That is what makes Kim Kibum a person. A good person. But me, I'm no good.

I want you. And I want you good.

Jonghyun's P.O.V.

I honestly do not know how this all occurred. 

It was quick, fast, a blur.

All I remembered was a grouchy, complaining Kibum climbing into the passenger side of my car. One of the thoughts that ran through my mind was, 'Jjong? Do you seriously believe what you've gotten yourself into?' Of course I did. If I didn't, I would have kicked the boy out of my car and let him walk home in the dangerous situation he was in. 

That was exactly it. I couldn't let someone so weak and defenseless like him be alone in such a scenario. He couldn't do anything. Flash him to death with all of the sequins and glitter on his bag? Slap them? Nag? ...

Now that I thought about, he did have a few techniques he could have used.

But I see that now that those are very idiotic things to use as defense mechanisms.

Now that this had happened, I finally realized how much a ing idiot I was in my youth. 

Reckless, carefree, gullible, ignorant. 

A jerk who only cared about the paradise that resided within the legs of females that would gladly give their selves up to me without a second thought - even the not so good looking ones.  

A jerk who was not smart and lied about most of his work only to remain in one of the top positions of the student body. 

To be honest, I was just as bad as Thunder, if not more than.


What a comparison to make. What a comparison to make towards the guy who had did this to Kibum, to me. Someone so heartless as him to someone like me. It was perfect. 

Though of all the people in the world, why me? How did I not see that he was a complete ? How did I not see how ruthless he was in getting revenge?

He was never a friend towards me. He only wanted to tear me down.

I should have know all my bad would catch up with me sooner or later.

Why Kibum? 

Everyone knew him and his personality. He was a total - but only the good type. He was never dishonest; always speaking his mind even if it is mean. His joke are hilarious even when you don't get him - it's his laugh that cracks you up the most. Kibum also happens to be the guy that is always there for you no matter what the deal is. His nagging only adds to his protective trait.

That is what makes Kim Kibum a person. A good person. 

But me, I'm no good. I couldn't even protect him from this fate.


'That bastard!' I shouted over and over in my head. I was going to kill Thunder after this. Okay, maybe not kill, but he would certainly get a pretty good beating from me and he will be the one in the hospital next time. I don't know how I would do it, but it would happen.

My head ached from crying and this smell of this place did not ease it.

I hate hospitals. They are horrible places that supposedly do good for the races. Haha. Not to mention they are scary as . I've been to this place plenty of times before and saw things that I would lived so much better without than knowing and pondering the thought of how these things happen.

There was also the painful knowledge of seeing the recently deceased family mourn over them. I should know that feeling of losing someone.

"Mr. Kim?"

A hand ran through my blonde locks. Why did I leave him alone? Why did I yell at him? I knew he was the iest diva ever, but why did I let him get to me like that?

"Mr. Kim?" The lady's voice was louder, a hint of annoyance within its depths. My eyes went up to the nurse. The sight was blurry since I had cried my eyes out this whole time. 

Yeah. I'm a tough guy, aren't I?

"Yes?" I managed to choke out. My voice was uneasy and my muscles quivered. His beaten body still ran imaged through my mind. 

"Mr. Kim Kibum has called for you," the nurse said in a low voice. 

That was all I need to hear before I shot down the hallway towards his room.

Room 302. He resided temporarily in room 302. '300.301... 302!' FINALLY!. Only a few feet separated me from the resting and healing Kibum. 

Quickly I flung the door open causing it to make a loud, hollow thud against the plastered walls. I didn't care though. All I wanted was to see his gorgeous face. 

"Golly Jonghyun! Rush in here any faster I might have a heart attack and have to stay in this blasted place even longer!" Kibum scolded. 

I grin. Even after taking a near death beating he was still his same self. 

"I apologize," I said sitting into the chair next to his. 

Bandaging covered the poor boy's body, a few scratches on his face, a swollen ankle. I stared at it all in grief. This happened because of me. I should not have left him all alone. 'DAMN YOU, JONGHYUN!' I cursed myself. 

My eyes squinted tightly closed, my hands gripping ever so tightly onto the bed sheets.

It was all my fault. 

"This was all your fault wasn't it!?" Told you. 

Taemin came barging into the room like a red steam engine. His voice was ever so loud and his stomping feet made my ears bleed. The boy marched right over to me and took a hold of my shirt with his weak fists.

"You did this to hyung! You caused him to be in this damn place! You're just toying with him! Leave him alone you ba- .."

"Taemin!" Kibum yelled at the younger boy. The boy, now who I knew was called Taemin, looked over at Kibum who had a displeasure look on his face. His grip was let loose and I slumped down into the chair.

"Mianhe hyung .." Taemin walked over to his hyung and placed a kiss upon his forehead. 

The sight was cute, but I still felt so bad. 

Key's P.O.V.

Ugh. The last thing I needed right now what those to bickering at each other. When would the learn that what happened wasn't Jonghyun's fault but my own? That I caused all of this ... as well as that bastard Thunder...

"Ye ye," I mumbled fixing my position in this lumpy bed. It wasn't comfortable and I was sure to gain back problems after leaving this place.

I sighed turning to face Jjong who looked down in the dumps. I pursued my lips. 

Now after seeing him like this, it was kind of hard for me to imagine that this was the guy that I hated only three days ago, the same guy who showed up at my doorstep and tried to force himself upon me. 

This was a different side of Jonghyun that I had not seen before.

Feeling uneasy in this atmosphere I moved around constantly. Neither of the boys had said a word, not even when Minho had walked in the room. 

This was not a good position to be within.

"OMO~ I can't be like this! This is horrible!" My arms flailed around like balloons. All of their eyes stared at me. 

"Taemin! Hand me my bag! My hair looks horrible!"


Another Craptastic chapter by me. Tada?

I'm so sorry for having neglected this story for so long. To be honest I've been lazy but School constantly pilled things upon me. 

But guess what? School's out! Well .. this is the second day of summer and I was planning on posting yesterday but ...

yeah. I'm lazy. I hope you guys find it in your heart to forgive lil' old me?

By the way, sorry if it is confusing. 

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Please update soooooon
I really like this story
genie610 #2
kyaaa I can't wait to see what happens next XD
whoaa!! but why did jonghyun left little key alone? >.< <br />
does he planned all this ... i thonk think so... right? omo!! <br />
update soon please! its very interesting!
Kute<br />
Awesome<br />
Whoa...<br />
Agh UPDATE<br />
I am so loving this<br />
I just like this word<br />
<br />
<br />
XD<br />
<br />
StewForTwo #5
So sweet^^
WHAAA<br />
<br />
I missed this stroy u.u
love the chapter<br />
update soon<br />
oh snap! key got beat! DX update soon!
I looooove it (:<br />
<br />
Update soon <3
yeeee idk how he got hospitalized either if he left before thunder could get him... other thanh that, good chapter! lol at his hair outbreak, update soon!