Of course Joonmyun-ah, I'll marry you!



A/N: I don't know why you guys kept on asking for a sequel  because this fic is a crap but omg here ok, here!!!1 because my mind was kinda up for this and it was sobbing for part ii of my love. lol idk. but i hope you like it. comments are appreciated, i swear. i'm sorry for the mistakes but i'm already sleepy so uhh, yeah. 


Sequel (?)




Yixing is aware that he is just a five-year old kid.

He knew that he didn’t have enough knowledge about reality, after all, he’s just that young, and he didn’t want to act too mature for his age. However, it sometimes annoyed him when things are too hard to understand which leaves him in confusion (he’ll just call it confusion because he can’t think of any other word).

And Yixing hated being confused.

Confusion first entered his life when Joonmyun transferred to his school and became his friend. Yixing was confused why Joonmyun entered their school a little later than the usual period, or why their lives seemed to be a bit shuffled–it should actually be him who ought to be a transferee from China but it was Joonmyun and he, Yixing, is a permanent resident of Korea even though he’s a full-blooded Chinese.

More and more confusions entered his life and everything of which was always paired with Joonmyun, and it already disturbed him. He had never seen a boy that pretty, sure, his cousin Sehun is a pretty boy but Joonmyun had another definition in him of prettiness and Yixing didn’t care if the adjective doesn’t sound good for boys, it fits Joonmyun anyway.

At first, Yixing thought that saying I love you is just a normal thing. After all, he would say this to his mom and dad every night when they would read him bed time stories, or when his mom or dad drives him to school, or when he’s with his friends, because all of them (Yixing and his friends) thought, I love you is a simple expression of love. (Well, technically, it is, unless you put some action in it.)

At first too, Yixing thought that marrying is just some kind of thing you say when you want to express your affection–when you admire someone so much that you want to be with him forever. Well, that’s what his mother had told him (Tao would like to deny that, thank you very much.). Sure, there had been a lot of times when he announced that he was going to marry his father (and he didn’t really have any idea that it was wrong until Joonmyun told him about it) and he didn’t understand why his mother told him it’s not possible (he didn’t want to hear further so he would cover his ears with his palms).

However, those first thoughts seemed to be wrong when Joonmyun became his friend. The first time he said I love you to Joonmyun, Yixing tried hard not to blush and express it as casually as possible so the other won’t notice. And then there, that was the first time Yixing felt his heart beat go wrong. He clutched his shirt to stop the throbbing feeling but it just won’t stop, not unless when Joonmyun wasn’t already near him.  Did his mom feel this way before too?

And when he said that he was going to marry Joonmyun in the future, he had to pry off the weird thoughts and feelings he had. He didn’t understand why his heartbeat would go pulsate faster again and that he was scared to repeat those words again.

Yixing was scared of what was happening to him. Was he sick?




“This is the fourth month, Yixing-ah.” Joonmyun said. He and Yixing were resting under the shaded tree while finishing off the snacks their moms made this morning. Yixing didn’t respond although he looked at him, his face telling him to continue.

“Fourth month since we met.” Joonmyun grinned and intertwined hands with Yixing and raised their hands covering a little bit of the sun’s circumference. Yixing blushed and nodded, and of course, Joonmyun was oblivious to the whole scene. The latter had been staring too happily in their intertwined hands.

“Yixing-ah, you and I will marry one day, right…our promise to each other?” Joonmyun spoke for the second time and Yixing felt it again, his ever obnoxious heart repeating the onomatopoeia – dugeun dugeun. There’s something with the way Joonmyun says it, it was almost too real and it was scary (and little Yixing isn’t able to understand it, yet).

“Of course Joonmyun-ah, I’ll marry you!” Yixing replied and kissed Joonmyun in the cheek, he completely ignored the feeling of fireworks in his body.

Yixing didn’t mind being confused, as long as he and Joonmyun stays this way, he’ll never ask his mom about this weird feeling in him.




On the eighth month, Yixing wondered why his school kept on accepting transferees even if summer break was so near.

A month ago, a doe eyed boy transferred to their school. Yixing didn’t define him as a pretty boy but he classified him as a cute boy, though. Whenever Kyungsoo (the doe eyed boy’s name) would smile, Yixing thought that the boy was almost cuter than the alpaca stuffed toy his dad gave him.

At first, Yixing thought that Joonmyun being friends with Kyungsoo was fine. It was good since the number of his friends were growing and growing. However, when Yixing noticed that Joonmyun spends most of his time with Kyungsoo, his five-year old heart seemed to have broken a little, and he doesn’t even know why.

Before, Joonmyun would join him on snack time and share food with him. Now, Joonmyun would go to Kyungsoo first before turning to him. Before, Joonmyun would play with him in the swing; he would be the one to gently push the swing back and forth for Yixing. Now, he does it for Kyungsoo. Before, Joonmyun would always spend his Saturdays on Yixing’s house. Now, he just stays there in afternoon because he goes to Kyungsoo’s house in the morning.

Yixing pried off his thoughts again. He didn’t know why he was hurt, and he didn’t want to get mad at him because both Joonmyun and Kyungsoo are his friends. But then again, he can’t stop his heart from weeping silently.

He started avoiding Joonmyun and Kyungsoo since then.

Few more days and little Joonmyun confronted him about it.

(“Yixing-ah, why are you avoiding me?”)

He didn’t answer. Instead, he ran away while trying to stop himself from sobbing.

Yixing didn’t want to be confused anymore; he wanted to know what’s happening with him.




“Umma…” Yixing sat beside his mother, who at that time was singing a song for the baby in his tummy. Yes, Tao was pregnant; he found about it a month after Kris had deliberately suggested to him that they should make another troublesome child.

“Yes, Yixing-ie?” Tao turned to his son and tucked him in his lap, Yixing on the other hand, placed his ears on his mommy’s tummy before turning again to his mother.

“What do you call it when you hear your heart always say dugeun dugeun and when you see a person a heat creeps into your face and you keep thinking of the same person all night and now he made a new friend and he seemed to spend more time with him than mine and it made me so sad and it made me cry?”

Tao almost wanted to laugh because of the word vomit but he controlled himself when he saw his son’s face filled with confusion. He kissed his son’s nose before answering.

“You’re in love, Yixing-ah.”

Yixing frowned. “But I have always been in love, Umma, I’m in love with you, with Appa.”

Tao shook his head. “No, no, Yixing. You’re in love, like in a really different way.”

Yixing’s frown was deeper this time, Tao sighed and decided to explain things even if he knew that his son is just a five-year old kid and it was barely understandable for him.

“You’re in love the way Umma is in love with Appa, and how Appa is in love with Umma. That’s why your heart says dugeun dugeun whenever you see that person. Your heart hurts when you see him with another boy because you’re jealous. A person in love feels jealousy because they can’t take it when the person they love is with another that’s why you felt really sad.”

“Was Joonmyun the reason why you’re sad these days?” Tao knew it was Joonmyun his son was talking about and Yixing wasn’t surprised his mom knew. The little boy nodded and he hugged his child.

“Tell Joonmyun you’re jealous, he’s quite mature for his age, he might understand. And I know Joonmyun is a good kid, he loves you too and he won’t really hurt you. Maybe he has a reason why he has to spend more time with another one.” Tao suggested and Yixing nodded again.

“Thank you, Umma, I love you.” Yixing said and hugged his mom tighter. Tao chuckled and kissed his child’s hair.

“Umma, when will baby Luhan come out? I’m excited.” Yixing asked and looked at his mom’s face.

“Next month, Yixing-ah, Umma and Appa are excited too.” Tao replied, Yixing grinned.




“Yixing-ah, please stop avoiding me.” Joonmyun said. It was the day after Yixing talked to his mom about his problem. He was able to sleep well after he found a clear answer to his confusions and right now, he isn’t afraid to reveal everything to Joonmyun.

“I was jealous.” Yixing said. Joonmyun was taken aback. He stared at Yixing, who was staring at the trees at that time. They were in their favorite spot that time.

“Jealous of?” Joonmyun asked.

“Kyungsoo. Ever since he came here, you spent most of your time with him. I thought you forgot about me and our promise.”

Joonmyun raised his hands in panic, “No! I’m sorry! My brother needed my help for him to become close to Kyungsoo that’s why I spent most of my time with him. I’m sorry Yixing-ah! And no! I’ll never forget our promise!” He was frantic since Yixing might hate him already.

But Yixing kissed him in the cheek. “It’s okay Joonmyun-ah, I understand. I’m not mad anymore. I love you, okay?”

Joonmyun blushed. “I love you too, Yixing-ah. You’ll marry me, right?”

“Of course, Joonmyun-ah.”




It turns out to be that Joonmyun’s little brother named Jongin had a crush on Kyungsoo that’s why he pestered the older to be friends with the doe eyed boy, that’s why Joonmyun wasn’t able to spend more time with Yixing. Fortunately, Yixing was like his mother who was understandable enough for every situation.

At least, everything was okay now. Joonmyun was able to spend more time with him again.

A month has passed by and Yixing can’t help but to wish for this to last forever.




“Is this really the new trend of kids’ attitudes?” Tao asked his husband who was arranging Yixing’s bed sheet. They just finished their bed time story telling to their child.

“What do you mean?” Kris turned to Tao and placed his hand on his wife’s waist, left hand turning off the switch of the lights.

“Well, when I was five, I was still debating with myself whether I was a panda or a human.” Tao said innocently and Kris chuckled.

“You mean, kids can already behave more properly for their age but you can’t before?” Kris asked, earning a smack from his wife.

Tao speeds up his walk when he felt something.

“Kris…” He turns to his husband.


“I think, Luhan is coming out.”











A/N (again): I had to rewrite the part ii of my love because i thought of another (bad) plot for it. i'm so sorry for the delay ugh. anyway, i was really busy with uni and omg it was my birthday last sunday and i became sick on monday ugh ugh and my mind wasn't really up for writing but poof! it suddenly became creative. wae wae wae wae. 


wae wae wae wae

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Alright. Please wait for the Sulay wedding and Hunhan wedding and of course, Grandma Tao :D


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 3: hahahah bratty Luhan
Oh gosh... This was so funny! :D
CrazyTine #3
Chapter 5: HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! I love this! And it really helped because I ship the couples! XD LOLOLOLOL!
Chapter 5: This is great and i want more~~ pls~ hunhan and kaisoo
Chapter 5: aww i want moar ~ cant get enough of this :P sulay is so cute esp when suho propose lay aww so cute man :3 and yeah taoris are getting older xD
BlackBrownPearl #6
Chapter 5: I can't get enough of this ><
Ladyghai #7
Chapter 5: haha its so cute super duper cute story. wahh they have adorable family ;)
AeChaPark #8
Chapter 5: adorable! SuLay, HunHan, TaoRis, KaiSoo! I love it!
Chapter 5: hunhan and sulay are so adorable aksjsvishs ; n ;