Good News

EpIc LoV3 ▲?

-----The Next Morning



Tiffany POV

As I was eating my breakfast at the dining table when I spotted Jonghyun walking sleepily to the sofa. He saw he n said Hi before crashing onto the sofa snoring. I stared at his perfect features and in my mind I could hear his sweet voice playing over and over again. I was so busy staring and daydreaming that I didn't realised the rest had woken up and were crowding around me while Key was busy waving his hands in front of my eyes. " Huh wad?" I said when Key shouted into my ears and i swear my eardrums could have burst if he continued shouting. " Ohh I see so you are interested in hyung ah~ I wonder what he would say if he knew keke~~" Taemin started teasing me non-stop. I was getting redder and redder. Just then Jonghyun woke up, " Hey guys~ why is everyone looking at me?"


Jonghyun POV

I was dreaming about Tiffany and me in Paradise, probably Hawaii I guess. When we were just about to kiss, weird teasing started and it didn't stop, that was when I woke up only to find eyes staring at me. But a pair of eyes caught my attention, yes hers hazelnut brown eyes just so pretty...but they weren't staring at me, more like staring at the wall. And here I thought she would be staring at me intensely, I just wanted to facepalm myself. OHGAWD. But when i was asleep i felt as though someone was watching me closely, since the others weren't awake when I got up, its gotta be Tiff staring at me. This moment Tiff turned to look at me and our eyes met for a second or two before our cheeks started to flush pink.Minho was there in the corner observing us like some detective while the others were laughing their heads off and teasing us. " Eh whats with the noise in the morning?!"

I saw unnie walking towards us with an angry expression she really looked like she was gonna explode. And I was right she started lecturing us about noise level bla bla bla and just as it was reaching the scolding's ...*GROWL* There was silence as Unnie rubbed her stomach and grinned sheepishly..HAHA she's hungry~ The moment when things get exciting and something embarassing happens. So we had breakfast and were chatting happily but then it was tine for SHINee to leave for our schdeule. I really wanted to make up an excuse to stay and interact more with Tiff but I knew that was impossible Manager Hyung will never allow it. We left after saying Goodbye and i could see a tinge of sadness in Tiffany's eyes but it soon disappeared and her bubbly attitude took over in an instant. I guess an idol's life has to be this tough and miserable?


Tifanny POV

I saw them leaving for their schedule and of course I wasn't happy about it because I wanted to spent time with them but they don't have a choice. Well you all might have guessed I actually only wanted to spent time with one person and THAT ONE PERSON ONLY. I don't have to mention names unless he can read my mind. I was sad really and I guess my eyes told the story of how i feel, I caught HIM looking at me and I quickly dismissed the sad thoughts. I shouldn't feel sad right? Like it was always...its impossible between us... After SHINee left, Yongmi came up and told me a piece of news. I didn't know whether it was consider a good news or not.

" Tiff I found you a job at a cafe near your school. And I've already registered sorry work starts tomorrow~ and i requested for you to receive daily salary instead of monthly. Since school starts in 1 week time use the reamaining days left to work and earn some pocket money arraso?"

" Ne..arraso"

And so the whole day passed normally, I went out for a walk with Fluffy, draw,dance and bake some cookies. It was evening after all that I did, time sure flies by fast when you are having fun. Yongmi had left for work in the afternoon and I was all alone at home. I was going to the fridge to get a snack when I saw the date on the calendar...24/12/12..wait does that mean tomorrow is Christmas?!! There was a note stuck onto the handle of the fridge. Dear Tiff, There was a slight change of plans, your work will start after Christmas and SHINee will b staying over again ans so will I. I'll be getting the LogCake so prepare the house in party mode by 6pm. Love, Yongmi 6pm...ITS ALREADY 4pm!! GET TO WORK NO TIME TO WASTE!! Haha so i get to see Jonghyun before I go to school and see him up close unlike concerts. But still it was fun seeing them once up close already but its kinda addicting...wanting to see them more. I decorated the house with the decorations that Yongmi left in my room and not long later, 15minutes before 6pm everything was neat and beautiful...I hope Jonghyun will like it n so will the rest, Key,Onew,Minho,Taemin and Yongmi.


Merry Christmas everyone (: its juz a short update thru my phone so there is no colour for the words except black~ Do comment subscribe and vote~ thankiews <3 written on 24/12/12 but posted on 25/12/12 



Poster for all :3 specially made for Christmas~


* Ignore the ~Admin SHINe4eva >< its one of my fb page admin name :>

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Although i havent read yet but i think its a good story ;)
Action pack XD author-nim...update soon~ i cant wait for more TTATT
HELLO THERE COW AND PEARLIE...i'm gonna spam here cus i need to earn karma points
iloveXukiss1 #4
Im transferring the Story (:
Chapter 7: Yeollie!!! XD XD ill miss you pearlie DX TTATT
sheelalim #6
Chapter 3: When will chapter 4 be out ><? I'm addicted XD
Fighting. <3 Nice storyline. ^^ Just hope that there isn't too much grammatical errors. (:
Chapter 1: Yo pearl everywhere you go, you have that crying face XD even ghost can recognize you lorh
Pearlie, which one is you? And why jjongie kris and suho??? TTATT my only bias here is kris TTATT