Almost There

Madly in love

Almost there


Woohyun knew he was being stupid, he knew there was no way Sunggyu would follow his request. Even before the words slipped out of his lips, even then he knew it will never happen. Woohyun actually wanted to be a little more specific, he wanted to specifically ask Sunggyu not to kiss, or even think of kissing Howon, or as a matter of fact anyone but him. Woohyun didn’t have any right to say it but somehow he just felt like he did. Sunggyu´s love for him made him think that he was allowed to tell the older what not do, he felt like he had the power to manipulate the leader. Maybe he should tell him to stop kissing Howon or forget about the kisses they shared, but threatening wasn’t something he was good at  

Woohyun was pulled out of his thought when he felt the other nod; he looked down at Sunggyu and smiled

¨I won’t let Howon touch me like this again¨ Sunggyu whispered and Woohyun smiled even wider ¨I won’t let him and I won’t let you either¨ Woohyun smile dropped in an instant


¨is only fair Woohyun, I don’t want to give false hope to Howon and I don’t want you to give me false hope. This¨  Sunggyu pointed to him then to Woohyun ¨this will never happen, you don´t love me like I love you¨ Woohyun was still speechless, he had no idea what to say ¨so understand my position and go to your bed Woohyun¨

Woohyun pushed himself off the bed and jumped to his, he really was speechless.

Sunggyu´s heart didn’t let him sleep that night.  



The next morning Woohyun woke up in a bad mood, he harshly brushed his teeth until he spited blood.

´It was all Howon´s fault´ he thought as he splashed water on his face before drying it harshily with a towel. It was all Howon´s fault that was all he could think of the whole walk to the bathroom to the kitchen.  

¨watch out¨ he heard Myungsoo yell before he his forehead met with the wall. his eye teared up a little and he cursed loudly ¨Woohyun! What the hell, you just walked into a wall man¨ Myungsoo said laughing loudly holding his stomach, after rubbing the tears off his eyes, he looked around he found Myungsoo, Dongwoo and Howon laughing, this was all Howon´s fault he thought again.

¨I see you are still sleepy¨ Dongwoo said helping him up ¨pay more attention stupid¨

¨Thanks¨ he said to Dongwoo and walked to the kitchen rubbing his soar forehead. The boy´s in the living room looked at each other, normally Woohyun would yell at them for laughing since this isn’t the first time the boy kissed the wall, of course they didn’t know this was the first time he did it fully awake.

Woohyun ate his breakfast in slow motion, he then showered even slower. He felt like he just had a break up, he then decided to look for the reason why he was feeling like this. After he couldn´t find Sunggyu anywhere, he walked back to the leaving room and heard his manager saying they had an interview and needed to be ready in less than an hour. Woohyun walked to his room to get a better change of clothes, as soon as he opened the door he found who he was looking for. 


¨yes¨ Sunggyu said while he took some vitamins from his drawer, the latter stayed silence and Sunggyu was about to ask him what he needed but gasped when he felt Woohyun hug him from behind stoping him for turning around

¨Gyu¨ Woohyun whispered on his ear and Sunggyu felt his heart beat fast in a second ¨kiss Howon, I don’t care, do whatever you want but please don’t stop loving me¨

¨what?¨ Sunggyu asked blushing like mad, he was just happy the other couldn´t see him

¨I missed your kiss in the morning¨ Woohyun whispered on the latter´s ear sending shivers down his pine

¨Woohyun¨ Sunggyu pushed the latter away and turned around

¨Gyu¨ Woohyun looked at him sadly before he pulled on his own hair and walked in circles ¨you did something to me Gyu, I know you did, I mean why do I feel like you just broke up with me?¨

¨Stop saying nonsense Woohyun¨ Sunggyu said looking to the side blushing again

¨Don’t blush or I´m going to kiss you¨ Woohyun whined then started to hit his own lips with his hands ¨see, look what I´m doing and saying, You did something to me!¨ Woohyun repeated childishly pointing at Sunggyu

¨I didn’t do anything, go away¨ Sunggyu covered his face with his hands, he was embarrassed

¨you cursed me!¨

¨you are crazy¨

¨it´s your fault, it’s yours and Howon´s fault!¨

¨Woohyun are you being serious right now?¨ Sunggyu asked now with his leader tone and Woohyun stopped walking in circles

¨I don’t know hyung, I´m confused, I see you as a friend but then I let you kiss me¨ ´more like you kiss me´ Sunggyu thought but didn’t say anything ¨but then you go and kiss Howon and I feel cheated, what is that supposed to mean¨

¨You know I love you Woohyun and I really will appreciated if you keep your thoughts to yourself, like I said before I don’t need false hope not now that we are starting to go into more shows, I don’t want to lose my focus, so I will appreciated if you sort your feelings by yourself¨ Sunggyu patted the boys shoulder and walked out of the room, as soon as he was out of Woohyun´s sight he smiled and patted his heart, did Howon´s plan work?



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Chapter 5: oh.. i like how this fic didnt feel rushed.. i like the steps Woohyun had before realised that he fell for Gyu. the story kinda felt real coz when you fallen for someone evenho you know he/she didnt love you back but you always happy over even the smallest thing he/she did for you and you just cant help being happy n hoping eventho you know its useless...
Chapter 5: I can't go without leave one message...this is so aldjfj! Nam needed someone who make him see his feelings towards Kyu...I think that he really needs someone in this moment....
Myungyeolliepoppie #3
Chapter 5: cute! :3
Make more woogyu stories as cute as this!
Chapter 5: needy woohyun cute e__e
Chapter 5: super cute!
Chocolato #6
Chapter 5: ohhhhh needy needy woohyun sounds pretty cute :)
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 5: That was so cutie...! *squeaking like an idiotic fangirl*
It's okie, author-ssi, so long as you continue to write, I won't mind the length of the story... ^_^
Bangdaelojaeupchan #8
Chapter 5: I loved this cute story!:)
Chapter 5: Gah so adorable, I loved this so much!! Woohyun was such a cutie at the end haha, thank you for writing! :)