Fashionably Late

Haru Haru [HIATUS]

            My legs were sore and were hard to move, and my back was begging for me to just lie down, this is all freaking Taemin’s fault. At first I tried really hard to push him out but it wasn’t hard for him to get since I was already … He didn’t even want to control himself.

            Not to mention I wasn’t even perfectly clean, he completely made me skip my regular shower routine and my hair was just not prepared for styling.  I started rummaging through our closet to find a dress, and he came in, “jagi, where’s all my underwear?” he asked walking in completely . I ignored him and refused to look at him, so I walked out. The clock read 8:42 and the party started at nine, the venue was half an hour away and the traffic through Seoul on a Saturday night isn’t easy.

            “I won’t be able to get dressed without underwear,” he said poking his head out of the closet. I swiftly pulled one of the luggages that were brought upstairs earlier and dropped it in front of him, still not looking at him.

            “Oh,” he said, “____ are you really that mad at me?” I didn’t answer. “Come on talk to me,” I still didn’t answer.

            I heard him the suitcase and look through the stuff. I took the towel off my head and dried my hair with it. In a matter of seconds I was pulled into his arms from behind and he kissed my neck. “Why all this anger baby? I was just trying to make you feel good…”

            “Well you chose the worst time,” I whined letting my head fall into my hands.

            “Don’t worry, take your time! We’ll be fashionably late,” he said with a smirk. I was left alone in front of my vanity while he went to go dress himself.

            With a comb, I started working through the knots in my hair and blow dried it. I decided to leave it down in loose curls. After, I went back into the closet and put on a short, black, tight, tank top dress and topped it with a jean studded vest. I put on my favorite shoes which are my black sneaker pumps and tied it all up with a small silver shoulder clutch.

            Going back to my vanity, I opened my jewelry box and started adding things here and there that matched with the clutch. Lastly, I applied a thin line of eyeliner and mascara and added some glitter around the inner corner and bottom of my eyes.

            Taemin came out of the bathroom with his hair done in what I like to call “blown and froze” since it was kind of up and kind of down. I never even noticed when he changed but he was wearing dark skinny jeans with dress shoes and a graphic talk top and a navy blazer on top. It’s not fair. He always looked so good with the littlest effort…

            We both looked at each other for a moment and he was the first one to comment.

Not a second was wasted to get in the car, my legs were freezing since my coat obviously didn’t help and the car wasn’t pre-heated. The traffic wasn’t great either but we managed to arrive at the club at 9:45 which wasn’t too bad.


            Inside, we were automatically recognized and led to the private lounge. My vision became clouded with stars because of the never ending idols coming to greet me and congratulate Taemin, except I couldn’t really focus since my mind was set on finding Hyuna and Hyunseung. I slipped my hand into Taemin’s blazer pocket and took out my phone. I already received a text saying to meet her at the back table close to the bar.

            The room wasn’t too big but it was perfect for everyone, it also made it easier to make your way around. Taemin went to go talk to some of the other guests and promised to meet up later.

            Through the crowed, every now and then I saw my target sitting pretty in a silver sequined dress, looking around for probably me. When I finally got to Hyuns, I instinctively grabbed her into a hug. I was so happy to finally see her, she even looked pretty happy. Maybe the press was starting to settle down.

            “Where is Hyunseung?” I asked loudly into her ear. The music was a little too much and the fact that there was a speaker right next to us didn’t help. She pointed towards the bar and I saw him ordering drinks.

            When he came back, I greeted him with a hug since it’s been a while. “Should I go get another drink?” He asked. I waved my hands side to side to say now but he was suddenly caught off guard by something. He grabbed my left hand and looked at the ring… That’s right, I haven’t told anyone. But it didn’t even sink in for me yet…

            “What is that?!” Hyuna exclaimed. A smile crept onto my mouth and the two looked at me still waiting for an answer.

            “Taemin proposed.” I said and they both asked me when at the same time. “This morning.”

            Hyuna squirmed with excitement and pulled me into another hug. She kissed my cheek and told me how happy she was for me. The two of us made our way to the dance floor and started to party with the crowd.

            After a while Hyunseung came to us and asked me if he can take it from there. I left the two lovers as I wanted to look for my own, but though pushing through people, I bumped right into someone’s chest. I looked up to see Eli who had confessed his love for me about three years ago when I was getting very serious with Taemin. I obviously rejected but he just wasn’t able to let go for some reason.

            “Long time no talk ___” he said grabbing my hand and kissing it. “You look great.”

            “Oh thanks, as do you,” I replied. The aura around him always felt wrong. He seemed like he was always planning something even though he never did anything, he had the mischievous kind of personality.

            “Thank you,” he said a little too happily. “So I was just talking to Taemin and he told me he popped the big question.” I nodded my head in response and he took my hand to see the ring. “Not ba-” he started before he was interrupted my Kevin, who had pushed right into him as if noticing how annoyed I was.

            Kevin was another one of my closest friends. He helped me a lot when I was first dating Taemin because he told me about boys while at the same time, being a little girly..? He was just really trustworthy and I still tell him almost as much as I tell Hyuna.

            “Hey Eli look, dancers!” Kevin said pointing towards the little stage. He pushed Eli away giving me a wink and signaling me with his hand to call him later.  I mentally thanked him and proceeded to find Taemin.

            Along the way Key and Minho surprised me with a bear hug. They kissed my head about ten times each and started conversing when they were satisfied. “We missed you so much!” Key blurted out, Minho still had his arm around me.

            “So did the kid build the guts to finally ask you?” Minho asked with a smug smirk. I excitedly flashed my hand at them as the wow’d.

            “I never thought the maknae would get married before the rest of us,” he continued. I looked at them and said “maybe oppas need to start dating” I said laughing.

            “Aish~ but women are so complicated” Key complained.

            “Tell you what, take that nail polish off and they’ll be flocking on to you!” I replied, this time Minho laughing too, he playfully noogied my head. I finally congratulated them, and Key told me how they’ll all be coming by soon.

            At last I spotted Taemin; head against the wall, one hand pressing down on his ear while the other held his cell. He turned around a little and saw me; he looked angry and hung up when I got closer.

            “Hey babe, did you find Hyuna?” He asked

            “Yeah I did –who were you just talking to?” I asked.

            “Ugh it’s nothing it’s just annoying calls you know… Come on let’s dance.” He pulled me back to the dance floor and the music stopped and a slow song started playing. Most of the guests were mad since most of them didn’t have a date but I was one of those people who were happy.

            Taemin held my waist and I held his shoulders. I couldn’t stop wondering about what he was hiding from me. This morning I brushed it aside trusting he would eventually tell me, but it seems like it’s something that’s bugging him, and would maybe bug me too. But I’d rather be angry about it than have it hidden from me.

            I’m pretty sure he noticed my confusion and train wreck thoughts that were running through my mind when he said “don’t worry about it jagiya, it’s nothing,” and I trusted him. I settled my head on his shoulder while dancing and glanced around the room. A sudden jolt of happiness whipped through me when I saw Hyuna and Hyunseung dancing and laughing together. It made me feel good when she was happy, because for the longest time, she wasn’t. I looked around some more and saw Ji Young oppa talking up some girls and Kevin and Kiseop being surrounded by a little too many, Jonghyun and Onew were talking to a bunch of people about god knows what; and sitting at the bar, Top oppa was holding Bom unnie’s hand and talked to Eli who was very obviously looking at me.

            I didn’t even think about what he was saying so I lifted my head up and looked back to Taemin. His eyes glimmered the tiniest bit and I felt his thumb making circles on my waist. Our lips pressed against each other’s and the song ended.

            “You know, Tablo hyung was looking for you,” he said quietly into my ear. Tablo oppa was like a brother to me. We grew up, with our parents being close friends and he had always been my biggest inspiration. Without him I would doubt my career. He’s thought of as family so it’s never too long, we don’t see each other.

            I looked around the room and spotted him sitting on a couch, talking to some of his friends. I let go of Taemin and he nodded, kind of giving me permission to go.

            I approached my oppa and felt a big smile spread across my cheeks. We embraced and he made a spot for me to sit.

            “So how is unnie and Haru doing?” I asked about his family.

            “They’re all goo, how about you?” I nodded vigorously and he continued,

            “Stay away from Eli, that guy creeps me out,” he said and I busted out laughing. “Yes oppa, I know… He’s a little weird,” I said and everyone around us started laughing, but eventually drifted into their own conversations.

            “___-ah” he said to me quietly, “Taemin has been acting a little weird lately no? If anything happens, you come to me right away…”


~I'm soo happy I finally got to incorporate other characters. This chapter is pretty long and it took me a while too. Things are about to pick up so stay tuned ^^ Goodnight!


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BlankCanvas #1
Chapter 3: How do I feel about this? I feel like I'm floating in an expanse of soft, slightly salty ocean water below the crescent moon. It's warm outside and I'm admiring the clouds that sit in the bright spot encircling the moon... and I'm excited for the next chapter and how you will incorporate all the stuff that you had in the foreword.
So... In other words I like it! ^.^
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