Chapter 3

The Twist of Fate

You and EXO-K went to sit at your usual table. You started eating while the others were busy eaves-dropping the girls.

"I personally think Tao is cuter than Sehun" Sehun suddenly made a face.
"No, no of course Sehun is cuter" Sehun laughed happily, danced in victory in his head.
"Did you see the leader?"
"Yes, oh my, he is so cool"
"He is much cooler than Suho, the 2nd leader of the motorcycles club"

You eyed Suho and said "Don't worry, bro, you're still the best" Suho rolled his eyes. "Well, at least better than that Angry Bird" you said and continued eating.
"Hey, let's race. We will go from school to the mall then go back to school" Kai said.
"The last one will treat us meals for 3 days" D.O added.
"Sure, sure. Why not?" you nodded in anticipation, knowing that you will get free meals.
"Don't be too excited,leader, someday you will lose"
"I won't, keep my words, if I lose I will treat you guys for 1 week"
"DEAL" Baekhyun said.


EXO-M boys were sitting at a table in the canteen. The girls were staring them in awe. "Hyung, I feel so uncomfortable, the girls were staring at me" Tao said to the others.
"I know right" Xiumin added. Kris didn't seem to be bothered. Everybody could see that he's in a deep thought.
"Hey, what's bothering you?" Chen asked.
"Guys" Kris looked at the 5 others. "Yes, hyung, why?" Tao asked.
"Do I look like Angry Birds?" the 5 others bursted out laughing. Kris pouted.

"I didn't know that your leader is a grumpy angry bird"

Your words kept playing on Kris's mind. "I'm serious,guys" they cooled down, "Well, if you didn't frown and smile more often, you don't look like Angry Birds" Luhan spoke up. "Don't you think that girl was just too much? She said I look like rotten buns"
"Xiumin a" Lay patted his back "you should stop eating buns" he said as he slapped his back. "Oww, it hurts"
Kris still ignored all of them, He looked at the table you were sitting. You were laughing and joking happily. He sighed and started eating.


You and EXO-K went to the backyard with your motorcycles. "So, we will take the number 32 route, No cheating" you said as you started wearing the black-leather jacket, gloves and put on your helmet. "Be ready to treat us a '1 week' meals, leader, I can foresee that you will lose" Chanyeol whistled playfully.
Suho started counting down. "3..2..1... GO!" You started speeding up, you looked at your rearview mirror, you're leading of course, you smirked and started speeding up more.

You were enjoying the view when suddenly pulled the brake. "What the f-...." Kris was there in a black-white shiny car. "Move" you shouted. You looked back and saw Chanyeol. He furrowed his brows. You started to lose your patience. "Yah, you angry bird. MOVE. NOW" you hit his car with your helmet.
He went out and pulled you to the car. Your face was only inches away from him. "Don't you dare to mess up with me. Or you'll......" 
"I'll what??" You stared at him intensely. You punched his stomach. He growled in pain. "It's YOU who better not messing up" you walked back to your motor when you realized that the EXO-K boys were there.
"THE RACE IS OVER. GO AWAY NOW" you knew you were rude but you didn't care. You ride your motor to the opposite direction and left the 7 boys behind.



Sorry for making you kicking Kris.. I couldn't think anything else. So yeah...
I hope you like it.

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krisyou #1
First comment yay ^^