Aw, Kibum. Don't be difficult.

I want you. And I want you good.

Key's POV

“I never thought you were on to hide,” said the person as the door flew open, “Kibum.”

My eyes trailed up to the boy's face, his recognizable features standing there with a smirk of confidence. My hands traveled up the length of the wall as I slid up slowly upward to my feet. What was he doing here? I thought we had broken all tries two years ago. Why was he still standing there? Didn't he understand during out last rendezvous that I did not ever want to see his face again?

"Changmin," my voice croaked out. He smiled, stepping further into the already cramped space. His scent drafted around me, filling my nostrils with such power I couldn't breathe. He just looked around the cramped stall before settling his eyes on me. He looked me over once, and then twice. I wanted to slap him. Slap him until he flew backwards and ended up with a concussion against the wall. 

"Kibummie. You look better than ever," Changmin compliment when he was finally able to look me into the eyes. "Your face has matured and your hair, your gorgeous hair, still glistens, even in the dimness of light."

I rolled my eyes. Who did he think I was? I wasn't going to fall for his words anymore.

"You can say whatever you want, Changmin, but I'm not going to fall head over heels for you again."

"Ah, Kibum. You are so tough on me. Besides, all I was doing was complimenting you and you radiating beauty for you so carelessly flaunt it around," he pouted. 

He couldn't be serious. He wasn't serious. He was just messing with my mind, trying to gnaw his way back inside and control it. 

Damn, how many bastards like him are in this world?

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I warned, shooting him a deadening look. 

He chuckled, running a hand through his locks while looking at the ground. "I bet it won't," he murmured. "You know, you've toughened up after that break up," he said finally looking back up at me. 

I on the other hand was shocked. He said it so calmly, so smoothly, like it had been just another one of his hook ups. That bastard didn't care how much I went through, all the pain and how many tears I shed over him. Even Taemin threatened to slit his throat after he saw me so down. None of that mattered to him. 

"Well sorry that I wasn't going to say fragile Kibum. I had to toughen up because of s like you," I spat. He disgusted me with the way his mind flowed.

"I know that. You always did have bipolar tendencies," he laughed and I glared. "I certainly did not! You know as well as I do that I get pissed off easily and that I get really defensive over certain things." Changmin shrugged his shoulders up and down. 

"You know what, you should really get out of here," I exclaimed.

"Me? You were the one who were cowering on the filthy floor because you were too chicken to stand up and fight your own battle."

I stared at him for awhile. He was right. I was all talk. I couldn't really defend myself for crap.  And here I was talking all bad.

"W-whatever. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now, or ever again," I growled. 

The taller gentleman rolled his eyes at me, a habit that I'm sure that he picked up from me. "You are so stubborn, Kibum.

"I would rather be stubborn than an ," I retorted. Somehow, I felt like a hypocrite saying that phrase.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. And there is nothing that you can say or do that will make me change my mind about you."

"If that is the case then, I guess you do not want your bag back then." Simultaneously when he said the words, a pink school bag came into view. It was amazing how I did not see it before seeing how it contrasted greatly against the dull grey and blue uniforms.

The first words that came out of my mouth were: "How the hell did you get that? And what is it doing in your hands?"

That smirk of his seemed to like to play on his face a lot as it once more appeared. "Oh, this thing? I found it abandoned on the floor. I knew it was yours. I mean," he pointed to the front of the bag, "No one else has their name in large glittery font on the front of their bag," he pointed out.

It was true. I needed to expand my creativity from the confounds of this place. 

"Whatever. Just hand me my bag, araso?" I asked, more like commanded, sticking my hand out to retrieve it.

The pulled the bag back out of my reach. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Kibummie. I can't just give you this bag without a reward. I mean, think of all the other dickheads who could have snatched your purse up without another care in the world and robbed you." He chuckled.

"Oh you mean like you?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. "No, I didn't rob you, 'Bummie." "Well, I sure you would have if you didn't find me in here." 

He was quiet for awhile and that only further proved my suspicions on his burglary. "See? I told you, you would steal from me."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I could never steal from you for you have already stolen my heart. That and I saw the boys chasing you as you dropped it," he shrugged. It was my turn to narrow my eyes at him.

"So basically  ... You are saying that you stalked me into the restroom? You freak!" I yelled, snatching my bag away from him and clutching it tightly to my chest.

Changmin laughed at me. His head was thrown back and he held his stomach tightly. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to punch him so hard that his pretty little face would be squished in!

"Don't get your in a wad, Kibum. As if I would follow you here," he retorted. Ouch, that somewhat hurt. "You are just very predictable. I know you come to this specific restroom when you are in trouble or need to cry at school. I learned that all from that one time I found you in here and you had just had your heart broken by Am-" I cut him off quickly before he could continue on saying her name. 

"S-shut up," I mumbled softly, removing my hand from his mouth. That one name was worst than seeing Changmin. I should stop falling for people and ending up with a broken heart. "Just ... just go~" I pointed to the door and gestured him out.

"Aw, so soon, Key?" Changmin pouted, wiping away fake tears. 

"YES! Now go!" He just stood there, staring at me. I rolled my eyes at him, and then shoved pass him and out of the stall. If he wasn't going to leave than I certainly was. Danger or not, I didn't want to be in there with him. 

"Kibum stop walking away. You know you won’t make it alone out there!”

I ignored him and kept walking. Now that I had my bag, I had no reason to stay behind and “chat” with the likes of him. He knew how much I loathed him so his words and attempts to swoon me weren’t going anywhere.

The hall was empty. Good. Hiking my bag up onto my shoulder, I shoved my hands into my pockets and began to make my way out of the school. Every so often I would pass by a couple of students and they would whisper to one another looking in my direction. “News travels fast, huh?” I murmured.

“Yes it does,” a voice that was getting all to familiar replied.

I outwardly groaned. Great, he was still here.

“Do you not have a life that you have to attend to? Are your girlfriends getting tired of you that quickly?” I chuckled. “Well it’s about damn time some sense came to their heads.”

“Actually it’s the contrary. I can’t get them to leave me alone. I had to turn my phone off just to get away from their shrilly voices and over the top flirts,” Jonghyun replied, a frown growing upon his face.

I laughed. “I never thought I would here that from the mouth of the almighty Kim Jong Hyun.”

“Well you just did.” His eyes looked me up and down before he stifled a laugh. “I’m guessing that you aren’t into running? You look horrible!”

“Thanks for the news flash Caption Obvious. I know I look hideous,” I retorted, running a hand through my hair flipping it.  “It’s all because of that Thunder and his posse. Just imagine what I would have looked like his I didn’t run away from him,” I shuddered at the thought.

Jonghyun on the other hand held a grimace on his face. “That is not something that I would like to imagine, Kibum. I don’t even like the thought of the idea of beating up crossing Thunder’s mind.”

“Oh ~” was all I could say before I looked dumbly at him. “Well … uhh .. thank you … I know that half of the school would have loved to see that,” I said sheepishly.

“I wouldn’t.” He said. I noticed that his fist clenched and unclench several of times.  I would have to take that into mind.

“Anyway, let me drive you home,” he suggested, a large smirk running over his mouth. “Ahaha. I think not. You still don’t sway me, Jonghyun.”

“Aw, Kibum. Don’t be difficult,” he said as I continued my way of walking. 

“I’m not being difficult, I just don’t want to ...,” Just then Thunder rounded the corner with his posse.

“You know what. One second thought, I would gladly accept that offer of yours,” I exclaimed quickly turning around.

Jonghyun laughed and grabbed my arm. “Alrighty then, Kibummie. Let’s get going,” he said winking at me. 


Aish, sorry about just randomly adding Changmin. My friend is a big fan of his ( as well as me ) and I kind of owed her a favour ... >_>

I hoped I improved in my writing. I'm DROWNING in school work. It's like teachers get together and plan this just to make our lives miserable. TTnTT 

Anywho, please comment and subcribe~ C:

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Please update soooooon
I really like this story
genie610 #2
kyaaa I can't wait to see what happens next XD
whoaa!! but why did jonghyun left little key alone? >.< <br />
does he planned all this ... i thonk think so... right? omo!! <br />
update soon please! its very interesting!
Kute<br />
Awesome<br />
Whoa...<br />
Agh UPDATE<br />
I am so loving this<br />
I just like this word<br />
<br />
<br />
XD<br />
<br />
StewForTwo #5
So sweet^^
WHAAA<br />
<br />
I missed this stroy u.u
love the chapter<br />
update soon<br />
oh snap! key got beat! DX update soon!
I looooove it (:<br />
<br />
Update soon <3
yeeee idk how he got hospitalized either if he left before thunder could get him... other thanh that, good chapter! lol at his hair outbreak, update soon!