I hope he doesn’t become like his grandfather.






Tears start forming in Tao’s eyes as he looks at the grinning little boy in front of him. To say that he’s cute is definitely an understatement the—combination of his parents’ faces are just too perfect.

And of course, he had a big participation in it.

After all, the mother of this kid in front of him was his child.

“Oh my Joongki-yah! I missed you!” Tao dramatically sobs as he brings his (excuse me and you for saying this) grandchild to his arms. The little boy grins and hugs his (again, excuse) grandmother with the same passion. Yixing and Joonmyun grins at the view before moving to give respect to Kris.

“I missed you too, Nai nai!” Joongki replies and kisses Tao’s cheek.

“It’s not like you haven’t seen him for years, Tao-ah.” Kris says while chuckling at his wife’s pitiful state of not wanting to be separated with his grandchild.  He moves to ruffle the boy’s hair before kissing his wife’s head.

Tao gives him a playful glare before smiling at Joongki and inviting him to his kitchen for a snack he prepared awhile ago while waiting for them.




 Joongki is three years old. He was rather a bit short for his age but he believes that he’ll grow up as tall as his grandfather because his grandmother says so. His skin was a mixture of pink and white—in which he himself thinks it’s scary because he looks like a human nugget (or how does he put it in a better way). His lips were thin but perfectly shaped; eyes are pure black which always seemed to sparkling; nose is perfect enough for his face. Most of his parents’ friends would tell him that he’s such a flower boy but of course, he doesn’t understand what it meant because, again, he’s just three years old.

The moment Yixing gave birth to him, Tao wasn’t sure of the reaction he’ll show, not even the suitable emotion he should feel. He made sure to look at Kris (who doesn’t seem to age, like him) for a definite reaction and he sees an unexplainable happiness plastered on his face.

It’s not that Tao wasn’t happy about it, actually, he was. It’s just that, he felt that time flew too fast because as far as he know, a long time ago, Yixing was just a little boy running inside the house, laughing with him while eating his spaghetti. Yixing was just a little boy who’s taking care of his little brother; he was just a little boy take things optimistically. He realized how he wasn’t able to let go of his son yet, he realized he won’t be able to take seeing his son having his own family because he’ll just miss everything they had years ago.

It made Tao a little teary-eyed while thinking about it but when he was finally able to hold Joongki in his hands, every thoughts he had in his mind were washed away and that all he can say at that time was,

“I hope he doesn’t become like his grandfather.”


That’s sickly sweet.




“Umma, where’s Luhan? He hasn’t been here all day.” Yixing inquires while placing the plates on the table. Joonmyun and Kris were on the living room, having a chat. Joongki was beside his grandmother, because he doesn’t want to let go of him.

“He’s busy with work, don’t worry, he’ll be home soon along with Sehun.” Tao replies and pinches Joongki’s cheeks; he motions the little boy to sit on the little chair so that he can eat dinner.

“I see. How’s their relationship? I mean, do they plan to take it to the next stage?” Yixing asks again but then gives a guffaw about his question but Tao didn’t seem happy about the inquiry and just shrugged about it.

“Umma?” Yixing calls but Tao doesn’t respond, instead he turns to his grandchild. “Sweetie, call your Ye ye and Daddy, tell them food’s ready.” The little boy moves from his seat and follows his grandmother’s command.

“Umma?” Yixing calls out again. “Is this about my question earlier?”

Tao shrugs again and grabs a big pitcher of water in the fridge. Yixing looks at him with concern and moves so that he can face Tao.

“Umma, you don’t want Luhan to get married?” Yixing asks and Tao looks at him with teary eyes while nodding softly at his question.

“Why? He’s actually in the right age to marry.”

“But if he marries, he’s gonna leave your Appa and I alone, it’s not like you and Joongki would come here often.” Tao says, Yixing sighs and grabs him for a hug.

“At least, Appa is still with you and don’t worry, we’ll try to visit here often. Seriously, it’s kinda your fault to, you know? You should’ve given birth to at least seven kids, at least, you wouldn’t complain about us leaving you.”

Tao laughs and smacks his child’s shoulder. “You bad kid!”

“I love you, Umma.”

“Nai nai! Pretty-imo and his boyfriend are here!”



They decided to sleep late that night; it was a good time for family time anyway. Sehun decided or more like was persuaded to stay for the night. Tao and Kris already tucked Joongki in to sleep before they went to the living room again to have some conversations and eat midnight snacks.

They went to their rooms at around one am since Luhan said that he would still be early for his work tomorrow along with Sehun and their job didn’t allow break, Joonmyun and Yixing didn’t really have problems at all because it was vacation time and their company, unlike, Sehun’s and Luhan’s, it allowed rest time for summer months. The oldest (coughs) couple went to their room too to finally sleep and gain energy for tomorrow’s activity.

“Kris, what if Luhan and Sehun decide to get married?” Tao asks out of the blue while resting his head on husband’s chest.

“Then let them, they’re old enough to decide on it.” Kris says. He hugs his spouse closer before kissing his hair.

“Won’t you get lonely?” Tao says and looks up; he meets Kris face.

“Why would I when you’re here with me?”

“Idiot. That’s not what I meant—”

“I know, okay? But Luhan isn’t getting any younger and if he ever decides on marrying Sehun then so be it. I know that we won’t really feel lonely because he’s going to visit us too, just like what Yixing does every time. Now, why don’t you stop thinking about it and enjoy every moment with me? We’re still a bit young to be grandparents you know?” Kris says and hugs Tao again. He brings his leg over Tao’s and cuddles him closer.

“Baby, that’s because you made me pregnant while we were still in school.”

“And that’s because you actually allowed yourself to be pregnant with my baby, sweetheart.”

“You didn’t use that time, okay!”

“That’s because you said it’s not needed anymore!”

“Shut up!”



“Nai nai?”


“What’s ?"




Of course you didn't expect that. Don't worry, me too. PMSL

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Alright. Please wait for the Sulay wedding and Hunhan wedding and of course, Grandma Tao :D


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: hahahah bratty Luhan
Oh gosh... This was so funny! :D
CrazyTine #3
Chapter 5: HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! I love this! And it really helped because I ship the couples! XD LOLOLOLOL!
Chapter 5: This is great and i want more~~ pls~ hunhan and kaisoo
Chapter 5: aww i want moar ~ cant get enough of this :P sulay is so cute esp when suho propose lay aww so cute man :3 and yeah taoris are getting older xD
BlackBrownPearl #6
Chapter 5: I can't get enough of this ><
Ladyghai #7
Chapter 5: haha its so cute super duper cute story. wahh they have adorable family ;)
AeChaPark #8
Chapter 5: adorable! SuLay, HunHan, TaoRis, KaiSoo! I love it!
Chapter 5: hunhan and sulay are so adorable aksjsvishs ; n ;