
Madly in love



Woohyun watched from the corner of his eyes how Sunggyu kissed Howon, they were in the living room and there was only the 3 of them there. He glanced at the couple and they were eating each other´s faces like there was no tomorrow. Woohyun tried to ignore the pair but it was futile. Woohyun couldn’t help it but growl, he was mad for no reason and he wanted to kill Howon. He heard Howon and Sunggyu exchange some love words and he frowned, didn’t Sunggyu love him like he had said? Then why was he so freely hugging and kissing Howon? Did Howon confess like he said he would? Woohyun looked at them again when he heard a whimper; he widened his eyes when hesaw Sunggyu move to sit on Howon´s lap. Didn’t they know Woohyun was in the living room as well? He was sitting right beside them, what the hell.  He looked alarmed at the way Sunggyu rubbed his on Howon, he was about to go and pull Sunggyu off the other when he felt a soft nudge on his arm, he looked around but there was no body

¨Woohyun¨ he heard and looked around again until he opened his eyes, his heart was beating faster and Sunggyu was right in front of his face ¨where you dreaming?¨ the latter asked sleepy

¨I-I was, I was¨

¨It´s ok, go back to sleep¨ the older said as he did the same

Woohyun starred at the ceiling until the sun came out. He couldn’t sleep anymore before the dream. He wasn’t sure why but he was afraid, he remembers reading somewhere that dreams were signals of something that was going to happen in the future, maybe Sunggyu will fall out of love with him and fall for Howon and he will be free to date whoever he wanted. Somehow that thought didn’t make him feel like he thought he will, he didn’t feel happy or glad, he just felt afraid, afraid of a future without Sunggyu loving him.





Nothing changed really; Sunggyu stared at Woohyun again who was engrossed in a video game along with Myungsoo and his so called helper Howon. Sunggyu sighed and called Howon several times, then Woohyun and Myungsoo but he was ignored, he sighed again and stood up took one of his jackets and headed out.


Ok, Woohyun now loved this video game; he had refused to play before because he isn’t very much into video games but this game was totally worth it, all he knew is that he had killed Howon several times with his super big gun. 

¨Woohyun quit it! I´m in your team, you have to kill the ones in black you idiot¨ Howon whined for the 3rd time

¨Sorry¨ Woohyun repeated for the 3rd time



¨take that idiot¨

¨Hey!! Myungsoo, Howon killed me! Aren’t we supposed to be a team¨ Woohyun whined and pouted and frowned and Howon rolled his eyes, seriously why would anyone like someone this childish.

¨I told you to stop didn’t I? if you keep killing me be prepare to stay death because I will kill you every chance I have you rookie¨

¨just because you are dating him, doesn’t give you the power to talk to me informally!¨

¨eh?¨ Myungsoo said pausing the game finally paying attention the two bickering boys ¨what was that Woohyun?¨


¨we are not dating¨ Howon said with a smirk ¨yet¨

¨ok, hold on. What?¨ Myungsoo frowned

¨I said nothing!¨

¨and why would you care if we were dating, is not like you like him¨ Howon glared


¨Shush Myung! but he likes me!¨ Woohyun said after covering Myungsoo´s mouth along with his nose and part of his eyes making  him struggle a little to breathe

¨I can change that you know¨

¨are you trying to kill Myung!!!¨ a scream came from one of the room’s ¨Stupid Myung! I told you not to teach them how to play that violent game! Look what he is doing to you now¨ Sungyeol came into the living room pushing Woohyun away from Myungsoo who was just a little red

¨do that to me again and you are death!¨ Myungsoo said annoyed as he took Woohyun´s game controller from his hands and handed it to Sungyeol.  

¨I didn’t want to play anymore anyways¨ Woohyun said sticking his tongue out then glaring at Howon who was looking back at him shaking his head ¨what?¨

¨I wonder how dense can you be¨ Howon asked more to himself than to Woohyun




Sunggyu turned around to find Woohyun in his bed; he smiled and kissed his cheek, he knew the younger was there for the good night kiss

¨Good night namu¨ Sunggyu said caressing the youger´s hair lovingly

¨good night hyung¨ Woohyun whispered back and was about to leave when Sunggyu grabbed his hand, pulling him back to lie beside him without letting go of his hands. Sunggyu loved moments like this

¨where you serious when you told Howon he could date me?¨ Sunggyu asked looking at their intertwined fingers, Woohyun gulped, he didn’t know what to say, he wasn’t sure of the answer himself, he remembered talking to Howon about it but he didn’t specifically told him to date his Gyu


¨It´s ok Woohyun, I don’t care what you say, and all I know is that my heart beats only for you¨ Woohyun felt his heart do a flip at the words and smiled stupidly, and a second or two later he stopped smiling afraid Sunggyu could see him  


¨yes¨ Sunggyu looked up

Woohyun didn’t know what over took him, maybe the dream gave him some courage or mixed his feelings but all he knew was that he was kissing Sunggyu, he heard the elder gasp and he smiled, Woohyun moved a little, but not far enough to separate their lips ¨let´s upgrade the good night kisses¨



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Chapter 5: oh.. i like how this fic didnt feel rushed.. i like the steps Woohyun had before realised that he fell for Gyu. the story kinda felt real coz when you fallen for someone evenho you know he/she didnt love you back but you always happy over even the smallest thing he/she did for you and you just cant help being happy n hoping eventho you know its useless...
Chapter 5: I can't go without leave one message...this is so aldjfj! Nam needed someone who make him see his feelings towards Kyu...I think that he really needs someone in this moment....
Myungyeolliepoppie #3
Chapter 5: cute! :3
Make more woogyu stories as cute as this!
Chapter 5: needy woohyun cute e__e
Chapter 5: super cute!
Chocolato #6
Chapter 5: ohhhhh needy needy woohyun sounds pretty cute :)
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 5: That was so cutie...! *squeaking like an idiotic fangirl*
It's okie, author-ssi, so long as you continue to write, I won't mind the length of the story... ^_^
Bangdaelojaeupchan #8
Chapter 5: I loved this cute story!:)
Chapter 5: Gah so adorable, I loved this so much!! Woohyun was such a cutie at the end haha, thank you for writing! :)