New Addiction

Madly in love

New Addiction


Woohyun has changed since he blamed Sunggyu for ´cursing him´, he has become more how do I put this… bold? Or maybe he is showing his new found interest for Sunggyu too much? Sunggyu didn’t know what was going through the younger´s mind but he was just a little uncomfortable with it, or maybe not, like he said before the attention he was getting was just wonderful.

Sunggyu was currently sitting on the couch trying to watch the newest drama, he really really really was trying to ignore the hand that sneaked its way to his, he nervously looked around to see if any members were paying attention to the two sitting on the couch (too close for Sunggyu´s comfort) alone. Sunggyu´s cheeks changed from their normal color to a pretty shade of pink, he took the younger´s hand on his and placed it on his lap, and he pulled one of the couch cushions and hides their clasped hands. Sunggyu wasn’t dating Woohyun and every time he reminded himself of that fact he will simply lose the sparkle in his eyes and let go of the other. Sunggyu sighed audibly as he pushed the hand away, earning a concerned look from the younger. Sunggyu hated his bipolar side but he wasn’t a toy so he had the right to be this way, didn’t he? Some times at least.

Woohyun didn’t give up though, he held the elder´s hand again and didn’t let go when he tried to pull away again. Woohyun was sure now, he surely loved the way Sunggyu´s hand felt on his, he was sure he wanted to kiss Sunggyu´s lips 24/7, he was sure he… Woohyun gulped at his next thought, he turned to look at the leader who was too focused on the TV and scanned his body up and down in a slow manner and blushed crazily.

Sunggyu was trying hard to act calm as the butterflies that lived in his tummy started to fly wildly bumping against each other, Sunggyu could feel Woohyun´s eyes on him, the younger was just plain starring at him and Sunggyu couldn’t even breath properly since the said guy was mere inches away.

¨Stop it Woohyun¨ Sunggyu whispered not looking at the latter, he felt Woohyun try to move even closer almost pulling Sunggyu to sit on his lap and Sunggyu gasped.

¨Hyung, I have to ask you something¨

¨w-what is it?¨ Sunggyu shivered a little, he was not exaggerating, Woohyun was talking right on his ear

¨a-about that… you know…me…you¨ Sunggyu heart started to beat loudly and he pulled away just a little just to see the younger´s face in a comfortable distance


¨about the thing…aboutyoulikingme¨ he said shyly, and Sunggyu smiled at the rarely shy boy

¨What about it?¨

¨I-I, am I do…too like…I mean, I too¨

¨I am not getting you Namu¨

¨L-let´s just go t-to our room first¨ Both stood up and Woohyun covered half of his red face with his hand while the other pulled Sunggyu towards their shared room, Sunggyu felt Woohyun´s hand tremble and he smiled widely, he knew the cause of his roommate nervousness he remembered Woohyun talking about the first time he confessed to a girl he thought he loved, he remembered Woohyun said he was so nervous he could almost make himself understandable and to top that, he trembled. The exact things he is doing right now.


Woohyun swallowed his saliva and tried again to focus on what he was saying. Damn he was so ing nervous.

¨Gyu¨ he repeated for the 100th time

¨Yes¨ Sunggyu said with sparkling eyes and Woohyun gulped again

¨Come on Gyu! You already know what I´m going to ask, can’t you just say yes without me asking?¨ he whined when he saw the big smile plastered on the others face  

¨No idea Namu¨ he said making the most adorable confused face Woohyun have ever seen

¨you…me… together¨ he said looking at the floor


¨Hyung¨ he whined and pulled Sunggyu into a hug, ¨I-I want t-to ask y-you something¨

¨ask me, ask me, ask me¨ Sunggyu repeated excited

¨d-do…you w-want t-to…¨

¨YES¨ Sunggyu yelled not longer able to hold his excitement and jumped into Woohyun kissing every part of the latter´s handsome face. ¨I love you so much Namu¨

¨You didn’t let me finish¨ Woohyun whined pouting, his pout erased in an instant when he felt Sunggyu´s lips on his, he lifted his hands to hold onto Sunggyu´s face before he opened his mouth a little and liked Sunggyu´s lower lip making the other tremble a little. Woohyun felt Sunggyu´s lips open slowly, Woohyun gently pushed his tongue inside Sunggyu´s mouth and as soon as Sunggyu´s taste invaded his taste buds Woohyun knew he was trapped, he just found his new addiction.


¨Kiss, kiss, kiss¨ Woohyun repeated in a childish tone when they were about to go to a different schedule, Sunggyu looked around making sure there was no manager and kissed his boyfriend. ¨Don’t forget to text me, and remember to call me when you get a break, and don’t you dare cheat on me, wait give me another kiss before you leave¨ Sunggyu was pulled into another sloppy kiss before he was released ¨think of me!¨ the younger yelled as Sunggyu walked away



Woohyun turned out to be the neediest boyfriend he had ever had, he was no doubt the most annoying one as well, Sunggyu started to think whether he made the right decision on dating him or not, as this thoughts crossed his mind Sunggyu took out his phone and pressed one on speed dial.

¨Baby¨ the latter picked up quickly

¨I miss you¨

¨I miss you more¨

¨I love you¨

¨I love you more¨

On second thought, Sunggyu knew he made the right decision because he was truly madly in love with Woohyun




Asi termina otra de mis aburridas historias.

This was originally a Two-shot fic but it ended up being 5 instead of six like I said, sorry

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Chapter 5: oh.. i like how this fic didnt feel rushed.. i like the steps Woohyun had before realised that he fell for Gyu. the story kinda felt real coz when you fallen for someone evenho you know he/she didnt love you back but you always happy over even the smallest thing he/she did for you and you just cant help being happy n hoping eventho you know its useless...
Chapter 5: I can't go without leave one message...this is so aldjfj! Nam needed someone who make him see his feelings towards Kyu...I think that he really needs someone in this moment....
Myungyeolliepoppie #3
Chapter 5: cute! :3
Make more woogyu stories as cute as this!
Chapter 5: needy woohyun cute e__e
Chapter 5: super cute!
Chocolato #6
Chapter 5: ohhhhh needy needy woohyun sounds pretty cute :)
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 5: That was so cutie...! *squeaking like an idiotic fangirl*
It's okie, author-ssi, so long as you continue to write, I won't mind the length of the story... ^_^
Bangdaelojaeupchan #8
Chapter 5: I loved this cute story!:)
Chapter 5: Gah so adorable, I loved this so much!! Woohyun was such a cutie at the end haha, thank you for writing! :)