You're Just A Love Sick Puppy, Aren't You?

I want you. And I want you good.


Damn that Taemin! I certainly did not have a crush on him! That was sooo underrating me.

"Who did he think I was? I don't fall for just anyone," I mumbled, rubbing the loafer against my soapy skin. Beads of water rolled down, leaving my skin squeaky clean. But still I scrubbed, and scrubbed, and scrubbed but I didn't feel any cleaner. Why did I feel so dirty?

My scrubbing became fiercer as I rubbed an area on my arm - it was turning red now. It just looked so dirty so I scrubbed like a tomorrow would never exist. 

It took me until then to realize that I wasn't dirty, I was furious, but why? No I wasn't mad at Taemin. I could never be mad at him, and even if I was, I couldn't be for long. I wasn't mad at Minho, or my umma. I growled in frustration. Who was I mad at!

Scrub. Scrub.

Jonghyun? Yes, I was mad at Jonghyun.

'You aren't upset at Jonghyun, Kibum. We all know that.'

Yes I was! I was furious at him! That bastard stalked me, invaded my home, and continued to lie! Of course I'm mad at him!

'No, you aren't. You know he was telling the truth. You enjoy that dinosaur face of his.'

What the hell? No. He should be existent, just like the rest of them. The boy had nothing better to do than sleep with any and every girl that would open her legs up to him. It was disgusting how he did that. It was amazing he hasn't been affected by a disease yet. Lucky Bastard.

'Stop talking badly about him. Deep down you know your heart yearns for him.'

Getting annoyed with my conscious, I turned off the water. I did not like him what-so-ever. He was such an idiot, not to mention annoying as .

"Aishh!" I yelped, my back falling to the floor. I laid there for awhile in shock, the pain that shook throughout my body subsiding. 

Karma was a , but I would not admit anything other than the fact that I would NEVER fall for a guy like Jonghyun. Sure his flirting earlier today was ... pleasing ... but that proved nothing! And I certainly did not by any chances have a 'crush' for him. 

Jonghyun's POV

I left his house feeling accomplished. I didn't care if he apologized or not; even I knew that it wasn't really in his nature to apologize. But of course, he would keep something up when you 'did something wrong' until he got an apology from you. Everyone knew that.

Even the whole time on the way home I thought about him and nothing else. It was dangerous, but I didn't care. No one could think straight when Kim Kibum popped up in your head. He was unavoidable with him and his diva ways. I nearly actually ran a light, but lucky I snapped out of my trance when I noticed a policeman on duty.

Gosh. I'm too cool, I think I may freeze.

Getting out of my car, I ran to the house, quickly opened the door and ran inside. I don't know why I ran, I just felt like it. Maybe it was him, getting into my head again. He was often on my mind nowadays. The reason, I don't know. Maybe it was the way he walked: swaying his hips in such a way that no model could ever pull off. Or was it the way he obsessed over his appearance: always fixing his hair or his clothes. Was it those plump, pink lips of his that begged for skinship, his eyes that were so feline that sparkled, those high cheek bones? What was it that mad me think about this boy so damn much now?

"Chill out Jonghyun, he's not even all that to think about," I murmured to myself.

"Who's not all that to think about?" a voice questioned.

I nearly jumped out of my skin and had a heart attack at the sound of the new voice. My hand was on my chest as I took slow, deep breaths, while I leaned on the wall using one arm trying to regain my cool composure. 

"Damn it, Onew! You know how I hate it when you pop up out of thin air!" I scolded my hyung. He chuckled and laid down from his sitting position on my bed. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"I didn't pop up out of thin air. I've been waiting here for nearly two hours. It's sad you can't notice me anymore," he acknowledged pouting. I scoffed. "Whatever Onew," I replied pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it in a pile on the floor, letting what he said process through my mind. Two hours ... I've been gone for two ing hours. I smirk. Not bad.

"You never answered my question, Jjong : Who's not all that to think about?" Onew repeated, propping himself on his side on one arm. 

I shrugged, pulling on a black wife beater. "Just this guy, hyung?" The hyung was shocked; his eyebrows raised so high that I swear they would reach the heavens. "A guy? Are you telling me you've got new toys to play with?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes once more, "He's not a toy, though ... I do take pleasure in playing with him." I laughed, Onew smirked. 

"What's his name?" "Kim Kibum." "You mean that who struts around school with that pink bag of his?" 

I grimaced; I never did like that word, "". It wasn't a nice term to use, and I certainly did not like to use it to describe a homoual. Omitting a sigh I replied, "Yes. The one and only diva Kibum."

This time, Onew sat up straight, starring me into the eyes. The look on his face told that he was engrossed with this newly found information. "And is that why you were two hours late today? You were .. playing around?"

I grinned as the memories of earlier today flood through my mind. The looking on his face, the hidden secrets in his eyes. He was a priceless human being. No amount of  money in the world could amount to what he's worth. Yes. He's priceless. 

"Jjong. You're just a love sick puppy, aren't you?" Onew laughed out loud, falling over onto the floor. I rolled my eyes at him, walking over and kicking him playfully in the arm. 

'Very much so.'


OMGOSH!! Chapter three is up!! [/cheers for me] C: I know I said that this was mostly going to be in Key's point of view, but com'mon. Today's BlingBling Jjong's birthday C:


ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And yes, Onew makes his appearance YAY!!

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Please update soooooon
I really like this story
genie610 #2
kyaaa I can't wait to see what happens next XD
whoaa!! but why did jonghyun left little key alone? >.< <br />
does he planned all this ... i thonk think so... right? omo!! <br />
update soon please! its very interesting!
Kute<br />
Awesome<br />
Whoa...<br />
Agh UPDATE<br />
I am so loving this<br />
I just like this word<br />
<br />
<br />
XD<br />
<br />
StewForTwo #5
So sweet^^
WHAAA<br />
<br />
I missed this stroy u.u
love the chapter<br />
update soon<br />
oh snap! key got beat! DX update soon!
I looooove it (:<br />
<br />
Update soon <3
yeeee idk how he got hospitalized either if he left before thunder could get him... other thanh that, good chapter! lol at his hair outbreak, update soon!