
One - Till Infinity

Chaerin POV

What should I do now?i cant tell anyone about it. But..wait..i'm not sure that thing will happen to. So I must buy, what they call it?test what?i don’t know..i don’t care. i can ask the pharmacist then.

But im CL..who doesn’t know me?what should I wearing mask and sunglases?oke..there the best thing. So I wear a big mask to cover my face and sunglases. I must go to pharmacy now. I must go far far away from my dorm. Oh god..i feel nervous more than when my group debut in 2009. I cant feel my foot now. But I must do that.

“Can I help you miss?are you flu?you wearing a big mask” the pharmacist asked me.

“ah..aniyo..im not flu..i just want to buy..something..that..can..ohmygawd..something..to..make..”

“oh..make love do you mean?you must buy miss”

“OH.NOOOOO..no no..not ..something related but not that” the pharmacist look confused now. Oke chaerin, you look stupid. Pabo.

“What do you mean miss?something related?do you want a liquid to you to make love then?”

“AHHH..im going crazy now..NO..NO..NO..i mean something to..errr..to know..what..ehhh..what the hell..what the name!! I'm sorry to that but I really don’t know the name” I said in lower voice. There is 2 teenagers in here. They look at me. .

“Miss..i really want to help you. But since I don’t know what you mean, I feel terrible for you. Can I ask something?” he asked me in lower voice too. Good. I love him now.

“Yes please” I said.

“What do you feel now? Example you feel ache in your had or something?”

“Ne. I feel headache this morning and I suddenly vomit. Do you know what I mean?” now I feel my feet in not in this ground again.

The pharmacist smile to me. “Oh..why you not tell me miss? I think you want to buy test pack”

Gotcha!!this what I mean. So the name is test pack. Somebody can give better name for this damn thing.

“Yes please”

“Do you want the blue or pink miss?”

Ohh..i want die now. Whats the different between blue or pink?? Can I get one and run now. . So I picked randomly.

“Pink one. Thank you.”

“You're welcome miss. Glad to help you”

Ahh..i hate this day so much. Why i'm in that problem? I just do that thing once. Can it be? But how if this is happen to me? Don’t think so much chaerin. Just do it and you can sure for this.

I'm in my room now. Oh chaerin you're so smart. Why you not asked the pharmacist how to do with the damn thing?? I can read it. I read it carefully. Oh..so simple. I can do this.

And now i'm waiting for the respond. This leaflet say it takes 2 minutes. Ok then I will wait. Why 2 minutes like 2 years now?? Aishhhh..

Hmm..what the hell is..2 red strip? What the mean? Or I’m wrong huh?

I read the leaflet again. This leaflet says if one strip that mean I’m not pregnant. Oh..okay..what????!!!! one strip not pregnant?? What about two strip?? Oh..oke..i’m going crazy now. But I have to read again. Carefully. Two strip that mean I am preg..ohhh..nooo..NOOOO..nant? I am pregnant woman now??

I’m faint now.



double update ^^

hope everyone like this.. mention me in @cucubitha if u want the update..thank u for reading my fic.. ^^

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Chapter 12: please update your story... please pleasee... i love it :(
Chapter 12: OMG! ! Pleease continue this i love this couple and u want her to tell about the baby!! Please and sorry for my English
Queenchae #3
Chapter 12: Aw aw
what happen next!!
Oh my god let him know she is pregnant
aw next part please ^o^
Queenchae #4
Chapter 10: Oh my god i like it!! Please update the next part soon ^o^
c7213faithg #5
Chapter 10: Omo omo omo pls tell him yet!! hahaha i love it :3
soojinCL #6
Chapter 5: WAAH!! what happened two months ago between ji and chae? o_O
Pls update soon,i can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^
BabyBoiceVIP #7
Chapter 4: Wait.... Is she pregnant? Shes not having her menstrutio* for 2months
Chapter 3: what? is she pregnant?? :O
Chapter 1: o.o what is wrong with her? :o *gasp* i hope she is alright... and i love bom here... hehe... so caring like a mother for chaerin ♥ please do update more :D
Looking forward to it ^^ but, could you write a little about the storyline in the foreword? heh