Chapter 2

Fly by Night

The two barely made it to class on time, but they managed. Saejin sat in her designated seat in the back corner. She daydreamed while resting her head on her hand, looking out the window. She learned to block out the other students' talk. When students is mentioned, it is mostly about the other girls. How they loved to gossip.

The teacher tapped his desk, beginning the start of the lesson. "Guys, sit down and be quiet. The bell rang already." He looked through his notes. "Okay. First order of business. We have a new student, so be nice. It's still the first month."

The door opened from the hallway and a boy walked to the front of the class with his bag slung over one shoulder. He was pretty tall and unorganized.

"Yo. Kai imnida." He held up a hand and brought it back down to his side. All the girls were basically all over him, leaning in on their desks and all.

"Let's see.. Kim Jongin..." The teacher flipped through his clipboard, saying his real name and receiving a small glare from Kai. "The only other seat is the one by Sejin. So, if you would." He held out a hand motioning for Kai to go to the seat.

Kai looked at Saejin and hesitated, but he walked over anyway. She wouldn't have minded, but the whole class started whispering.

"Poor guy."

"Good luck."

"I'm glad I'm not him."

Saejin shifted. She was used to it, yet it still amazed her how they didn't even know her, but still talked.

She heard the chair screech next to her, not caring to turn and look.

"Saejin, right?"

Now she had no choice but to look. She only shifted her eyes and nodded.

"I'm Kai." He smiled, holding out a hand.

She only looked at it. "I heard."

"Right." He his lips and looked around, pulling his hand back slowly.

The teacher started talking again. "I'm sure you read everything yesterday, so why don't you talk with your partners about the assignment from last night. Remember, if you got the same answers, it says a lot." He went back to grading papers on his desk.

Saejin got out her papers and a pencil, then looked at Kai. "I'm guessing you didn't do the assignment, did you?"

"How could I? I just transferred in today." He joked. But when he saw Saejin keeping her straightforward expression, he turned away. "Am I annoying you?"

She looked up and widened her eyes. "What? No, no. It's just the morning. And my brother. I woke up late too."

"You have a brother?"

"2, actually." She shook her head. "Stop trying to change the subject. We're supposed to be talking about history."

"But how can I when I haven't read anything yet?" He gave her a knowing look.

Saejin narrowed her eyes. "Alright then." She closed her book but kept her papers out. They looked at each other, Kai with curiosity and Saejin with suspicion.

Kai leaned back in his chair. "You're pretty boring."

"I told you, it's the morning."

"You have shown no signs of emotion this whole morning."

"I told you I'm tired." She shot back. "It happens."


"Saejin! Jongin!" The teacher yelled from his desk.

They both looked at each other. "Sorry." They said at the same time.

Kai looked at her. "That was so your fault."

Saejin laughed a little. "Whatever. You called me boring."

"Well, you are!" He argued. "You have no action in your life whatsoever!"

Saejin smirked right when the teacher pulled out a few worksheets from his desk. "You couldn't be more wrong." She murmured.

It was time for lunch. Saejin sat underneath one of the huge trees on campus that rested on a hill overlooking a forest. It was calming. There were no problems at all. She didn't have to think or worry about what she would have to do later that day. Like usual, she would go out with her family. Typical Thursday night.

She laid down on the ground, resting her hands on the grass next to her. She opened her eyes and found Himchan peering down at her, hands in his pockets. "Sup, sis?"

With a sigh, she sat up and took a bite of her sandwich. "Nothing. You?"

"Gosh no." He took a seat next to her. "I.. Have a confession."

Saejin blinked at him. "Wae?"

"I.. The thing is.. Saejin, I need.." He hesitated. "Well..."

"Just spit it out."

He shut his eyes hard. "I need help with my physics project."

Saejin gave him a look. "That's all? I guess." She shrugged, taking another bite.

"Really?!" He smiled huge.

"Yah! Kim Himchan!" A voice roared from across the walkway. Coming towards Saejin and Himchan were 3 other boys in their grade. "Why ask her and not me?!"

"Because she'll actually take things seriously!"

"I take things seriously all the time!"

Himchan sighed. "Fine, will you help me with my project?"

Yongguk showed his signature gummy smile and shook his head. "No. I have better things to do than help you with some ridiculous project."

"Oh really?" Saejin raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Yongguk answered.

Daehyun jumped onto Yongguk's back to see over his shoulders at them. "We're coming over today."

"If that's okay." Jongup scratched the back of his head.

"Fine with me." Saejin shrugged. Himchan mentally face palmed himself.

"I guess. But we're going out tonight, with my dad, and Zelo if he comes home in time."

Yongguk nodded. "Speaking of him, where is he?"

The youngest brother was only a year behind the rest, but he was also younger. Zelo, as he would rather be called, was still on a mission with his own group, and wouldn't be back until later that day.

"It won't hurt our job tonight," Saejin started and stared Daehyun up and down. "If this guy doesn't mess up again."

Daehyun started getting defensive. "Okay, that was one time and that stupid el-" he stopped short when he noticed someone else coming their way.

"Lookie here, you do have friends!" Kai joined in and leaned on the tree, taking a bite of a cookie.

Daehyun's face got red. If he would've said the whole word, it would've been over. "Who're you?" He looked him up and down.

"Are you kidding me?" Saejin said under her breath and got up. "Alright, guys. This is Kim Jongin. He transferred to my class today."

"It's Kai." He cleared.

"And this is-"

"Yongguk." He answered for himself.

Daehyun stuck his hands in his pockets. "Daehyun."

"I'm Jongup." Jongup held out a hand, which Kai took. The rest stared in disbelief. Only Jongup.

"Which ones are your brothers?" Kai looked at Saejin.

"Zelo's sick today." She lied.

Himchan stood up and clenched his jaw. "I'm her other brother, Himchan."

Saejin nudged him. "Yah, oppa, you're not intimidating anyone."

He laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. "I know I told you to keep it a secret, but it's okay to let people know I'm dangerous." Yongguk laughed in his hand.

"And there's one more, but he's not here right now and his name is Youngjae." Saejin finished. "Where is he anyway?"

"Tutoring." Jongup answered. Saejin nodded in understandment.

"Anyway, what classes do you have?" Kai held up his schedule, allowing Saejin to look over it.

"Oh, we have history and math together." She answered, handing he she back to him.

"Alright. That's all." He turned. "See ya." He said, walking back into the building.

"I don't like the looks of that guy." Himchan narrowed his eyes. "Something is off or something."

"It's because he might look better than you." Daehyun boldly said, hiding behind Yongguk. Himchan faked coming after him, but stayed where he was.

"See you guys in class." Saejin smiled and threw away her trash to go inside.

Himchan groaned. "Math! Nooo!"

Jongup patted his shoulder. "It's okay. It's only math."

"I will flipping go off on someone if we have a quiz today." He puffed and walked into the building also.

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exo-snsd #1
ubdate soon^^