
Haru Haru [HIATUS]

            The drive home was quiet. Every now and then, Taemin and I would steel glances from each other but I didn’t say anything. He was the first person to break the silence.

            “So did you have fun?”

            “Yeah it was nice seeing everyone,” I replied. I noticed a hint of nervousness in my own voice for some reason. He looked at me, wrinkles forming on his forehead.

            “Can you tell me what’s on your mind?” He asked after a long pause.

            “No it’s nothing, I’m just a little tired,” I said as we pulled onto our driveway. He quickly got out and came to my side to open the door. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up and walked me to the stairs to the front door, and unlocked it.

            “How about you… it seems like there’s something on your mind too,” I said to him.

            “Me? What? No, I’m just kind of pondering on what’s going through your head.” With that I let go all of the curiosity and stress that was going through me. Tablo oppa maybe just misunderstood, and was just looking out for me.

            It was only 11:30 and we weren’t tired so we changed, went to the basement and started watching a movie. We talked a little about the party and I brought up the topic of telling our parents that we’re now engaged. Usually a person would tell everyone right away, but somehow I just felt we already had this status for a while.

            Soon Taemin fell asleep on my lap and I took the opportunity to stare at him, which I loved doing, especially when he slept. His face always reminds me of a fresh raindrop on a rose, and his milky white, dewy skin was vibrant enough to make my pupils constrict in the dark. I ran my finger through his hair, occasionally winning a nuzzle burying his face deeper into my thigh. I didn’t dare move, the last thing I want is for him is to wake up. He had very visible dark circles under his eyes, probably due to lack of rest on tour. And it’s not like he got much sleep last night…

            “____, should we go to bed?” I heard a raspy voice say while a warm hand my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Taemin squinting from the brightness of the TV. I nodded my head and he slowly and clumsily got up pulling me with him. We both got into bed shivering from the chilly sheets and fell asleep right away.

            I flipped over and stretched my arm out to touch Taemin but there was no one there. My senses started to wake and I heard a soft voice. I spread my eyelids and looked at the clock which read 2:09 and looked to the right to see Taemin standing by the window, looking out as he talked on the phone. There was little light that got through the sheer curtains but it was enough for me to see his shadow, although my vision was still blurry. Without making a sound, I tried to listen to his conversation, but it was muffled and he was talking too quiet so it was hard to hear.

            “How can you even be saying this? But I just came back I can’t go again.” There was a slight annoyance in his voice but he kept his calm.”

            “Do you realize how hurt and mad she’ll be if she finds out? I know, but can’t we find another time? Right after Christmas is a bad time… How about March? No I can’t keep visiting like this, did you talk to the rest of the them? I’m pretty sure they’re with me on this one.”

What could he possibly be talking about? I bet this is what he’s hiding from me. But we always tell each other everything, I don’t understand. Why doesn’t he want me to find out?

            Suddenly the most awful thought came to mind: ‘Is he’s cheating on me?’ No. Impossible. This is just a thought every woman gets and it’s stupid. Hesitantly, I try to brush it off, knowing that that’s the worst possible scenario and the chances of it are one in a million.

            “Look, I’ll talk to you later… I really can’t do this, and not only that I don’t want to go. Do you realize how much will be ruined if people find out about that thing? No, I won’t acknowledge it as anything else but a thing. I don’t want it.”  What thing?

            “Okay bye,” he hung up the phone and turned around to come back to bed, I quickly close my eyes and loosen my muscles. He fixed the comforter so I was covered from my chin down (just the way I liked), and wrapped his arms around me underneath. His face was now in the crack of my head and pillow, and I felt his heavy breath beside my ear.  

            I couldn’t sleep until around five am, and when I woke up, I was put face to face with Taemin watching me. “Good morning baby,” He said. I didn’t reply and yawned instead, trying to drop hints of my crappy sleep because of his secrets.

            “Was your sleep bad?” He asked cutely. But I couldn’t respond the way I usually would to his aegyo, instead I nodded my head, giving an unclear answer. “Hold on I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” he said getting up.

            He closed the door and I was looking at his side of the bed, and something caught my eye; his phone on his night stand. I knew it was wrong but at the same time, it wasn’t at all. I stretched myself and extended my arm to grab it. I knew the password and didn’t mess up. Right away, I went to check the call history, but there wasn’t anything recordings of around two am… The last call he received was from his mom, and I was there then, we were decorating the house.

            The toilet flushed and I scrambled to close everything and put the phone back on the table exactly the way he left it. I went back to my side of the bed and move around to change the folds of the bed sheets. The door opened and a few quick footsteps followed by a “Jagiyaaaa,” were heard before Taemin jumped onto bed hovering over me. He started kissing my neck, face and made his way to my lips. Except… I found it difficult to kiss him back. I even stopped for a few moments because I just couldn’t or didn’t want to.

            He pulled away and looked at me oddly. “Does my breath smell bad or something?” He asked, and I couldn’t hold back my little smile while nodding no. He fell beside me and continued his intense glaring. I turned to my side so we were both face to face, and we started having a staring contest.

            He was taking it so lightly. I could see the smile in his eyes; on the other hand I was digging through them to find answers, but nothing. A frown formed on his lips, “you really want to win don’t you?” he asked laughing.

            I blinked and a loud “ha!” was followed shortly. I am in no mood to play around. I’m tired as hell and this secret was wearing me out even more. I got out of bed.

            “Hey where are you going?!” Taemin whined. Without answering I went into the bathroom.

            I started to splash my face with cold water, I had a constant blush in my cheeks and I saw no purpose, I’m sure he noticed and got the wrong idea. But I started sweating even more and couldn’t take the overwhelming heat that I felt surround by. I felt like my blood was boiling and my throat was stinging. I took off my pyjamas in order to get some air but it was no use.

            I felt dizzy, and clumsily I made my way over to the shower pulling the leaver to the coldest the shower can be. Submerging my body, in the ice water, I heard a loud “ahh” escape my mouth and it felt good, but shortly my vision was getting clouded and I felt light headed. I was never good with sudden temperature change as a child and even now. This is the most intense one I’ve undergone. I felt my knees give out and I was in darkness.


            I opened my eyes once more, to be facing my bedroom ceiling. I was tucked in with a thin blanket and my hair was damp. I kept shivering, it was like the heating was off and the cold was seeping through the walls of the house from the outside. I moved a little, and right away Taemin came into view.

            “__ are you okay?” He asked quickly coming to my side. He bent down to kiss my forehead, “I was so worried about you, I didn’t know what to do,” he said. His voice was full of stress and his touch was stern.

            “Can you please tell me what happened…” I said.

            “I was hoping you would tell me but I guess you don’t remember much. I heard you turn on the shower and heard you … And then I heard nothing, and you spent an hour in there before I went to go nock on the door. When I did, you didn’t answer. I started banging on the door and I was screaming but you still didn’t answer. So I hammered and broke the doorknob off to get to you.” His face was serious, yet there was a quiver in his lips and slight terror in his voice.

            “I found you unconscious under cold water.” I fell unconscious? The last thing I remember was feeling high of the cold and hot… and a blackout.

            “Oppa, can you put the bigger blanket over me, I’m freezing,” I said.

            “No I can’t, you have a really high fever and your skin is burning. Your body is playing tricks with you.” He replied.

            “Please can’t I just break the fever by heat?” I begged and he nodded his head side to side and sat down on the bed. He put his forehead against mine, and then pulled me into his arms.

            “Should I call a doctor?” His voice was gentle but very tired.

            “No, I’m okay.” I lied. He snuggled into my neck more and I was alarmed by how cold his fingers were. I very noticeably shivered, so he did end up calling a doctor, He came back and started planting butterfly kisses everywhere. But I stopped him and made him look at me. I didn’t want to wait till it was too late; I didn’t want anything serious about him hidden from me.

            “Who was that person on the phone this morning?”


~I'm so sorry about not updating for 2 days! To be honest I've been really occupied with reading othe peoples series'. I will catch up and I have great great twists coming for my wonderful readers ^^ It's been taking me a while to set up the whole scene but bare with me since I'm a new writer >u< Good night  ♥



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