jongdae hyung did not raise me.”

“It counts. They’re like your parents after all” Luhan pouted and Sehun laughed.

“Fine, fine it counts.”

Luhan stood up, grabbed the clothes that he started out with and walked into the bathroom mumbling to himself. Sehun couldn’t help but to laugh at his boyfriend’s movements. He found it cute that Luhan was trying so hard. He remembered when Sunggyu was added to the family. The poor boy went through hell from Minseok for choosing a grease monster like Woohyun. To this day, Sehun still cannot figure out what Sunggyu sees in the boy.

Sehun quickly changed into something nice, fixed his hair through his mirror and sat on the bed, waiting for Luhan to come out. He smiled when the door opened and his boyfriend walked out, looking like a runway model. Sehun gulped and really looked at Luhan. The Chinese boy’s hair was still the same, styled down but it had more of a messy touch to it, there was light eyeliner surrounding his eyes and the same smile that Luhan always wore. He wore dark skinnies with a light grey button down top and a little black bow tie.

“How do I look?” he asked spinning around.

Sehun smiled widely and blushed a bit. “Like a runway model.” He said.

Luhan beamed and looked at what the younger boy was wearing, navy blue plaid skinnies with a simple black button down and a navy blue tie. Sehun’s hair was the same caramel brown only like Luhan’s had a splash of messiness to it.

“Like it?” he asked and Luhan nodded.

“You look hot.” Luhan giggled.

Sehun smiled and walked over to the elder hugging him around the waist and kissing his exposed skin. “Why thank you, Luhannie.” He said moving upwards and kissing the elder boy before pulling away.

Luhan pouted when Sehun moved away and mumbled something about moving away way to early.

“Come before Minseok hyung decides that I didn’t listen and puts something dangerous in my food.” Sehun said with a smile that made Luhan worried.

“He would do something like that?”

Sehun shrugged. “I don’t know and I’m not willing to find out.”

The Chinese boy laughed and walked out with Sehun in tow. The entire way to Minseok’s, Luhan was going slightly crazy. Sehun on the other hand was trying very hard to calm down his panicking boyfriend by telling him the same thing. Sighing, he stopped walking and grabbed Luhan hand, dragging him to a nearby shoppe. Inside the shoppe were little things for the house.

“Pick one.” He said.

Luhan cocked his head to the side but said nothing and started to look around the store. Sehun sighed and followed his boyfriend around the store with a single hand touching the elder’s waist.

“How about this?” Luhan asked holding a whisk.

“Chef Lulu.” Sehun joked causing Luhan to pout.

“I can cook.” He said.

Sehun raised a brow. “Really? You should make me something then.”

Luhan smiled and nodded, planning to make something for Sehun later but for now, he had to find something to give to Minseok and Jongdae. After spending a good ten minutes in the store, Luhan finally decided on a little bread basket with steamed buns all over it.

“He’s going to love it.” Sehun insisted.

Luhan nodded and took a deep breath when they reached Minseok’s apartment. Without knocking, Sehun brought Luhan inside and announced that they were here. Jongdae popped his head out and looked at Sehun mouthing the words ‘He’s mad’ before looking at Luhan in shock.  

“He’s pretty.” Jongdae said looking between Luhan and Sehun. “Like really pretty.”

Luhan blushed a bit and smiled. “I’m sorry that I never really got to meet you.” He said. “Sehunnie was really excited at the airport.”

Jongdae shook his head and actually smiled. Sehun gasped and ran into the dining room, yelling that Jongdae showed a real smile before running back and pulling Luhan with him, introducing him to his friends. It was then that Luhan finally calmed down and smiled when Minseok took the bread basket with a smile.

“I told you that he was going love it.” Sehun said with a smile.

Dinner moved on with nothing really happening until they hit the couches in the living room. Luhan, Sunggyu and Minseok were talking about something that Sehun lost track of a long time ago and was talking to Woohyun who was trying to get Sunggyu’s attention away from the Chinese male. Jongdae played music when Luhan stopped talking and looked at Sehun. The younger male looked back and smiled. Minseok smiled widely and watch the two interact with each other.

“Sehunnie, would you like to dance?” Luhan asked.

Sehun blushed but nodded taking the elder’s hand and dancing along with the music.

“Suddenly, I'm feeling brave
Don't know what’s gotten into me
Why I feel this way
Can we dance, real slow
Can I hold you real close

The rooms hush, hush
And now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all, and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right”

The entire room got quiet and watched the internet couple dance with smiles on their faces. They all found it cute when Sehun placed his lips against Luhan’s before he spun him.

“Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shine, it’s all about us
its all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
but it’s all about us

Do you hear that love,
they're playing our song
Do you think we're ready,
oh I'm really feeling it
Do you hear that love,
Do you hear that love”


The song is "All About Us" by He is We ft. Owl City.

It's a pretty song.

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Chapter 4: I have a weakness to LDR omg this was cute
ruhanlu #2
Chapter 4: And I'm looking for the song. It was wonderful! wonder why it didn't become the fault in our stars bgm. Btw, this is cute!
Chapter 4: Its so cute, haha I love this so so much! And the song is very very cute too.

I've always loved your stories so so much because its just so amazing, xx
Chapter 4: nice HUNHAN story..
Chapter 4: sadfkaihfusadyhfsaifkuysadgfagsdyuf...
MottiNuri_LaGorda #6
Chapter 4: so nice! that's really sweet~
Shiningblingasaur #7
Chapter 4: wow that was really sweet! Thank you
Chapter 4: I think I'll just say my thoughts about this beautiful fluffy story tom :) this ipads lowbatt -__-