First Move

Madly in love

First move: A one side love situation can last forever if you dont do anything to change it 


Sunggyu couldn’t help but look, Woohyun looked so mesmerizing like always, no wonder he fell in love with him. His one side love has been going on and on since forever. Sometimes Woohyun would let him hug him longer than needed and even peck his cheeks before going to sleep. Sunggyu felt thankful to him, he had tried several times to get rid of his feelings but everything was futile, he loved the boy too much. Even when Woohyun got mad and threw tantrums, even then Sunggyu loved him more and more.

Sunggyu also make Woohyun promise not to date anyone until Sunggyu one sided love disappeared, Woohyun had been girlfriend less for about two years because Sunggyu just couldn’t get rid of his feelings. When Sunggyu first told Woohyun about his huge crush on him, Woohyun looked at him confused before he smiled and told him that he suspected it since Sunggyu always wanted to do things for him. After talking about the topic for a while Woohyun made it clear that he didn’t feel anything but brotherly love for him. At first Sunggyu felt a little broken but at the same time was happy that Woohyun didn’t freak out and push him away like he thought he will. That was 3 years ago anyways.

 Today was one of those days where the fans were all over them and Sunggyu couldn’t help but get a little jealous at the way Woohyun let the fans touch him and sometimes even his chest. Lucky fans Sunggyu thought. This kind of fan meetings always tortured Sunggyu, not only because Woohyun got d but because he was always asked if he was in love or if he had a crush. Of course Woohyun always said not, but Sunggyu still felt afraid that maybe one day he will say yes and Sunggyu won’t be able to bear with it. After a few more torturing hours they were finally ready to leave. They said their goodbyes and started to walk out of the fan meeting location lazily. Two cars were parked on the back waiting for them.

¨Are you coming with us hyung?¨ Howon asked as he held Sunggyu´s hand, two hour of sitting in the car doing nothing awaited them.  The members were split into two teams because the van wasn’t available at that time. Sunggyu stopped for a second before turning in the direction where Woohyun was heading, Woohyun stopped in his track and turned his head towards the leader´s direction, and their eyes met. Woohyun was standing in front of the first car while Howon was heading to the second.  Woohyun smiled at Sunggyu and moved away from the door and opened it as if he was signaling for him to get into the car first, Howon´s hold on his wrist tightened as if telling him not to go. Sunggyu didn’t know what over took him but he smiled back at Woohyun, shook his head and followed Howon into the second car.


Woohyun didn’t know why he felt betrayed. He tried to shake the feeling away as he listened to music but the feeling was still there. He remembers the talk he had with Howon. He remembers telling Howon that he didn’t have feelings for the leader and that Howon was free to date the leader if he managed to change the latter´s feelings for him. It didn’t hurt that the leader chose Howon over him, but it did felt weird, Sunggyu had always put him first in everything. He was sure it was pure habit, having the elder follow him around like a lost puppy. Today was the first time they went into separate cars and it wasn’t against Gyu´s will, he couldn’t help but feel weird.

Woohyun tried to sleep but it was futile, what was Sunggyu doing in the other car? Did Howon confess and they are an item now? No, that couldn’t be it, but then again Gyu had been crushing over him for the last 3 years, what if Gyu got over his feelings already? Are the good night kisses over? Woohyun had million more questions floating around in his head. And he was sure this was only out of habit nothing more nothing less.


Woohyun signed when the two hours flied out the window and he found himself outside of their dorm, he looked around for the other car but couldn’t find it.

¨Hyung where are the others? Weren’t they just behind us?¨ Woohyun asked worried as he looked at his manager

¨They should be here in a sec¨ the manager said as he pulled off to the parking lot. Woohyun stood there for a sec before deciding to wait inside. He walked towards his room phone in hand, should he send a txt to the leader? aish why did the leader go in a different car in the first place, he wouldn’t be worried if the leader had gone with him instead of following Howon. He walked around the room for several minutes or hours he didn’t see the difference when he finally heard the front door open.

¨We brought food!!¨ Dongwoo yelled loudly and laughed just as loud ¨Come and eat kids¨

Woohyun walked out of the room and felt relieved that Sunggyu and Howon looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

¨Did you brought us food hyung?¨ Woohyun said as he walked towards Sunggyu clinging into Sunggyu´s arm and pulling him away from Howon. He stole a quickly glance in Howon´s direction before pulling the leader to take a seat beside him on the floor. Woohyun looked at Howon who was smiling at Sunggyu´s direction, Woohyun looked at Sunggyu who blushed a little and Woohyun couldn’t help but feel a little bit uneasy. He took the leaders hand in his gaining the leader´s attention instantly.

¨Did you enjoy your ride hyung?¨ Woohyun asked as he let go of Gyu´s hand and put food on Sunggyu´s plate, Sunggyu couldn’t help but smile and look at Howon again, Howon winked at him and Sunggyu smile grew bigger.



Second Lover and a few more stories had been friend locked!
Also I changed my name cuz I got busted huhuhu
I live by myself and friends come and go and one of them borrowed my computer and yeah lol
I had to beg so she wont tell my bf hahaha He does know I write in this website but he hasnt read any of my fic at least not the naugty ones lol
Tell me what you think about this one
PS. I changed my name from AnonimusWriter to Efecto Secundario which means After Effect


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Chapter 5: oh.. i like how this fic didnt feel rushed.. i like the steps Woohyun had before realised that he fell for Gyu. the story kinda felt real coz when you fallen for someone evenho you know he/she didnt love you back but you always happy over even the smallest thing he/she did for you and you just cant help being happy n hoping eventho you know its useless...
Chapter 5: I can't go without leave one message...this is so aldjfj! Nam needed someone who make him see his feelings towards Kyu...I think that he really needs someone in this moment....
Myungyeolliepoppie #3
Chapter 5: cute! :3
Make more woogyu stories as cute as this!
Chapter 5: needy woohyun cute e__e
Chapter 5: super cute!
Chocolato #6
Chapter 5: ohhhhh needy needy woohyun sounds pretty cute :)
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 5: That was so cutie...! *squeaking like an idiotic fangirl*
It's okie, author-ssi, so long as you continue to write, I won't mind the length of the story... ^_^
Bangdaelojaeupchan #8
Chapter 5: I loved this cute story!:)
Chapter 5: Gah so adorable, I loved this so much!! Woohyun was such a cutie at the end haha, thank you for writing! :)