My Aching Stops Tonight

Haru Haru [HIATUS]

           I tugged and pulled down on my tight little black dress as I looked in the huge silver mirror that was leaning against one of my bedroom walls. I couldn’t help but admire my physique since I’ve been working out and eating well for the past month and a half. The dress showed it off even better than it should…

            I wanted to surprise my boyfriend Taemin, by looking a little better. He’s been gone on promotions/tour for the past two months, and this was our first long split; even though we’ve been together for quite a while, we’ve never been forced to be apart for so long. This leads me to missing and wanting him back more than anything.

            But my aching stops tonight since his plane landed in Seoul about ten minutes ago, so I’m hoping he’ll be home at around eight o’clock. I quickly grab my new black platform shoes out of their box and lace them up. I started walking around in them trying to build some confidence; I also loved the sound of the heels on the hard wood floors.  

            Carefully, I go downstairs –falling down and breaking something is last thing I want at the moment. The smell of food replaces the plain oxygen in our home. I spent a good amount of my day cooking an amazing meal for Taemin, because every time we talked on the phone he always complained about not being able to have a nice home-cooked meal.

            I walked around the main floor of the home making sure everything was placed perfectly and not a speck of dust to be found. I fluffed the pillows, lit candles and reassembled the deep red roses in their vases that were placed everywhere. The chandelier was set dim and the crystals from it reflected on the floor.   

            Suddenly, the sound of a new text message rang from my phone.


                         1 message from Taeminnie~

            jagiya~!! I can’t wait to see you ^^ I’ll be home in about ten minutes~♥ sarranghea~♥


            With that, my heart started beating faster, and I felt more nervous than I should. I had so much to reply but decided to save as much conversation as possible for when he actually arrives.


                              “dugeun dugeun~!! ♥” is all I said back.


            The nervousness took over me and the urge to pee became greater, so I rushed to the bathroom to handle my business. As soon as I got out, I heard a car door slam shut from outside. For a quick moment I didn’t know where or what to do so I ran in different directions trying to figure out where to stand. But he rang the doorbell and I realized my stupidity level has increased as well.

            When I opened the door, I felt all the blood rush to my face and an ear to ear smile spread across my cheeks, while a grin was plastered on his. As soon as his bags were out of his arms, I was in them. I buried my face into his neck and forced myself to not start crying. But there was no use, he immediately pulled my head off -noticing and wiped the tears with his thumb; the other fingers cupped my cheek. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. When I looked in his eyes, it was clear by the way they were sparkling that he was close to crying as well. “I missed you oppa,” I said softly.  His grip on my waist tightened, “I missed you more _______.” Immediately, he claimed my lips, but it wasn’t anything too intense, just a long, soft, real kiss. And by ‘real kiss’ I mean that it was full of only love.

          I was the first to pull off. Never letting go of his hand, I move away, pushing his luggage to the side of our foyer with my legs. At that moment he took the opportunity to scan me from head to toe, pushing me further away with the hand he’s still holding onto. “Woe baby, you look amazing,” he said in an almost sensual voice and abruptly pulling me back into a circulation stopping hug. I already felt the tension building between us.

          “What have you been doing while I was away?” he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I pulled off completely, and told him to take off his shoes before anything. But even when he did, all he did was look at me, up and down.

          He followed me to the kitchen, “Wah! Look at that food! Did you make this all yourself?” he asked with a warm smile. I nodded my head and pulled him to the table.

          During supper, I asked him about work. He told me about the supportive fans, sold out venues, and managing rest. He talked about how all the boys did was practise, perform and travel, but there was no sign of annoyance in his face. It was truly a big event and accomplishment in his life, and I felt nothing but pride for him. We also discussed what I’ve been up to and how I’ve gotten a lot more done than usual, without him around.  

          After the ‘feast’ I had trouble moving and felt bloated as hell, it’s been a while since I’ve eaten so much, and the feeling wasn’t pleasant. I started to regret my seconds. On the other hand Taemin looked satisfied, and maybe even willing to eat more. “Aish~ what an amazing meal, thank you jagi,” he said while leaning over to give me a peck on the lips.

          He decided to go take a shower, which I completely understand. The feeling after being stuck on a plane for multiple hours feels like a lair of dirt has settled on your skin. I started to clean the table, clear the plates, put stuff in the dishwasher and put food away into Tupperware.

          As I was putting the last container into the huge stainless steel fridge, warm arms caressed me. I felt drips of water fall onto my shoulder.

          Taemin pushed me against the island and the cold marble made me shiver. He only had on grey sweats, and his skin was warm and damp from the hot shower, his hair was also dripping wet… He totally skipped out on drying himself.

          My greedy hands instinctively his chest, and he started kissing every part of my face sweetly; slowly working his way down. When he got to my ear he hugged me tightly and smelt my hair. Impatient with the teasing, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips on his, it was turning into a real make-out. About three minutes into it, he held my waist and lifted up so I was sitting on the counter.

          “Mm,” he said between breaths, “you’ve gotten a lot lighter.” I felt a smile form on his lips. The comment made me happy, because to be honest, he is the only person I try to impress.

          His hands started to roam up and down my legs and started untying my shoes. It took way too long to take those things off, and he even just pulled and threw one of them to the other side of the room.  When my feet were free, my legs wrapped around his waist, and my arms around his neck.

          It was getting harder and harder to breathe, but I wanted his closeness more than anything. He picked me up and started walking up the stairs and towards the bedroom. He had plans from the very moment he came home.


~Comments? I spent quite a bit time on this chapter and even got a few of my friends to read it ^^ I'll try to write chapter 2 as soon as possible, but here's a hint: it's going to get intense~!!

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BlankCanvas #1
Chapter 3: How do I feel about this? I feel like I'm floating in an expanse of soft, slightly salty ocean water below the crescent moon. It's warm outside and I'm admiring the clouds that sit in the bright spot encircling the moon... and I'm excited for the next chapter and how you will incorporate all the stuff that you had in the foreword.
So... In other words I like it! ^.^
TaoxKimchi #2
TaoxKimchi #3
Chapter 2: /dies of feels
TaoxKimchi #4
Chapter 1: ;A; OMG im practically dying from the first chapter IT'S SO SO GOOD?