Love is Inevitable

Myunhee POV

The picture of the girl in the picture was driving me crazy. I was so curious on what her relationship was with Myungsoo. Were they best friends, was she his lover, or was she someone special? Questions filled my mind demanding me for answers. Sleeping that night wasn’t easy as thoughts kept popping in my head.

I rubbed my tired eyes; I checked the time, it read 9:30am. There was no need to rush as there isn’t school today as the teachers were on strike. I lazily walked out of my room and did my usual routines. I walked into the kitchen, to smell the sweet aroma of pancakes.

“Mmm” I murmured.

Myungsoo pushed a plate of pancakes in my hands and left me there standing.

“Where are you going?” I asked as I noticed he was dressed and heading towards the front door.

“Out” came his short reply.

“You’re always leaving me here alone” I pouted.

“Don’t you have friends?” Myungsoo asked.

“Yes, of course. But you and I haven’t really hanged out since we started living together” I said sadly.

“Well as you can see, I’m busy” Myungsoo said as he opened the door and closed it behind him.

I grumbled incoherent words before walking down the hall. I stopped in front of Myungsoos room. Debating whether to go in or not. Just as I was about to turn the knob of the door, the front door opened.

I jumped back in surprise, I pretended to walk into my room, when I saw Myungsoo round the corner and entered his room.

“I forgot my phone” Myungsoo grumbled to me.

He grabbed his phone and left.

I waited for at least 10 minutes to make sure that he wouldn’t come back again. I carefully walked inside the room and pulled out the box again. It was still in the same spot as last time, blowing away the dust from the lid.

This time actually having the time to read what was written in the letter. I inspected the paper, it looked like it had been crinkled and scrunched up, it looked like Myungsoo had been crying while reading this, anyhow I started reading it.


To: Myungsoo Oppa

Well to start things off, I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. I know you loved me dearly and I used that as an advantage in getting what I want. The fact that you still loved me, even after all the things I put you through, it is impressive. Although I’m not too happy to have treated the way I have.

As I lay in the hospital bed everything came back to me, I remember the time I yelled at you for no reason or the time I slapped and hit you. I know they were all wrong doings and I shouldn’t have done those things. It’s too late now, I know you probably still care about me, I know you still love me but me leaving you is a good thing. At least I won’t be there to bother you, scream at you or even hit you.

The guiltiness is taking over my body; the pain that I gave you isn’t forgivable. So promise me you won’t forgive me and forget about me. I’m not worth remembering at all, all I’ve done is cause you pain and hardships.

The days that you stood by my side, the things we did together, everything was just amazing, from the first time you confessed to me. To be honest I never knew that someone like you would like someone like me.

I know, don’t cry when you read this, don’t bother even keeping this letter after you’ve read it. I don’t want to bring back bad memories, I don’t want you to fell hurt all over again.

Ps. forget me and live on.

From the love of your life,

                                                Nam Sunhee


Tears rolled down my cheeks. The fact that Myungsoo had been treated this way was heartbreaking. Was she the one in the rumours? The mysterious girl that had apparently dated myungsoo.

The rumours finally made sense as I had the whole story in my hands. Although it was short, it was long enough to tell me what had happened.

I scavenged through the box. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but the curiousness was killing me on the inside.

I picked up a heart shaped locket, I opened the heart and there was another picture. The girl in the picture and Myungsoo was leaning in for picture. Their cheeks touched, I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I noticed that he was smiling this time, his usual cold expression was gone leaving him with a grin.

I smiled, he definitely looked better smiling.

“What are you doing?” A voice roared from the door.

I gulped as I turned around slowly. There standing at the door was Myungsoo, his face hardened as he saw the locket in my hands.

“What are you doing in here?” Myungsoo asked again sternly walking closer to me.

“i.. I was…” I couldn’t find the right words to say, nonetheless anything I could say to not make him mad.

The closer he got the scarier he became. I stood up dropping the locked on the floor. He continued walking closer, and I inched towards the wall. I hit the wall as his hands hit the wall beside my head.

“You don’t just go through other peoples stuff without permission. How would you like it I went through your personal stuff? How would you feel” Myungsoo yelled.

I looked down; every word stabbed my aching heart. I know he was right, and I was wrong.

“I’m sorry” I whispered.

“Sorry doesn’t help doesn’t it? Sorry doesn’t erase your memory. It doesn’t make you forget what you had just saw” Myungsoo yelled once again.

Tears were b my eyes, blurring my vision.

“Don’t ever come in here again” Myungsoo yelled as he clenched his hands around my wrist and literally threw me out of the room.

I began sobbing as my back hit the wall. Tears uncontrollably slid down my cheeks.

“Stupid, why do I always make him mad?”


Authors note:

Here you go, another updare!

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JungChaeWon #1
Chapter 4: Nice!lease update soon!!
JungChaeWon #2
Chapter 4: Nice!lease update soon!!
SongJiMun5 #3
Chapter 4: Update soon, please updtae soon, your fanfic is really good. *
crazykpoper #4
Chapter 4: Wow, myunghee like myungsoo even before their parents bet married ?!
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Please update soon ^^ Awesome story so far!!
I hope Myungsoo forgives her. . .
Chapter 4: O.O I hope myungsoo will forgive her ...
Chapter 4: :'( I think sooner or later, myungsoo will start being good to her?