Love is Inevitable

Myunghee POV


I carefully placed the cooked dishes on the dining room table and sat myself down on one side of the table, waiting patiently for Myungsoo to come. When he finally came he cautiously sat on the opposite side of me. He glanced at me before he looked at the food and made a face.

Nonetheless, he picked up his chopsticks and placed some food in his mouth. I too picked up my chopsticks and was about to eat when he began coughing violently, choking on the food that he had just placed in his mouth. I hurriedly got up, scraping my chair against the wooden floor boards in the process and went to get him a glass of water. I placed it on the table for him to take before I began patting his back as he drank the water in big gulps.

“Did you even taste test this?” was the first words that came out of his mouth after the coughing had stopped.

“Um, no I haven’t. I thought I’d try to make something nice, although I’m just a beginner. It’s the first time I’m cooking for someone” I said nervously.

“Why would a beginner make such a difficult recipe” Myungsoo yelled as his face hardened.

Uh-oh, this wasn’t a good sign.

“I’m sorry, I thought I was doing something good for you” I whispered.

“Choking me is a good thing?” Myungsoo stated as he stood up and walked away.

“Oppa, mian” I shouted.

“Don’t call me oppa” Myungsoo said as he entered his room with a slam of the door.

“Great Myunghee, you’ve officially made him mad” I said as I heaved a sigh.


Shall I tell you my past? How everything became like this?

It all started when my mum died about ten years ago, when I was only 7. She got into a car accident and died at the scene as she was losing too much blood. Ever since that day appa hadn’t been looking for a new lover until Myungsoos mum came along. It started off as friends but it soon got to the stage where appa had fallen for her.

Before I knew it they were married. After a week or two after getting married they decided to buy a house, close to a school that I currently attended. They had only stayed in the house for no more than two days, before appa and my new omma decided to go live in busan, me and Myungsoo was then left behind alone. Not a very good setup I must say.

Well the first time we met, he didn’t particularly like me, although I obviously really liked him. His actions towards me showed that he hated this new arrangement but he kept it to himself and well today, today was the first day I had made him officially mad. It was our first night alone and I had already set a bad first impression, am I right?


I carefully walked down the hall, careful to not make a sound; afraid that if I made a noise he would yell at me again. When I had successfully made it into my room safely I let out a big breath as I had been holding it in. I made my way to my table by the window and started on an assignment that was due in tomorrow.

It was way past my bedtime as I checked the time on my phone – 11:00pm; it had taken me more than an hour to finish the whole assignment. I yawned as I climbed into my comfortable bed. My eyes shut automatically and I fell into a deep slumber, forgetting to set my alarm.


“WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD” Myungsoo yelled in my ear as I shot awake.

I immediately began brushing my hair with my fingers.

“We have school” Myungsoo stated as he left.

My face blushed red as I bit my lower lip.

“His bed hair” I mumbled happily.

I began my journey into the bathroom; I crashed into random objects on the way as I was still a little drowsy. I opened the bathroom door tiredly as my eyes scanned the bathroom. I let out a loud gasp as I saw Myungsoo. There he stood shirtless brushing his teeth. I immediately closed the door behind me as I blushed a deep shade of red.

“Ever heard of knocking” Myungsoo said as he exited the bathroom fully dressed.

“Ah, I’ll remember it next time” I mumbled as the image of Myungsoo shirtless popped into my head once again.

“Ah” I whispered as I hit my head lightly.

I began getting reading, combing through my messy hair and doing my usual routines.

I walked down the hall fully dressed; grabbing a scone from the table that Myungsoo had left for me.


Til now I still couldn’t believe that the love of my life was living under the same roof as me.


Authors note:

So heres the first chapter, i hope you enjoy it!

make sure to leave me ur thoughts in the comment box

comment and subscribe!

oh and also i dont like silent readers and hello subscribers and commentors! (:

please check out my one shot as well!


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JungChaeWon #1
Chapter 4: Nice!lease update soon!!
JungChaeWon #2
Chapter 4: Nice!lease update soon!!
SongJiMun5 #3
Chapter 4: Update soon, please updtae soon, your fanfic is really good. *
crazykpoper #4
Chapter 4: Wow, myunghee like myungsoo even before their parents bet married ?!
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Please update soon ^^ Awesome story so far!!
I hope Myungsoo forgives her. . .
Chapter 4: O.O I hope myungsoo will forgive her ...
Chapter 4: :'( I think sooner or later, myungsoo will start being good to her?