516 nautical miles

956 kilometers, 594 miles, 516 nautical miles

Two weeks had gone way too fast for Sehun’s liking. Maybe it was the fact that every single moment was spent with the now leaving Chinese boy. It was four hours before the elder was supposed to leave. In Sehun’s mind, everything was upsetting. He was dreading this day the moment that Luhan stepped foot in Korea. Of course he spent the time with Luhan with a giant smile on his face, but in the back of his mind was the little nagging voice that told him Luhan was just going to leave.

Sighing, Sehun flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Luhan was in the shower, getting ready for his flight. His bags were packed since last night as Sehun watched the elder run around the room. Sehun groaned and the memory and flipped around on his bed, screaming into his pillow. He didn’t stop until he heard a small giggle. Blinking, the Korean boy flipped over and stared at an out of the shower Luhan with dripping wet hair and a towel wrapped around loosely on his waist. He gulped as Luhan made his way over to Sehun and sat on the bed.

“What are you doing?” the Chinese boy asked.

Sehun shook his head and grabbed a pillow to cover his heated face. Luhan laughed again.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asked again laying down on the bed and tickling Sehun’s feet.

The younger boy screamed out in a fit of giggles before the elder boy stood up and got dressed. Sehun breathed for a moment and refaced the pillow trying to get the mental image of a wet Luhan. Sehun shuddered at the thought causing his pants to feel just a little tighter than usual. He started to chant a couple of words over and over again until he felt a weight on his back.

“What’s wrong Sehunnie?” Luhan whispered in the younger’s ear.

Sehun shuddered again and turned his face. “I don’t want you to go.” He whispered. “I really don’t.”

Luhan got off Sehun and pulled the younger boy in his arms, rocking side to side. “I don’t want to leave either.” He whispered. “But I gotta go back.”

“Couldn’t you just stay here?”

Luhan sighed and fiddled with Sehun’s fingers, shaking his head. “I can’t.”

Sighing, the younger boy nuzzled into Luhan’s embrace trying to imprint his lover’s body against his.


An hour flew by just like that. Sehun suddenly decided for a last minute date before the elder left. Luhan of course agreed.

The couple went to a different bubble tea shoppe near Sehun’s house. They buried themselves with cake and the sweet drink before they started to talk nonstop about everything that has happened.

“The looks we got!” Luhan laughed remembering the dance in the middle of Hongdae.

The Korean boy chuckled while sipping his chocolate bubble tea. “We were dressed up as clowns and dancing in the middle of the sidewalk. I think people were allowed the laugh.”

The elder boy nodded. “And the couple wanting to take a picture with us. That was cute.”

“It was. Who would have known they wanted my face.” Sehun snickered motioning to his face. Luhan couldn’t help but to laugh.

“You know there’s something about your face that I like. I don’t know what but it’s something.”

Sehun lifted a brow. “It’s something?”

Luhan nodded and drank his tea. “Something.”

“You don’t know?”

Luhan shook his head in amusement. “Sorry Sehunnie.”

They left the bubble tea shoppe and walked around for a bit before they had to get to the airport. As they walked, something caught the younger’s eye. He blinked and stared at the object before he mentally noted to come back before Luhan left.

Luhan pulled Sehun into a clothing store where tourists could buy items. As they shifted through everything, Sehun kept looking back to the shoppe they passed making sure it wouldn’t close. He only had three hours before Luhan would leave. That was plenty of time before the elder left.

“Sehunnie!” Luhan’s voice called out snapping Sehun’s attention to the elder boy. “Do you think that Yixing would like this?” he asked holding up a strange shirt.

Sehun blinked before laughing fled his lips. Luhan pouted.

“Nevermind.” He said before he started to mumble something in Chinese.

Sehun furrowed his brows as Luhan stomped out of the shoppe. Picking up the shirt he was holding, Sehun bought the shirt for Yixing and ran after his upset boyfriend.

“Lulu hyung!” Sehun shouted causing the upset boy to stop and wait for impact. “You didn’t let me say anything. I was going to say; yes I think Yixing would love the shirt. He could always look at it and not forget that you have a lover in Korea, maybe then he’ll stop hitting on you.”

Luhan giggled. “Are you jealous?”

Sehun nodded. “That boy, he hits on you I swear. I saw the way he looked at you when you introduced us. It was madding. I mean don’t hit on someone else’s boyfriend. Anyways, here.” He said holding out the bag with the shirt.

Luhan smiled and pecked the younger boy’s lips. “Thank you.” He smiled.

Sehun couldn’t help but to blush at the elder and hugged his waist to cover the blush as Luhan giggled again.


People walked by with all sorts of bags in hand. Luhan pouted not seeing Sehun anywhere. The moment that he dropped the Chinese male off at the airport, Sehun told him that he had something to do and that he’ll be back. That was an hour ago. Luhan only had one hour before he had to leave. Sighing he turned his attention back to Minseok and Sunggyu. Both males smiled softly as they looked at the waiting male.

“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Minseok said. “If not then I’ll personally hand him his for not.”

Luhan cracked a real smile. “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure it was something important.”

“More important than sending his boyfriend off?” Sunggyu scoffed. “What’s more important than that?”

“You never know.”

“I know Sehun though this is something that he would never do. I wonder what’s keeping him.”

Luhan shook his head and fiddled with his fingers while Minseok shot Sunggyu a look.

“I love the basket you gave me.” Minseok said with a smile causing Luhan to look up. “How did you know that I like buns?”

“Sehunnie plus you kind of look like one in a good way.”

Sunggyu laughed and patted Luhan’s back.

“I told you Minseok hyung. I told you!” he said cheering loudly. Minseok could only roll his eyes.

“I’m not going to say anything.”

Luhan giggled and fiddled with his fingers looking at the time. Only thirty minutes before the flight was to leave. He bit his lip and looked over the crowed as Minseok texted the missing Korean boy.

Not ten minutes later did Luhan’s eyes tear up a bit as the flight was starting to call people to board but Luhan wouldn’t move until the last possible second. Minseok and Sunggyu weren’t too happy when the flight attendant called out the last section.

The Chinese boy blinked back tears as he stood up and shook his head. “He’s not going to come.” He whispered. “I should go.”

Minseok felt like punching Sehun in the face. What was so important that he wasn’t here?

Luhan hugged both Minseok and Sunggyu and handed his ticket to the flight attendant, leaving the two seething boys. As he walked down the hallway to the plane, tears rolled down Luhan’s cheeks as the flight attendants on board welcomed him on.

“Excuse me, are you Luhan?” a female’s voice asked causing the boy to wipe his tears and nod.

She smiled and gently grabbed Luhan’s arm and turned him around to the cockpit. She looked in and smiled, motioning for someone to come out.  Luhan blinked and cried when Sehun walked out with a smile on his face. He ran to the younger and wrapped his arms around him.

“I thought you weren’t going to come.” He sobbed.

Sehun kissed the top of his head. “I wouldn’t have missed you leaving.” He whispered. “I had to go back and get this.”

Sehun held out a small white box, placing it in Luhan’s hand. The Chinese boy wiped his tears and opened the box. Inside was a silver gleaming puzzle piece. Luhan ran his finger over the metal and looked at Sehun. Reaching into his shirt, Sehun showed Luhan the other half.

“I saw it earlier and I thought that you would like it.” He said with a small smile.

Luhan nodded and smiled. “I love it.” He said, wiping the tears as they rolled down. “I really do love it.”

Sehun hugged the crying elder and smiled widely. “I’m glad. The back took me the longest though because I had to wait.” He whispered.

Luhan turned the necklace over and giggled, kissing Sehun’s shoulder. “Thank you.” He said.

“You’re welcome. Now go to your sit and call me when you get home, okay?”

Luhan nodded and smiled causing the younger to smile back. He pulled Luhan in for an innocent kiss, tasting those lips hopefully not of the last time.

Sehun walked back to the waiting area where he got slaps from Minseok and a punch from Sunggyu. Laughing, he walked to the window and watched the plane take off. He waved to it hoping that Luhan could see him waving. A song came on as Sehun smiled.

“Lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shine, it’s all about us
it’s all
and every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
but it’s all about us”

Sehun fiddled with his necklace and held the piece. He wiped a lone tear as the plane took off into the sunset. He stayed there until he could no longer see the plane.

“Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shine, it’s all about us
it’s all about us
and every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
but its all, all about us.”


I hope that you guys had a happy new year!

Sorry this chapter's so short. I couldn't think of anything to write for Luhan's deaparture. D:

This was the best that I could do...

One more chapter until the story is complete~! :3

It should be up either today or tomorrow.

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Chapter 4: I have a weakness to LDR omg this was cute
ruhanlu #2
Chapter 4: And I'm looking for the song. It was wonderful! wonder why it didn't become the fault in our stars bgm. Btw, this is cute!
Chapter 4: Its so cute, haha I love this so so much! And the song is very very cute too.

I've always loved your stories so so much because its just so amazing, xx
Chapter 4: nice HUNHAN story..
Chapter 4: sadfkaihfusadyhfsaifkuysadgfagsdyuf...
MottiNuri_LaGorda #6
Chapter 4: so nice! that's really sweet~
Shiningblingasaur #7
Chapter 4: wow that was really sweet! Thank you
Chapter 4: I think I'll just say my thoughts about this beautiful fluffy story tom :) this ipads lowbatt -__-